Liu Yuhan!

Qi Shaofeng gave her a hard stare as if he wants to know everything running inside her mind but Liu Yifei's eyes were foggy and its mystery was making him uncomfortable. He has years of experience on the battlefield and in court. He has to deal with dirty politics on a daily basis. It wouldn't be wrong to say that he can read the minds of a mature person very well. Just by asking a few questions, he would tell what the other's person's intension is. But a twelve-year-old child sitting in front of him was a mystery to him. He knew he wouldn't be able to read her or make her disclose her plans by pressurizing on her but one thing he knew for sure was that the child in front of him was true and without any maliciousness.

"I want to ask so many questions about your intension but something tells me you will not answer them." He said in a grave voice.

Liu Yifei remained calm and just smiled, agreeing with his words.

"But tell me how you managed to bring a metal object on a civilian ship?" He asked the question which was running in his brain.

"I am sorry Your Majesty, but a magician never shows his trick." Liu Yifei replied with a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

Qi Shaofeng groaned in annoyance and said, "Whatever your trick is, keep it a secret or else it will get you in danger."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Liu Yifei replied.

Science in their era was very developed and by changing the atomic state of an atom it was possible to change one substance to another. But it was possible for related substances, like a non-metal, will change into a nonmetal and a metallic substance, for instance, iron can be changed into gold or some other metals but not into plastics. That's why in this era people don't use metallic coins but have artificial coins which are more like points accumulated by working as wages by people.

"But why have you chose Planet Lingyun for your studies? You know that it is near Demon Planet and it's too risky to go there. Your life will be at risk." Qi Shaofeng said worriedly.

"I know. But I have my own reasons." Liu Yifei replied politely.

"Ok do whatever you want. But be safe." Qi Shaofeng said in defeat. He knew that it was not possible to make her reconsider. He could see a glimpse of his daughter and himself in her.

He said, "You are so much like your mother and me. You are stubborn just like your mother and decisive just like me."

Hearing this the guards of Qi Shaofeng present in the room became astonished. What does he mean by that? Was this boy related to our king? Have they somehow offended this little boy? Thousand questions were running in their head.

When Liu Yifei heard him she gave him a sad smile. Only she knew that she is not like her mother or grandfather. Her mother was stubborn, yes, but she was gentle too. she believes in forgiving her enemy. Whereas she had set her whole like on revenge. Revenge against her mother's killers and everybody that has wronged her in the past.

She was also not decisive like her grandfather because in her previous life she was the main reason for their kingdom's defeat. She trusted the wrong person and pushed away those who were her benefactors.

"I wish to be like her Your Majesty but I know I can never be like her." Liu Yifei said with a sad voice.

"Bring her documents." Qi Shaofeng ordered one of his bodyguards.

The bodyguard brought an artificial identity chip and inserted it in her new digital smart watch called Kepstrum. This watch contains one's identity chip and has ways of communicating with other people. The wages or artificial coins can also be transferred to one person from another using this Kepstrum.

After the process was finished, Liu Yifei restarted her kepstrum and a new identity of her appeared in kepstrum's screen.

Name:- Liu Yuhan

Occupation:- Student

Gender:- Male

Mana:- Light magic (Water)

Father:- Liu Xun

Occupation:- Farmer

Planet:- Rui

Liu Yifei was delighted to get a new identity. The first step of her mission was complete. She stood from her seat and elegantly bowed in front of Qi Shaofeng "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Enough with the title. Call me grandfather." Qi Shaofeng said.

Qi Shaofeng's bodyguards got another shock when they heard it. They connected the dots and soon realized that the person standing in front of them was no other than the only daughter of Late Princess Qi Jia, only the princess of Planet Rui.

The bodyguard standing in front of the room's door got a huge shock too. He looked at his bleeding hand and then at her. He was told to attack the person entering the room. Nobody told him that the person coming will be a child and a princess. He was a bit shocked initially but he soon composed himself and attacked her with all her might. When she dodged him, he thought that the person, though he was a child he can be a treat. So he gave his everything in the fight and when he got injured all he can see was red. He looked upwards and thanked the heaven that he hadn't injured the princess and was stopped before he can do so.

When Liu Yifei heard him, she hesitated. In her previous life, she never got to see her grandfather. Not even once. Not when her mother died and not when her kingdom was in war. He never helped her kingdom.

To be honest, Liu Yifei was a bit resentful towards her grandfather. She really wanted to ask why didn't he helped them when they terribly needed his help. It was as if he had broken every contact with his daughter and her kingdom. But she didn't know how to ask this. That incident was her past and was something yet to happen but its wound was still fresh in her heart. It was difficult for Liu Yifei to let go of her past and all that pain that came with it.

Seeing her hesitating like that, Qiu Shaofeng's expression fell. He could see the blame in her eyes but didn't know the reason for it. He coughed to clear his throat and said, "It's getting late. Your space ship will arrive soon. It will be a military space ship taking students of Planet Rui to Planet Lingyun. Go get ready."

Liu Yifei bowed before him and thanked him. She then went to start her new journey.