The Plan

Liu Yifei took a deep breath and placed the urn containing her mother's ashes in the ground dug near the viburnum tree. Her mother always liked this tree. It was the tree that she had brought from her planet, Rui.

Her mother, Qi Jia belonged to the royal family of the planet Rui. She was the youngest child of her family so everybody dotted on her. They never pressured her to take part in royal discussion. All her life she was pampered and was dotted upon. That's why she became so innocent and pure with no malice in her heart. One day she decided to travel across the galaxy in disguise. It was then she came to Liu Yifei's planet, Sailan. Here she met her father Liu Ye and both of them fell in love with each other. Unlike Qi Jia's home planet which was governed by single aristocratic family and was considered as one country, Sailan was divided into many big and small countries each having its own ruler. Unlike Rui, Sailan was not a prosperous planet and lacked natural resources.

Liu Yifei' country, Guang was considered one of the prosperous countries in Sailan. Even though they had martial relation with Rui, Liu Ye never took any kind of help from them.

Liu covered the urn with the mud with her bare hands. Her heart wrenched in pain and her whole persona was engulfed in sadness. At this moment, the cool spring breeze blew, making some of the pure white flower of viburnum tree fall on her. She looked up and whispered, "Is this your way of showing that you are with me mother?" after a pause her gaze became melancholic, she lowered her lashes and stared at the ground where she had just buried the urn and whispered, "Sorry for coming late mother. Sorry for the injustice that you have suffered." She took a deep breath to calm her heart and returned to the reception room where funeral luncheon was held.

Unknown to her two majestic eyes were constantly staring at her, observing her every action. These two majestic eyes belonged to a boy around the age of fifteen-sixteen-year-old.

"Xiao Wei come here". His concentration broke when someone called his name. "Yes master". He replied and followed the owner of the voice.

At the banquet, the whole reception room fell in silence when the butler announced the presence of an important guest of the evening, Wen Cheng, the right-hand man of the king of Wei Min planet.

Wei Min planet and Sailan were always at war and Guang was one of the main reasons that they were not able to take the planet. It is only during recent times that they have signed a peace treaty. From her Liu Yifei remembered that when Guang fell from grace, Wei Min with the help of it's neighboring countries attacked Guang. Liu Yifei clearly knew that they were wolves in a sheep clothing and the treaty is just one of their empty promises.

As soon as the butler announced their presence, A tall, fair skinned man in purple robes entered the avenue. He was the right-hand man of king Lei Mingli of Wei Min planet. Beside him were two boys. One of them seemed to be an extrovert as his eyes glanced at all the people in the banquet. Beside him there was another boy of fifteen-sixteen year of age and he seemed a bit introvert. The second boy had his face down all the time and it seemed that he was hiding behind Wen Cheng. it was clear that he was uncomfortable under all the stares and attention that was on him.

Liu Yifei's attention was attracted towards the second boy. He was ordinary looking but there was something about him which seemed off. Even though he was hiding himself behind Wen Cheng, Liu Yifei's old soul can clearly see through his acting. He was just portraying himself to be a shy child. Even though she could not tell his cultivation level but sensing his aura she could tell that his cultivation level was higher, even much higher than the king's right-hand man.

"Is this boy a danger?" Liu Yifei thought and her gaze became cold.

The second boy must have felt someone staring at him and raised his head to look at that direction. His eyes met with the cold eyes of a twelve-year-old girl, Liu Yifei's eyes.

The boy panicked, but within seconds composed himself "Has she identified my true identity?" he thought in his heart. He widened his aura to sense the cultivation level of Liu Yifei but couldn't find any trace of mana in her body. He relaxed. "She is just a little girl with no cultivation level, how could she find my true identity." He thought to himself.

Liu Yifei was shocked too when their eyes met. He had the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen. His eyes were big and slightly tilted upwards but it was the color of his eyes that attacted her. It was black with a slight red tone to it, which seemed very mesmerizing. Liu Yifei slapped herself for thinking about stupid things and concentrated on observing him.

"Feifei come here. This is Wen Cheng" Liu Ye called her for introduction. Liu Yifei curtsied in front of Wen Cheng elegantly just like an educated lady of aristocratic household would do.

"She would become a great lady in the future, gentle and beautiful." He praised Liu Yifei with a smile.

She smiled and said, "If you don't mind me asking who have accompanied you here Sir Wen?" Liu Yifei said with an innocent expression on her face. It was as if she was asking a general question.

Wen Cheng smile froze for a moment but he regained his smiling expression and chuckled. He pointed to the first boy and said, "This is my oldest son Wen Yan". He then pointed at the second boy and said, "This is my son's personal servant Xiao Xiao."

Liu Yifei nodded with a smile and greeted Wen Yan with a smile. She then excused herself.

She can clearly confirm that something shady was going on. "Is this a forecast of some kind of calamity?" she thought. Her heart heaved in frustration. She is still so useless to sop any harm coming towards her country. In her previous life, no one from Wei Min planet has attended the banquet. She feared that these little things will cause a butterfly effect and somehow will bring destruction to her country earlier than the calculated time.

"I have to become stronger and fast." She murmured to herself. She couldn't keep on going thinking that she still has time left. She had to lay her first step tomorrow.