A Silver-Eyed Warrior

<¦|A Silver-Eyed Warrior|¦>










^~Ear rape

"*Smiles* This!"

^~Action while talking



|Salem's POV|

"You are doing fine, princess." I assured my daughter as she slowly formed an orb of a condensed form of water. Her face was scrunched up, concentrating and willing the magic to follow her command.

It was excruciatingly slow, but it was expected of a child, however, she was better than most, if not all, as the orb was as big as a human's head, something even I, a royalty, trained by the best, have reached at the tender age of 6, and this is her 17th try, whilst I started my training at 5.

Suddenly, the orb lost its form, fully turning into liquid and splashing onto the floor. Narcissa yelped, feeling her knee-high socks getting wet from the water she had created purely from magic. Truly a fast learner and a natural at magic handling, most likely from my blood, as royalties had much better affinities with magic wielding than commoners and normal nobels.

Narcissa gave a little yelp, uncomfortable with the wetness below her, but she huffed when she realized that she had, once again, failed to fully turn the condensed water into ice, science having a part in magic and she hasn't had much dealings with, but considering that she hadn't fully learned the meaning of evaporation and condensation, it's a wonder how she managed to do half of what she did.

The girl pouted, something she always did whenever she's displeased, a cute thing she does. Patting her head to comfort her, I then encouraged my little princess.

"Angel, don't be like that. You've done great. Even better when mommy was your age! With a bit more practice and a bit more information, I'm sure that you will turn water into ice! Then ice to air, then to lightning, then fire! And more!" I told her as I rubbed her chubby cheeks, contemplating if I should send her go a school of sorts, as Watts was the best choice for a teacher, but he was too preoccupied with her demands as their fight against the 'rogue' grimms -grimms that have taken in too much negative emotions, causing them to know only destruction-, has intensified.

With a big smile, my daughter, as expected, hugged my thigh, rubbing her cheeks against my hips. Her big, adorable -can't really get tired of saying that they should be intimidating-, red eyes surrounded by darkness, staring into mine, the slight color of olive green that acts like a thin barrier between the two clashing colors was so miniscule that if no one tried to look for it, they wouldn't find it. And that, little bit of detail, always reminds me of my past. Something I want to forget and cherish at the same time.

-*Sighs* Olive...., would you still forgive this foolish woman? *Snickers* Probably not. It still bugs me though. How did the brother gods acquire her blood? Did they ask it from her? Does she know we have a daughter?- I thought to myself, scenarios began playing in my mind, of how and what would happen if Olive and I were to meet again.

Would we fight? Would we talk? Would we kill each other? Or would we disregard years, centuries, of hatred, years of war, just because of Narcissa?

-Would my little princess want to meet her?- I asked myself, dreading the time where my little angel would ask her "father" was. I wouldn't know how to respond to that, as of right now, we are in a complex relationship.

Olive and I hadn't actually ended our marriage, but we didn't let it get in our way of battle. I have sworn to kill the elder gods, and I still want to watch them burn in hell, and Olive was given the mission to stop me from doing so. She tried to stop me, and she succeeded, then it led to us having a family.

Then another problem occurred, our different outlooks on humanity and faunuses. I wanted to burn them to the ground, watch them fall from their greed, but Olive had a different mindset, thinking that they would learn from their mistake, but they don't. They do, but it takes them too long to realize it, where it would be too late.

We fought for what we believed in, the destruction of our kingdom, our hearts broken and the death of our four daughters was the aftermath of it. Then there begins our war. I, doing everything to bring down humanity plus the faunuses, and Olive, doing everything to stop me.

But, in between the two, we'd have a day where we weren't two individuals that were hell bent on accomplishing our "mission", but rather two individuals who had a past that we both hated and loved. We hate each other, we truly do, but our souls were still connected, a curse that the brother gods have given to me. No matter how much we loathed each other, we couldn't deny the connection -though forced-, that we had.

A day where we'd meet as lovers' in a dispute, where I would be different from the princess that was saved from the tower, and where she would have different faces, but with the same heart and soul. And that's where the angry sex comes in.

Sighing, I patted my daughter's head, feeling her silky smooth snow white hair that I loved to ruffle up.

Narcissa: "Hehehehe! Mommy! Stahp! Hehehe!" she giggled at my display of affection, half-heartedly pleading for me to stop, and I did.

Narcissa: "Hehe. Can I go play with Mo-mo and Li-li?" my child version asked with her adorable puppy eyes -seriously! They should be intimidating!-, and I knew my whole being melted there and then.

"You may, princess. I'm sure they finished their training with uncle Tyrian." I told her, and there bloomed a sweet smile.

"Just don't go playing too far away the castle, my little angel. And use your semblance on yourself, just in case an outsider stumbles here and sees you. And remember, if they look mean, run away immediately. If they don't, hide and then run away, okay?" I reminded my daughter, she and her sisters now having a routine where they'd play after their respective training. Magic lessons for Narcissa from me, Combat lessons for Bellatrix and Andromeda from Tyrian, and they get homeschooled by Watts. Sometimes even learning how to bake from Kahleed.

Narcissa: "Okay mommy! Bye! *Smooch~*" my little angel gave me a exaggerated kiss on the lips, before dashing off to find her sisters.

I sighed after she left, mulling over my options regarding Olive, or rather, Olivia and Narcissa.

|???'s POV|

Making sure that ny hood wouldn't obstruct my view, I hummed as I kept Bloody Rose close, strapped around my hips and ready to be deployed incase a grimm would somehow surprise me, but truthfully, those nasty creatures wouldn't even let out a howl before they'd turn to stone! -Hehehe, I feel like Medusa when that happens.-

Humming as low as I can, I felt my heart quicken as the figure of the humongous castle slowly get bigger. Olivia has gotten a bit on edge when Salem hadn't made any kind of move against humanity and....faunusity? That maybe, Salem had begun making something big in secret...in a more than secret, secret! And maybe the spike in the grimms' aggression was part of that, so Olivia had sent me to find any kind of information about her.

I accepted, of course, but if it were me years before, I would have readily given my life for humanity, however, I have to take care of my little girls now! Especially since Raven isn't the best with kids, and Tai had to seriously leave us after "not feeling any love for me anymore", as he said. The just had to say he found someone else than make a shitty reason. But honestly, I felt he same. He wasn't the man I fell for back when we were ignorant fools playing hero in Beacon. At least he left me my precious little cookie monster and my fierce dragon.

I knew that this mission wouldn't be easy, and that I could die if I ever fought against Salem head on, I still had many things I haven't learned about my eyes.

It had been around an hour, maybe two, since I arrived in the Land of Darkness, and honestly, it was oddly quiet, and that wasn't good. Luckily, I would have thought that they were onto me if I didn't stumble upon some sleeping grimms here and thete. That's something they don't teach you in grimm history, or maybe it's a new thing that grimms have begun to implement? Dunno, but it helps me out since I wouldn't need to waste energy.

And as I began thinking that this mission would be a breeze, my childish nature not fully disappearing with age, I heard a voice.

???: "ANNNYYYBBBOOOODDDYYYY HEREEEEE~~~!!!" someone shouted, and I panicked. Not because I thought someone had found me, but rather, I realized that the voice sounded like it came from a child's.

Rushing through the foliage, I stumbled upon a child, who seemed only a year oldet than Ruby! And due to my panicked run through a bush, she noticed me.

???: "Hmmm?" the child mused, curiosity filled her eyes. But I didn't fully pay attention to her as I eyed our surroundings, looking if there were any grimm nearby. Luckily, there weren't any.

Now, putting my attention on her, I was mesmerized by how adorable and innocent she looked, just like my little Ruby. With soft, dirty blonde hair that reached her thighs, an endearing gleaming ruby red eye on her left, and an tantalizing olive green orb on her right, a petite figure with budding womanly features, a small nose, mouth and ears, an arua that exuded royalty, the child could be mistaken for an angelic princess that has come down from heaven, sent by Oum to guide the sinners.

???: "Beautiful." the child murmured, and I swear that even her voice was as sweet as she was. Shaking away my unneeded thoughts, I proceeded to prioritize the child's safety.

"Child, what are you doing here!? This place is dangerous!" I gently exclaimed as I slowly walked towards her, not wanting her to panic and run off, though I'm sure I would have gotten to her in seconds. But better be safe than sorry.

???: "My mommy said that I shouldn't talk to strangers and run away immediately. Or was it to hide and then run away? Hmmm....maybe it was to talk to them first? Mmmuuuu~. I'm confused. Ummm...pretty auntie, can you tell me what should do when I meet a stranger?" it was adorable, her confusion just making me want to laugh. Buy I was flattered at how she called me pretty. Nonetheless, her saftey.

"I'm sure that it was to not talk to strangers." I told her as we were now only a feet apart, and I was °this° close from hugging her and running away with her, so that I could give her back to her parents and have a reason to spend one more day with my children before my possible death.

???: "...nnnuuu...nu! It wasn't like that! Mommy told me that when a scary stranger tries to come close to me, I should run away. But you're not a scary stranger. You're a pretty stranget, so should I stay with you? *Rubs her temples* I'm so confused." the child mused, and as guilty as I am from finding enjoyment from her current problem, I still had to hurry.

"I don't think that's how it works hun, but we have to leave this place. It's dangerous here. Come with me and I'll bring you to your mommy." the moment I mentioned that I'd bring her to her mother, her eyes practically shined in joy.

???: "Really?!" the child merrily asked, clinging onto my thigh like how my youngest daughter would. Instinctively, I patted her head and felt just how soft and silky her hair was.

"Yes. Now let's leave. This place is really dangerous, and kids really shouldn't be here." I decided to rush her, not wanting to be in the Land of Darkness any longer.

"I'm Summer Rose by the way." I informed the child, wrapping her in my arms and making sure she was safe in them.

???: "I'm Narcissa Grimm! Oooh~! You have wonderful silver eyes!!" the child exclaimed after introducing herself, looking deeply into my silver orbs, her chin resting onto my bosom. I snickered, flattered at her innocent comment.

"Well then, little lady. We're not strangers to each other anymore. Now hold on tight." warning the child, I fixed my cloak so that it would cover her, and I admit that she looked absolutely endearing being craddled in my arms.

Moments later, a flurry of white roses were left at our previous location.

|Salem's POV|

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU COULDN'T FIND HER!!!!" I shouted at my incompetent henchmen, not even completing a simple task of fetching my daughters, my Narcissa.

I was livid, rightfully so, and I knew that they knew, just how infuriated I was.

Lowly Henchman: "Y-y-y-your hi-highness, e-e-even with the he-help of princess Andromeda and B-Bellatrix, we couldn't find h-her!! We-we-we're so-sorry!!" tge worthless man tried to explain, but her stuttered so much it got annoying. The only reason I didn't feed them to the grimms was because of my two other daughters crying in mu embrace, wailing for the arrival of their missing sister.

I gritted my teeth, and only Oum knows what I would do if I couldn't find my precious little angel.

¦Word count: 2,324+4¦