The Other Mother(2)

<|¦The Other Mother(2)¦|>










^~Ear rape

"*Smiles* This!"

^~Action while talking



|Salem's POV|

I ignored the uncomfortable and slightly painful feeling of the wind hitting my face, my initial fury having overtaken my logic and had made me go in guns blazing. Only halfway to Patch was when I managed to regain some of my calm, and it would be a waste of time if I decided to go back to gather an army of grimm.

Just hopefully, none of them had done anything bad. If they did...there's nothing that would stop me from the bloodbath that I would bring. Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa are my world, but Narcissa is someone that I'd lose my everything to. As much as I hate to admit it, but I'd sacrifice my two other daughters just for Narcissa, but I oh so wish that °that° would never happen. I love the three of them with all my being, it was them who changed me, and I'm happy with this change.

I'm not one of the people siding with justice, but at least I am not hellbent on erasing humanity and faunus kind and replacing them with grimms. My new mission is to make the world a better place for my daughters, and though the Remnant would be better off without the humans and faunuses, they will still be needed for their growth.

The rogue grimms, however, are a different story. The negative emotions that they have accumulated had been too much for them to handle, filling their being with one thought, to cause destruction. And I don't want them to destroy the world where my three daughters lives in. The world where they would learn and grow.

I have committed acts that would send me straight deeper into hell, most likely to a hidden, and worse part of it. Yet here I am, a slightly changed woman just wanting the best for my daughters. I don't dream about my sins being forgiven, rather, I dream that my daughters wouldn't fall down and let their rage consume them like I have.

I just want them to be happy. For me, to be happy. And I'll only be happy, when I have my baby.

|3rd Person's POV|

As Salem was fast approaching Narcissa's location, said child was currently looking at a pair of shaking olive green orbs while looking adorably confused. The child felt the urge to hug the woman in front of her, but she couldn't do it since the woman had her hands on the child's shoulders and kept her from getting closer.

Narcissa: "What's wrong?" the adorable child asked with worry, her eyebrows furrowing as she watched the beautiful pair of eyes in front of her shake.

Being asked the question, Olivia gulped a mouthful of saliva, her breathing becoming uneven and rough.

Olivia: "Na-...Narcissa...where do you live in?" she asked, her sentence jagged as a memory popped up into her mind. A memory she had forgotten as it was eons ago, when she and Salem had yet to have gone to war against each other.

Narcissa: "Ouh? In a castle!" the little angel was initially confused by the question, but she was able to answer, nonetheless. However, though the child had casually answered her question, the answer, however, was shocking to everyone. If a child were to say that they lived in a castle, most adults would just chuckle and think nothing of it, yet the child was found in the Land of Darkness, alone, which was very suspicious.

Summer had naively believed that the child was brought along by her parents, thinking that said parents were hardcore explorers and had stumbled upon the land. She didn't want to believe that a child actually lives in any part of the Land of Darkneds, so she didn't think of it as a possibility, especially with Narcissa, who didn't fit in the evil setting with her angelic countenance.

However, everyone had to think realistically. First, how can someone even enter the Land of Darkness when it was banned by each kingdom's councils. Second, the land was infested with grimms, even the sea 1 kilometer away from it had aquatic type grimms leisurely swimming in it, and it's sky had many types of avian grimm flying around it, causing all kinds of transportation to it practically impossible, Summer and her pilot only having been able to enter it thanks to her silver-eyes. And, lastly, how could a child survive even a second there?

No one needed anymore evidence to realize that the child in their care is not a normal child. Nearly everyone, even Summer, who believed in the good of mankind always winning against evil, the oh so optimistic woman that would forgive her enemies, grew suspicious of Narcissa, though it was hard to do so since Narcissa's looks can be very disarming.

However, the only woman who didn't grew weary of the child was the woman who Narcissa was sitting on. Letting out a shaky breathe, Olivia asked,

Olivia: "Can I ask...who your m-...mother is?" she stuttered, again. The woman who was always so calm, so collected, had stuttered. None of the other women had ever heard her stutter, and it irked them.

Narcissa: "Mm? My mommy's name is Salem!" though she revealed her mother's name with a wide smile, the air surrounding them suddenly turned heavy. Everyone, other than the girl and Olivia, had eyed each other, each having silent agreements. Raven silently stood from their sofa, stealthily creeping to a nearby window and observing the surroundings, whilst Glynda had discreetly taken out her scroll. After typing in a few numbers, Olivia had noticed this and glared at her right-hand woman.

Olivia: "Glynda." the woman called with venom lacing her tone, causing the blonde to shiver. With a sad and concerned expression, Glynda gazed at Olivia, who only gazed at her in contempt.

Olivia: "Don't. You. Dare." her voice was deep yet calm, too calm, even for her, eerily calm. And Glynda, she felt wronged. All she wanted to do was call for reinforcements, just incase something were to go wrong.

Summer: "But Olivia! She's that woman's child! I mean, how is that possible?! And I kind of kidnapped her!! What would happen if she comes and hell would rain upon Remnant!!?" the redhead voiced out the problem, scared of what would happen. Because, she had technically kidnapped the daughter of the Queen of Grimms. She's fought the woman before, and it didn't end well, barely making it out with her life.

Olivia: "Summer. No. You know what they'd do to Narcissa if they know about this. She's but an innocent child!" retorted the woman as she tightened her embrace around the confused child. She didn't much about what was going on, but she knew that it was about her and her mother, and that she should stay quite.

Summer: "But Olivia! We're talking about the evil witch that terrorized Remnant for centuries! Salem isn't just a criminal! She's the devil herself!" the normally happy-go-lucky, yet still mature woman, was shouting her worries, afraid. Not afraid for herself, but for what the witch would do when she comes.

Hearing this, Olivia didn't deny the woman's accusations on her former wife, yet before she could give her reasons, the child in her arms has snapped her head to glare at Summer, giving the woman a small shiver in her spine.

Narcissa: "MY MOMMY IS NOT EVIL!! MY MOMMY ISN'T A WITCH!! MY MOMMY ISN'T A CRIMINAL!! AND MY MOMMY ISN'T A DEVIL!! YOU'RE LYING!! AND LYING PEOPLE ARE MEANIES!! YOUR A MEANIE!! HMPH!!" the child went into an outburst, not believing Summer's image of her mother. Her sudden outburst had silenced the redhead, making the woman stare at her with a hurt expression.

Summer had spoken out her honest thoughts about the Queen of Grimms, and everyone here but the child thought the same about her, however, she should have known that the child of the said woman would deny their impression of her. And she felt hurt how such a surprisingly innocent(since she's apparently the daughter of an evil witch) child that she quite liked, was glaring at her so hatefully.

Raven: 'Y'know. I imagined  that if that bitch ever had a kid, she'd at least partially neglect them and they would hate her.' the ravenette said in a low voice, seemingly surprised at how the girl acted, believing that a woman like Salem wouldn't be a good mother, just like her.

Luckily, the child didn't hear her mutter out such rude thoughts about her mother, but as for the rest, they were all veterans who have trained their senses, who have trained their hearing, so they heard her and had slightly nodded.

Summer, however, thought that the child didn't realize her mother's harsh nature, that maybe she was being abused and she thought that it was normal and that it was a form of love. She feared that, and she planned to disillusion her.

Summer: "Darling. I don't know how to say this...but...I don't know how your...mother...treats you. But I'm sure the way she does it isn't good! I know you love her...but Salem...your evil. She's a criminal, Narcissa. She's a de-" she tried to 'expose' Salem as who she is, not truly knowing what the woman currently is. All she knows was the Salem of the past, the evil, scheming witch, not the Salem that has three daughters, the Salem that had opened her heart once more, and it just made Narcissa want to cry. No child would like their parents being spoken badly off, even if they hate them.

Narcissa: "NO!!! STOP BEING A MEANIE!! MOMMY ISN'T EVIL!! MY MOMMY IS A GREAT MOMMY!! *Sniffles* SHE ALWAYS GIVE ME KISSIES EVERY MORNING! SHE *Sobs* ALWAYS READS ME BEDTIME STORIES BE-*Sniffles*-BEFORE BED! SHE COOKS ME YUMMY COOKIES!! MY MOMMY LOVES ME!! YOU DON'T KNOW HER!! YO-YOU MEANIE!" the little child flared at the adult in anger, her eyes becoming teary from the intensity of her own emotions. She had thought that the redhead was a new friend, yet she was spouting such hateful words about her mother. She didn't like it, not one bit. Salem, her mother, had absolutely been a lovely example of a mother. She may have had a rough start, though the child wouldn't be able to remember it, but the woman had re-learned how it was to be a mother, and she was the best mother for the three 'siblings'.

Summer, on the other hand, felt guilty, believing that the child can't truly discern that her mother was pure evil, as she thought to herself. But the emotion the child was projecting made it harder to believe that Salem was an evil mother. However, she felt more hurt when she realized she had made a young child cry for trying to forcefully change how the child sees her mother into what °she° sees. The antagonist of Remnant.

Even she wouldn't wish to have someone tell her daughters that she was am evil woman, if she ever turns into one. Summer wanted to apologize, but the look of contempt from Olivia made her stop in place. Said woman looked at the child after silently reprimanding the the redhead with her eyes with worry.

Glynda, at the start of Narcissa's outburst, had decided to go into the kitchen, to stop the other children in the house from joining in such a situation out of curiosity. And Raven, the woman had only awkwardly watched as things unfolded, trying to maintain a straight face, occasionally glancing outside.

Then, after a few sobs, Narcissa had begun to plead.

Narcissa: "I *sobs* wa-want my mommy. I wa-*sobs*-nt my mommy." she kept repeating her plea, but sadly, everyone was afraid of her mother. Narcissa wanted to go back home, to hug her mother. She wanted to be pampered, she wanted her head to be caressed by her mother's soft, pallor hands. She wanted to hear her voice, for her to drown away her worries with her melodic voice.

However, unexpectedly, she got what she wanted. Only from a different person.

Olivia: "Shh. Shh. Don't cry. Aunty Summer is just having a bad day. She didn't mean what she said. I'm...your mother and I were close(that's true), so I know that what she said wasn't the truth(the whole truth). I know that your mother is kind. That she's beautiful, smart, fierce and just a wonderful person. And I know...for sure...that she's a wonder mother(that's...true.)." the white-haired woman consoled the child in her lap, telling her about the Salem she knew in the past. She didn't want to like to the child, it made her stomach twist, but everything she said were half-lies.

With a short nuzzle to the woman's chest, Narcissa raised her face and Olivia nearly cooed at her red, puffy eyes, but she stopped herself as that wasn't an appropriate thing to do at the moment.

Narcissa: "*Sniffles* know my mommy?" the teary eyed child asked with sadness leaving her voice. She was curious, her mother never mentioning that she had a friend, nor a henchman or minion that was as gorgeous as her. Her mother loved beautiful things, so she should have mentioned someone like Olivia.

Olivia: "Yeah. Your mother and I were close. Very close." she informed as she swiped her thumb over Narcissa's left cheek, taking the tear away with it.

Narcissa: "Can you tell me more about my mommy?" the child asked with a sincere expression, her tears coming to a stop as her sadness and anger were replaced with curiosity about her mother's past. Raven and Summer could only watch awkwardly as the two had went of to their own world. And, if only they payed more attention, they would have noticed the dubious shadow that had passed the window Raven had been leaning close to.

Olivia: "Sure. Your mommy, when she was younger(centuries younger), was definitely the nicest woman in the whole world." she didn't know why, but honestly, she did, but Olivia had sighed dreamily as she remembered just how much of a wonderful woman Salem was when she was still just human. She was still great when she became immortal, but she was in a different level when she was a normal human royalty. She had to admit, even after centuries of reincarnating for the sole purpose of fighting the woman she once loved, actually, the woman that she still slightly hold feelings for, she had missed the days where everything was 'normal'.

Olivia: "And since your ou-...°her° daughter, I'm sure you are as wonderful as her. You even look the same as she did before!" she felt happy. Happy that she could speak like this with a child who could possibly be hers, and she almost let that slip. She didn't want to cling onto false hope, she didn't know if the child in her arms was truly her daughter. But she hoped that she was, even if she had to share the witch's blood, which in all honesty, wasn't a bad thing.

Narcissa: "Really?!" squealed the child as her eyes nearly shined. Olivia didn't know why, but she could guess that she really loved her mother. It was a weird feeling, that someone would adore someone to this point when said person was a woman that was immortal and was doing everything to purge humanity.

Olivia: "Mm hmm. You have the same face, you have the same voice, you have the same hair color, and you have the same beauty! The only difference is with your eyes." the woman compared the child in front of her and the woman she had saved from the tower. And truly, the only difference they had were age and their eyes.

Narcissa: "Hmmm~! What color was her eyes! Were they still red like rubies?" she asked with lovable tone, her hug tightening around Olivia's back.

Olivia: "No~. Your mother's eyes back then were a pair of incredible cobalt color. They resembled the deep sea, scary and mysterious, yet also calming." remembering how she always lost herself in those said eyes, Olivia let out a sigh of nostalgia.

Narcissa: "Cobalt?.... Blue?" she questioned, the color cobalt not entirely something she knew, but knowing the color of the sea, she had an idea.

Olivia: "Yes. Blue." confirmed the woman as she observed how the girl began to contemplate on something, giving her full attention on her. If she didn't, she would have noticed the irregularity of the shadows in the corner of the room.

Then, closing her eyes, Narcissa hummed and Olivia just curiously watched the child. Raven growing uncomfortable by the second as it was suddenly quite. Too quite. Earlier, she was able to hear the hooting of owls and the rustling of leaves. But now, everything just suddenly turned quite.

Hardening her expression and raised her guard, she decided to out her attention outside, watching for any problems. Summer, however, just felt miserable as her new young friend was now ignoring her.

The ravenette was right to feel that something was amiss, too bad she was looking somewhere else. She didn't believe that someone could hide from her, a veteran huntress that leads a clan of bandits. Sadly, she didn't think that a child's adorable voice would have dazed her for a moment, and that a person had passed through her detection with ease during that time.

Raven and Summer, then, was startled when Olivia had suddenly gasped. They had their guards up, prepared for anything dangerous, but their thoughts were cut off with Olivia's current unexpected actions.

Olivia: "Oh my Oum! What did you do? You don't look no different from your mother!" the woman had nearly squealed after seeing the child version of her past lover, memories of when she imagined just how their children would look just like one of them coming back to her.

Narcissa: "Hehehe! I used my semblance!" answered the child, not fully knowing that most children, by average, awaken their semblance when they turn 7-8 years old due to different kind of factors. Adults can hasten the process of awakening children's semblances by unlocking their aura, but that wouldn't do good with their growth

Then, as Olivia was about the inquire about Narcissa's semblance, a voice not from the four in the room had appeared.

???: "I think it's time for you to go home, my little angel."

¦Word count: 3,128+4¦


[A/N: Author here. Sorry for taking my time with updating this story. However, I'll just say it here. I should be able to at least upload 1 chapter per week, but I plan to upload 2 chapters each week. Maybe even three. I can't really finish 1 chapter each day cause I do lots of stuff.

Anyways, just fof future references, as you know, this is a yuri harem fanfiction of RWBY, and there are a ton of gorgeous women in RWBY, and I'm planning to add a lot of women in the harem.

However, my question is; Who should be the first lady in the harem?




-Andromade & Bellatrix







-Someone else.

Also; Do you want me to genderbend some guys?



~Thanks for Reading]