The Grimms' Princess

<|¦The Grimms' Princess¦|>










^~Ear rape

"*Smiles* This!"

^~Action while talking



|3rd Person's POV|

In a plane where beings of unimaginable power all reside and mingle, a pair of brothers were having a discussion.

???L: "Are you sure about this, elder brother?" A purple humanoid figure with horns resembling an adult ram's asked.

???E: "Yes I am, little brother. It has been eons, but you know that I don't like leaving any mistakes that I have done behind." Replies a shining yellow figure with majestic stag horns on his head.

???L: "But seriously. Elder brother, are you sure that she would change because of a child? The woman's heartless." The purple figure commented, a bit disapproving of his brother's decision.

???E: "We've seen the creation and destruction of planets, of living creatures, of beings like us. And throughout all that, there is always change. And I hope this would change her." The glowing figure, then, raised his hand, and on his palm, an orb appeared. The orb was black and white, the colors seemingly playing with each other as they danced about.

???E: "Now let your creations bring it to her." The glowing figure ordered to his brother, who only huffed and casually grabbed the orb.

???L: "If it's like this, then I better give my blessing as...ugh...sorry, that's gross, to that witch. Since she loves calling herself the Goddess of my creation, then this will be their princess." The purple figure, then, formed a portal behind him, putting the orb in it and closing the portal.

With the orb gone, the purple figure crossed his arms, his form indicating the older brother to speak.

???E: "No matter how damned someone is, they can still be saved. Remember that, little brother." The glowing figure informed, but more like, reminded his little brother, who only huffed in annoyance, before sighing in melancholy.

???L: "I know..... I know." the younger of the two replied sadly, memories of his pass emerging from deep within his mind.


In a land covered with blood red sky, darkness looming at every inch of the land, and on the center, were pools of what seemed to be a liquid form of darkness. Once in a while, creatures of darkness emerge, a much violent and evil, version of animals found around the world.

Then, surrounding the pools were, what could be called as adult versions of the creatures emerging from the pools. All of them had obsidian black skin, with white horns, masks that were "engraved" with marks, peices of armor, or spikes around parts of their bodies, and all of them had glowing pupils with red irises, making them look absolutely fearsome and vile.

All were mindlessly walking around the pools, the "babies" seemingly playing with each other, and those of the same "species" were staying close to each other, like a pack. However, suddenly, every single one of them looked towards one location.

In the middle of the pools was one pool that was significantly bigger and more intimidating, and from it, not a single creature was produced from it. Unexpectedly, the "water" of the pool suddenly came to life, a reverse whirlpool making an appearance with its tail going upwards.

Then, when the tail seemingly reached its apex, the body of "water" suddenly exploded. However, the "water" didn't scatter, peices of it abruptly stopping in the air, as if frozen in time. A second passed, and something happened.

The peices of "water" all formed a shape of an orb, all varying in size, and slowly, as if they had their own point of gravity. They collided softly, mixing and combining, a color of white appearing out of nowhere.

The orb was as big as a baseball, and it stayed the same even with more "water" came and mixed with it. Then, when the last peice connected and combined with the orb, it fell ungracefully to the middle of the 5 meter deep pool, but was arguably now a crater.

From the creatures that surrounded the crater, something that resembled an elephant used its trunk to grab the orb from the crater, then placed it in front of the crater for all to see. Everything was silent, not a single sound could be heard.

As time passed, the orb shook, and a second later, two creatures came forward. It was an "evil" version of a cat and fox, their fur black as everyone else's, pieces of armor surrounding parts of their body and their masks covering their faces, glowing yellow and red eyes boring at the orb. However, the two seemed unique as they looked to be actually cute and less intimidating.

The orb shook once more, and the "kitten" and "kit" pounced forward, the two creatures entrapping the orb in a circle by lying on their stomach, facing each other, their paws forming a circle. Then the orb shook again, however, right after shaking, two string-like beams came out from it and went straight to the two creatures forehead.

The kitten and kit shook their head, a mark resembling a majestic crown was left where the beam hit. Moments later, the kitten and kit shivered, before looking away from the orb and staring at each others eyes. As if they were having a conversation with their eyes, they nodded simultaneously.

Both, then, looked towards a gigantic raven, which craned its neck. After a few moments, it opened its masked beak and let out a *Caw*. Lowering its head, it took the orb into its beak as gently as it could, afraid of damaging it, while also lowering one of its wings, the kitten and kit using it as a ramp, then comfortably resting on the gigantic raven's back.

With a slightly muffled caw, the raven positioned itself before taking off, right towards an eerie castle east of the pools.


It didn't take long for the trio to reach the castle, but unfortunately, the raven was too massive to properly fit into the hallway, so it left the orb and the kitten and kit in front of the castle's doors. With a loud caw and a peck on the door, it left.

The kitten and kit remained in place, protecting the orb, and within a minute or so, the doors opened, revealing a tall middle-aged man with a slim build and slightly tanned skin. He has short black and gray hair as well as a thick mustache and eyebrows, and green eyes. As for his clothing, he wore a white laboratory coat with yellow-ish linings. He also has a pair of gloves covering his hands and a pair of brown combat boots.

???: "What is this?" asked the man in a refined accent, staring down at the kitten and kit apparently guarding the orb.

???: "Peculiar. These grimms are young, maybe even just created. But what's with this? You two look a lot different from the rest of your species."

Going down on one knee, the man hesitantly waved his hands in front of the two grimms, as if expecting something bad. However, the man let out a questioning huff as he retracted his hand.

???: "Hmmm. You two don't show any sign of aggression. Are you two perhaps a unique variety? Hmm? And what's with those mark on your foreheads? I've never seen anything like those on the grimms I've encountered." the man continued to speak, a glint flashing in his eyes as he observed the two grimms in front of him.

He had the look of someone wanting to discover something, a hunger for knowledge. But, as he planned to do experiments on the two grimms, the kitten meowed, catching his attention. Being pulled away from his mind, he saw the kitten and kit nudging at the orb. Raising a brow, he brought his face closer to the orb.

???: "What is that? A huge pearl? Such magnificent colors!" he exclaimed after a much closer observation. He thought of taking it into his hand and bringing it closer for inspection, but before he could even get his hand closer to grab it, the kitten and kit nudged the orb forward, getting it in the castle. They didn't stop there. The two young grimms pushed the orb with their snouts like a ball, sending it forward.

The man, surprised by their action, was dazed for a moment before curiously following the young grimms, closing the doors behind him, not noticing the gathering of grimms in front of the castle. Grimms of all kinds, of all species, small or huge, began gathering, waiting.


The man continued to follow the two young grimms, all their twist and turns, watching them with amusement as the two looked quite adorable. However, he would, from time to time, glance at the "huge pearl" that the two were apparently rolling, guiding, to somewhere. He was familiar with the castle, so he was shocked once he realized that the kitten and kit stopped right in front of a pair of magnificent looking doors.

He gulped a mouthful of saliva, fear evident in his eyes, yet his brain denied him of his fear. The gears in his intellectual mind began to run, possibilities coming and going, and all of them led to one thing.

The "huge pearl" and the two young grimms were important, and they seemingly need to meet the Goddess of the Grimms. Yet, he still had a hard time believing it. Knowing the intelligence of the grimms, he obviously thought what he was about to do wouldn't work, but he was shocked with the result!

???: "Are you here to meet your Goddess?" asked the man, sure that the two wouldn't respond, however, unexpectedly, the two nodded, making the eyes of the man widen.

Looking at the door and then to the "huge pearl", he took a deep breath, and knocked. There was a moment of silence, but then came a booming, yet quiet voice.

???: "Who is it?" came from the other side of the door. It was a dark and evil sounding voice, but it was also feminine and melodic in the same time.

???: "*Gulps* It is Arthur Watts, your majesty. I have two young grimms, a kitten and a kit, seemingly wanting to meet you." the man, Arthur, reported, still quivering slightly in fear as he was still adjusting with his queen.

???: "Hmm?...." there was a long pause, but then she spoke again.

???: "Bring them in, and don't come in. Just them." she ordered with a snap, and Arthur sighed in relief. He was still afraid of his queen, even it was he who decided to join her cause.

Opening the doors, Arthur refused to look inside, he still needed time to get used to his queen's complexion. Then, with a *yip* and a low *meow*, the two young grimms entered the room, which obviously looked like a throne room, with the throne just right there.

Sitting on the throne was a woman with skin a deathly pallor skin, with jet black sclerae in her eyes, and glowing crimson irises that seems to shine. Sporting a pale white hair, made into a large bun with six offshoots wrapped together that also suspends several obsidian-colored ornaments. She also has dark purple veins that line her face and arms, and has a black diamond-shaped marking in the center of her forehead.

Upon their entrance, the woman, the queen, the Grimms' Goddess, noticed the two young grimms peculiarities. She's seen many kinds of grimm, but it was the first time she's seen grimms that were, to her, surprisingly adorable. She, however, glued her attention to the orb with dancing colors that they were pushing forward with their snouts.

She didn't know why, but she felt attached towards it. Slowly, the grimms and the orb was only a foot away from her. Cautiously, she stood from her throne, walked down her steps, and reached towards the orb. The queen didn't know why, but something compelled her to cup it in her hands.

Before her hands reached the orb, she petted the head of the adorable grimms, receiving a cute mewl from both, then gently grasping the orb. With the orb in hand, she was mesmerized by the way how the colors black and white were seemingly playing each other, causing a wonderful dance. However, the orb shook, and from it formed a needle that wasn't longer than 10 centimeters.

The queen was confused, but somewhere in the back in her mind, something told her to prick herself with the needle, and so she did, unknowingly. She didn't flinch, the pain not enough to cause any kind of distress to come out of her, but blood leave the minuscule hole that the needle had peirced.

It was but a small drop, however, that drop of blood had apparently been sucked by the orb. Then, instantly, a shine of black and white came from the orb, blinding the queen, but she refused to let go of the orb. She, however, had closed her eyes, when suddenly, a voice spoke into her mind.

???: "We are giving you another chance, Salem. Do not let us down. With your and Olive's blood, the Princess of the Grimm, your daughter, has been born! Take care of her, you self-proclaimed 'Goddess of the Grimms', if not, my creation will do it for you. This is our final intervention with Remnant, but we will keep on watching you. Take care, witch. Change for the better. Leave your wicked ways and find....ugh... light." said the voice in her, Salem's, head. And upon realizing the voice's owner, she was furious, prepared to rain down hell if he ever was here. However, the moment he mentioned that she now has a daughter, her brain stopped its thought process, memories of her and Olive having a daughter, even when both were women, through magic, resurfaced and her fury turned into melancholy and nostalgia.

She was still angered for what the Brother Gods have done to her, but when the light died down, her expression softened into disbelief as she held a baby with the same complexion as her, with similar dark purple veins, with the same black scleras and glowing blood red irises. She was practically a baby version of herself, just with a crown mark on her forehead instead of a diamond.

However, she frowned later on, having mixed feelings with the baby in her arms. She wasn't going to change because of a child, someone given by the very beings she hated the most, and also apparently sharing the same genetics as the woman she once loved and now loathed. But, with a simple, adorable coo coming from the baby, Salem's frown turned into a slight smile as her expression melted into a blank state for the child in her arms.

Looking closely, the baby was an absolute copy of herself in a form of a baby. However, with a keen and close observation, she noticed that ther was the color of brown in the outer rim of her irises, and what the Younger God had said earlier resurfaced in her mind.

-Your and Olive's blood.- the words were repeated in her mind, and at first she was furious, knowing that her ex has a part of her DNA in this child, who was now somehow her child, gifted by the Brother Gods, then melancholic, a piece of her heart still longing for her previous lover, and then nostalgia, remembering the happy times she and Olive had when they had four beautiful daughters, and lastly, caution. She felt cautious at the child in her arms, eons of hatred and loneliness shaping her to who she is now, and suddenly, she is expected to change just because of a child?

Another look at the baby, and with another coo, the dark and evil queen, the creatures of darknesses' goddess, heart had somewhat mellowed, a small and tight smile appearing on her lips.

Salem: "Hmph. I'll show them. I will have my revenge on those foolish gods." she declared, denying the goodwill that has been given to her, but unknown to the woman, her smile widened, even just for a little bit, when the baby had let out a cute yawn.

Carrying the baby with two hands, raising her as high as she could, she announced, ahe declared,

Salem: "From this day forth, you, my child, shall be named Narcissa! The true Princess of the Grimms!" her voice suddenly became booming, reaching every edge of the Land of Darkness. And right outside her castle, possibly every grimm close by surrounded the castle, and as they heard their goddess' declaration, they cheered(howled, chirped, cawed, etc.)!

¦Word count: 2,797+4¦