New Identity

Liu Yifei washed herself completely with no stain of blood left on her body. She took out a fresh set of clothes from her backpack and wore it. Though these clothes looked like a normal one, just a leather pant, an inner full-sleeved shirt, and an outer jacket, but they were far from ordinary. They were made by Gamma-12 cloth.

Gamma-12 cloth is a flexible polymeric material capable of self-repairing. The material, a type of transparent resin, has the property of healing itself; for example, when it is cut with scissors in half and put back in contact, it rejoins itself within 10-15 seconds without using any external source. It is also bullet-proof and fireproof.

She then took out her knife which was now made of plastic and poured two drops of a liquid on it, changing it back to metal. Liu Yifei knew that she wouldn't able to bring any metallic object with her thus she invented a liquid and called it 'Elixir.' Well, this elixir is not for consumption.

This liquid has a property to change the atomic state of any metal by changing its neutron, electron, proton, and the chemical bonds. Thus, converting a metallic object to a non-metallic one.

After pouring the liquid on her plastic knife, the knife changed its appearance and became a metallic one. She then used the liquid to change her sword too. After doing this she looked herself in the mirror and was greeted by a feminist face. She took her knife and chopped her hair. Even though she was using a knife, her hairs were stylishly cut. She cut her front hairs to forehead level, which slightly covered her forehead. Then she proceeded to cut her back hair, which slightly touched the back of her neck and shoulders. She then parted her hair and looked in the mirror. She now looked exactly as a young boy with beautiful feminine features.

Hours later, the spaceship Yander Wall arrived at its destination, which is Planet Rui.


Liu Yifei alighted from the spaceship along with the other members and glanced around the space station. This space station was huge and very beautiful. Like two-three times larger than the space station of her own planet. Most of the works here were done by robots rather than humans. Just as she was taking in the scenery, someone collided with her. She quickly muttered an apology and the person colliding with her walked away without replying or even turning back. She felt strange but she soon realized something put on her pockets. She looked around to find someone staring at her or giving her any signs, but she found no one.

She kept one of her hands in her pockets and walked towards the restroom. She entered in one of the cells of the restroom and after latching it right she pulled the thing out from her pocket. It was a paper. Her eyes widened in surprise. Papers are a luxurious item. Maybe it was not so costly for the people of Planet Rui as they have trees in abundance, but it was sure costly for people coming from planets like her. All her lives she had used computers for learning. She had seen some of the books made of papers in her royal library, but it was only for show. She was never allowed to read it. And now someone is using paper to pass a message.

She unfolded the paper and read the contents.


"Oh, this space station has a food section too. Great!" Liu Yifei thought excitedly. She walked towards the Café. She walked in and looked around for any signs of her grandfather or his subordinates.

She walked further in when the receptionist called her, "Sir, there is no empty table inside. If you want you can relax in that private room." She pointed at the private room with a number four on it. Liu Yifei glanced inside the Café, beside five-six seats, the rest of the café was empty. She held the handle of her dagger with her right hand which was hidden in her vest and without making any scene or asking any questions, she walked towards the private room.

She entered the room and suddenly someone attacked her from behind the door. She dodged sideways to avoid her attack and kicked her attacker at the back of his knees. The attack was so sudden for the attacker that he stumbled a bit but soon regained his balance. He then turned and leaped towards her trying to attack her vagus nerve to make her faint. She raised her hand and slashed the upcoming wave coming towards her.

The attacker groaned in pain and once again leaped towards her.

"That's it."

A domineering voice rang in the room. The attacker immediately stopped and went to stand in front of the door, clutching his wounded hand with his other arm.

Liu Yifei's vision went towards the owner of the voice. He has gray hairs with a slight wrinkle on his face but his eyes were cold and sharp just like that of an eagle. His posture was straight and the red-black military uniform on his body made him look more majestic.

"Come here," He said looking at Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei secured the knife in her belt and approached him. She bowed before him and called out, "Your majesty."

The man in front of her was no other than the king of Planet Rui, Qi Jia's father, and her grandfather, Qi Shaofeng.

Qi Shaofeng remained expressionless but there was a hint of smile and appreciation in his eyes.

"Sit", he said.

Liu Yifei nodded and sat on the chair opposite to his.

"Your father told that you want new identity documents, what is that for?" he asked.

"I need that to study in Planet Lingyun." Liu Yifei answered honestly.

Qi Shaofeng raised his eyebrows and said, "You can study there with your true identity. Why do you need a new name?"

Liu Yifei scrunched her brows and said, "I can't tell you that now. I just want you to believe in me that I have no ill intentions."