You Are So Much Like Your Mother!

Liu Yifei spends the whole day planning her steps carefully taking every action of the past into account. It was late in the evening when her father visited her. He got the news after the court session was over. Hurriedly he rushed to her quarters. "Fei Fei, are you alright?" he called her in panic. he went towards her and cupped her face. He then looked for any sign of discomfort through her eyes. unlike the whole day, now, Liu Yifei's eyes were warm. She smiled at her father and gently removed his hands from her face. "I am fine father." She smiled more brightly, just like any twelve-year-old child to extinguish his father worries.

"Thank god you are alright." Her father released a long breath that he was holding for a long time.

"How did you know about it? Did you heard someone talking or someone told you?" he threw various questions at her.

"Dad.. dad calm down. I will explain everything to you, but before that, I have something to ask. Will you do that for me?" Liu Yifei tried to calm her father.

"Yes of course. Anything for my little princess." Liu Ye replied patting her head lovingly.

Liu Yifei took his hand within her and walked him to her chair. She made him sit on it and she sat on the opposite side of him. She took the teacup and started preparing tea in a traditional way. Even after millions of years, somethings don't change. Her way of making tea was so elegant and was so beautifully done that it was capable of mesmerizing anybody.

"What do you want to say?" Liu Ye couldn't take the silence anymore and spoke. He has a gut feeling that what was about to come was a very decision to make. The situation was giving him the feeling of a meeting between two rulers. He could feel the pressure on him. His eyes zeroed on his twelve-year-old daughter who was peacefully making tea. "Is this the pressure I felt radiated from my daughter?" he was taken aback by his own thought. He annulled his thought when he looked at the serene expression of his daughter.

"Here!" Liu Yifei passed him a cup. Liu Ye took the cup and tasted it. The tea was extremely aromatic and tasted heavenly. He felt his all tiredness melting away. Both of them were drinking the tea in silence.

"I have something to ask you for something." Liu Yifei spoke breaking the serene atmosphere. She had a serious expression on her face.

This time Liu Ye signaled her to continue without directly saying yes to her, like he did previously.

Liu Yifei took a deep breath and said, "Can you lie to the court regarding something?"

Liu Ye frowned on her question. "Speak clearly."

"I want you to lie to the court that you have a son and I have a twin brother." Liu Yifei spoke everything in a single breath.

Her questioned bounced through Liu Ye's head. After wrapping his head around the question and recalling it 2-3 times he awkwardly spoke, "Do you… Do you want to have a brother?" As soon as these words left his mouth his face flushed red in embarrassment. He lightly coughed and said in mock anger, "What are you taught these days? Who taught you these?"

He was about to call the guards to arrest Liu Yifei's tutor when she stopped him

"No, dad. You are getting it wrong. I don't need a brother and definitely not a sister. Can you please listen to me more clearly." She sighed and made him sit again.

"I just want you to lie to the court about having a son. That's it."

This time Liu Ye got her point. He frowned and asked her, "Why would you say that?" he couldn't phantom why would his daughter make him lie about having a son.

"The court will want an heir dad. An heir to the throne." At the end of her statement, her voice dimmed.

"But you ARE my heir. Why would they demand for someone else?"

"I was the heir until mother was alive. They feared the power behind her. But after her death, they will force you to marry someone saying that the country needs a queen. After that, they will force you to produce a male heir saying that I am a girl and will be married off someday and no powerful ruler will leave his own country to be with me." She looked at her father in his eyes and continued, "I don't want their dirty politics to harm our family. Nor I want them to harm my country. You know then better than me father. They will destroy everything."

"You don't have to trouble yourself regarding court matters. I will handle everything." Liu Ye said solemnly.

"No, dad. You don't have to do everything by yourself." She approached him and sat by his side holding both of his hands in her small hands. "Let me help you", she continued, "Today's poisoning is just a start dad. Please, for once, please do as I say. Please, dad." Liu Yifei pleaded.

"Ok. But this is a lie Feifei. They are bound to find the truth one day."

"I know dad. Just give me two years. This is a critical time and after these two years everybody's fate will be set." Liu Yifei spoke mysteriously.

"What are you going to do in these two years?" her father asked curiously.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before replying, "I want to go to Planet Xiaoling to cultivate."

"What? No way you are going there. There are better places for you to start cultivation. It is near enemy territory and that place is not even famous" Liu Ye denied her suggestion vigorously shaking his head.

"Listen to me dad. I won't go there as a Princess of Guang. I will go there as a commoner. Nobody will find my true identity. Trust me, dad. Ok."

"But you can't even cultivate what will you do after going there?"

"I can cultivate dad." With this, she touched the cup's handle and the whole cup turned into ice, shocking Liu Ye. Even the magic was an ordinary one, it took a lot of her strength. After doing this small magic, fatigue washed over her.

"H..How?" Liu Ye asked in astonishment.

"I don't know. It just happened." Liu Yifei lied.

"Ok. Do as you seem fit." Liu Ye sighed. "So, what's the story about your brother?" he asked.

"Tell them that after our birth, mother left him there for further education fit for a ruler and came back with me. Both of you decided to hide about his birth for protection from our enemies."

"You thought well. My child has finally grown up." Liu Ye caressed her hair lovingly. "You are so much like your mother" he continued.

'I am not like her' she thought in her heart. Her eyes turned cold. 'I will avenge you mother' she promised in her heart.