Liu Yifei is poisoned!

Liu Yifei was in her study room, trying to focus on the book present in front of her. But every time she tries to read through its texts, her mind travels to the past, shaking her heart in terror. She looked outside her window to the garden. It was spring. Nature was slowly regaining its former glory. The green leaves were beginning their growth anew. A sudden blast of cold wind hit Liu Yifei's face making her shiver involuntarily. She closed the book in front of her and walked towards the window in deep thought.

She knew that if her father doesn't allow her to do as she had planned, she had to take drastic steps. She was ready to do it, even it meant hurting her father a bit.

"Princess Fei Fei, here's your tea." She heard a voice coming from her back. Her fist clenched in anger. She swiftly turned around and saw her personal maid approaching her after keeping the tea set on the table, with a smile. But before she could say anything, Liu Yifei slapped her hard across her face.

"Drink that tea in front of me." She roared.

The maid stood there in complete shock holding her left cheek with her left hand. Her eyes teared in pain and an angry expression formed on her face. She stood there holding her cheeks glaring at Liu Yifei as if she hasn't heard anything.

Liu Yifei approached her and slowly said pressing each and every word in anger. "DRINK.THE.TEA.NOW!

Hearing this the maid panicked. She started fidgeting as if she could run away at any moment.

Seeing that the maid was not going to do as she was saying, she shouted, "Guards!" At her single command, two guards that were stationed just outside of her room came inside. Liu Yifei pointed her finger at the maid and commanded them with a heavy voice, "Make her drink the tea, whole tea."

Under her command, without any hesitation, one of the guards grabbed the maid and put his heavyweight on her. The second guard took the teapot in one of his hands and forcefully pried her mouth with his other hand. The maid thrashed her body to loosen the grip so she could run, but the more she jerked and struggled, the more the grip tightened. Her strength was like that of a baby in front of these two hefty guards.

Slowly, all the contents of the teapot were drowned in the maid's mouth. Some of it splashed on the floor and on the maid's clothes, but the majority of it went into her mouth.

Emptying the teapot in the maid's mouth, both of the guards silently stood aside waiting for further instructions from Liu Yifei. Liu Yifei stood there giving no attention to the guards, focusing and observing the maid's reaction.

The maid stopped coughing. Her face was flushed red. Her tongue was burning due to the hot tea. She raised her head and glared at Liu Yifei with her tiny moist eyes. Suddenly she started choking. She held her throat as if she was choking herself. Her eyes were bulging out due to suffocation. The guards panicked at the situation; they couldn't figure out why would the maid try to strangle herself. Both of them looked at each other in shock. They looked at Liu Yifei waiting for instruction so that they could bring medical help. But when they saw Liu Yifei's emotionless face, something drowned onto them, the tea was poisoned. At it was meant for the Princess. Another wave of panic and terror flashed through their faces.

Liu Yifei stood there without moving. It was as if she had nothing to do with it. even seeing a person dying in front of her, she was impassive.

The maid stopped struggling and plopped on the ground with her dead eyes bulging out staring at Liu Yifei. She was still holding her throat tight with both of her hands. Liu Yifei's hand shook slightly when she looked into her dead eyes. The tremor of her hands was so negligible that it can be observed if looked very closely.

"Dump her body in the space." Liu Yifei ordered the guards making them flinch.

Space is the place where the body of most horrible criminals are dumped. Space is the place where the flesh-eating monster lives. They devour the body slowly starting with skin then to bones. It takes months to devour the whole body. The body would be lucky to be devoured by those organisms, if not it will take years for the whole body to decompose. It is the most cruel punishment for anybody. It is said that the soul gets most torture this way. People even fear to go to that place. The aura of death is very heavy at that place. Even the royal guards will flinch thinking about going to that place. Generally, traitors' bodies are dumped in the mass grave without any proper burial.

"And spray the body with the repellant. Go!" Liu Yifei ordered. She will not even let the flesh-eating organisms to decompose the body. She wanted even her soul to suffer. The guards hurriedly carried the body outside her room with fright. They wanted to leave her room as soon as possible. Only one question was roaming in their mind, "Since when did their sweet little Princess become this cruel?"

After they left, Liu Yifei once again walked towards the window. Automatically her right hand touched her neck and her eyes fogged with the memory of her previous life. She could still feel the pain of breathlessness and suffocation. In her previous life, she had drunk the tea. After one cup, she felt as if somebody was choking her. She was little and she couldn't even guess what was happening to her. She could remember her struggling to breathe, her fight to stay alive.

When the maid saw that she had poured the neurotoxin in a high amount, she inserted the injection containing the antidote of the toxin in her body. Later to save herself from any harm, she spread the rumor that the Princess, in the grief of losing her mother was trying to kill herself. Her fingerprints on her neck were clear proof of her trying to commit suicide. Nobody believed her at that time, not even her father. She thought that too. She was even admitted to a mental hospital to undergo a phycological evaluation. There the doctors broke her, making her insecure, and later she turned into a hub of negative emotions. The prime-minister saw this as his opportunity and deemed her as a 'ruler not fit to rule'. He later persuaded the council to marry his daughter and to give a new ruler to the throne.

Later when she was on a run for her life, she got to know about medicines and herbs. It was then she knew about poisons that could damage the brain, making the person kill themselves with their own hand. It was then she got to know that she was poisoned.