|Mother-Daughter Bonding!|
|Narcissa's POV|
Velvet was a pretty little thing. So shy, so meek, so cute, and so adorable and every other synonyms for shy! And Oum, was she just asking to be eaten up!
I got to feel 'er up a bit before Coco separated us, and I was happy to know she's doing well for herself. Velvet's quite fit underneath her outfit, as a Hutress-in-training, she should be, and that's what I like! And thanks to our Auras, she still felt soft over all those toned muscles! The female body is truly amazing!
Anyways, it seemed that what I have done to Velvet had toned down her shyness a bit, and now she was able to take quick glances at me and my sisters, instead of just looking at her shoes.
"Mmm~. Sorry 'bout that Scarlet. I'm just too used to just being able to hug people without really warning them." Being the natural liar that I am, I made a bullshit reason that even mother would have believed without a doubt!
Shyly, she opted to look at her boots, avoiding eye contact with me, which was really adorable! "I-I-It's alright..." She said with a small voice, and I just cooed at it.
"Ooooh~. Adorable." The perks of having the mask of innocence and bluntness, I didn't need to hide my thoughts about the beautiful, skittish brunette. And, having heard what I said, the blush she intensified.
'Good, good.' Thinking that to myself, I tried my best to avoid daydreaming about the many positions I could make this adorable little creature do on bed.
"This is amusing and all, but please, cutie pie, stop before she faints." With amusement obvious in her tone, Coco leaned down slightly towards me, tucking back a stray strand of her hair behind her ears, making her look absolutely tempting!
With a blush, I put my interlocked hands in front of my mouth and gasped out, "Pretty...", which had made her freeze, just for a moment, before grinning and leaning in closer.
"But... maybe you could help her out?" In fluid motion, she and Velvet had now sat beside our group, with her having pulled me down to my seat as she talked.
"Hmmm?" Curiously, I glanced at Velvet, who was looking at Coco in both appreciation and a slight bit of fear, before I went to look at my sisters, who sported amused expressions of their own.
Then, with ease, she crossed one leg on the other, and had put her arm on my back. "Velvet's a really, °really°, shy little thing, which cute and all, but she needs friends, not just me, to help her out. I mean, I know we'll be slaying grimm and all, but people skills are still gonna be a big help."
Coco gave Velvet a loving glance, before she went back to staring at me. Taking this chance, I snuggled closer to her, with an innocent expression and pushing my breasts against her side, and I saw how a dust of pink in her cheeks got darker.
"Friends?" My voice had reached the most childish tone I could muster without the use of my semblance, making myself seem smaller and more fragile.
With a gulp, Coco cleared her throat as she had, unconsciously or not, pulled me closer to her. "Yep. Us two and you three, friends. I think you won't get a much better deal than that! The boys here all so dreadful, too much testosterones, and the other girls are all so meh."
Uncaring of the glares on her, Coco began to rub her hand on my shoulder as she regarded us sisters with a hope-filled gaze.
"Is this how you make friends?" Andromeda asked with a grin on her face, and then I suddenly felt being gently pulled away from Coco's warm body. With Andromeda's arms around ny waste, she had me in a tight embrace, and I saw how dazed Coco was with her arm awkwardly now looking like it wanted to take me back.
"*Cough* Well, yeah. Or do you prefer being friends through a punch? I knew someone whose friendships started with those." Chuckling a bit to herself, Coco smiled as she gazed at the three of us.
"Friends?" With her voice laced with a small hint of uncertainty, but still with confidence, she pulled Velvet along with her other arm, making the poor little lady scramble and awkwardly be in between trying to stay on her seat and fix herself up against Coco.
"Well, as much as I love my dear sisters, your friendship would be surely appreciated." Bellatrix, the "leader" of our sisterhood, calmly smiled as she regarded Coco with a gentle look.
"I don't know what you're talking about Bella, but I'm game!" Happy with her new friends, Andromeda had hugged me tighter than before, causing her breasts to squish against my back and let me feel their softness.
'Their definitely a bit softer than her skin'. I thought that to myself as I remained looking, and acting, like a child outside. "Friends!" I answered as the last one, the way we usually do.
"Hehe. See Bun-bun? We've got new friends!" Chuckling in delight, Coco put her attention on the adorably panicking little brunette, practically pulling the smaller woman onto her lap.
Letting out a cute yelp, Velvet made herself as small as possible on Coco's lap, and the chemistry between those two had not passed by my gaze. There obviously was something between them, but it wasn't...cemented, not fully solidified, but there was something there.
Grinning to myself, I bit back an innocent question that would have sent them into becoming blushing messes, opting to just indulge in our newly formed friendship together with my sisters.
¦Location: Beacon,
Olivia's Tower¦
|Narcissa's POV|
Standing in front of mommy's office doors, I felt very giddy! Andromeda and Bellatrix, knowing how much I missed mommy, had allowed me to go straight to her after we stepped onto Beacon's landing pads, since there was still some time before the orientation. They had distracted our new friends enough, to let me escape to mommy and to ignore the similarities of our last names with the Headmistress of Beacon.
I had passed Glynda earlier on my way too! She was truly a beautiful woman, and even being in her 30s hadn't damaged that. Of course, I put on my cute, innocent person and milked the moment. I had lured her into a seemingly innocent hug for our reunion, and had gently groped her in the pretense of me being very overwhelmed. Glynda was a busy woman, like my mommy, so she wasn't able to visit home with her schedule.
After that, she had directed me to my mommy's office, and left me, giving me a kiss on the cheek, obliterating her cold persona completely, and went to prepare whatever they needed for the orientation. And, with Glynda having left me alone, I hurriedly recited my plan in my mind, grinned, and became the best actress Remnant will never be able to know!
Now teary-eyed, I slowly pride the double doors open. Then, not even being half-way open, I saw my mommy's figure staring out the window in, what I could guess, nostalgia. For a moment, I took in my mommy's beauty, before I let out a soft, "Mommy?..."
Mommy, being as experienced as she was, had probably already known I had been outside her office -of course she wouldn't know what I was doing before-, and casually turned around with a gentle smile that made my heart skip a beat. She was truly a beauty out of this world, and I wasn't even sure she was still mortal -barring her constant reincarnations and knowledge of it-.
She was like an angel, but that was just a farce because mommy was actually a cunning demoness. A demoness with a twisted moral based on the good of the world.
"Narcissa darling, it is good to see you again." Placing her mug magically enchanted with infinite coffee, and opening her arms, I took this as a cue to dive in. Quickly, I had burst through the door and jumped into my mommy's embrace.
Hugging her tightly, I savored the moment for a while, smiling and feeling all light and all, before I began to subtly rub my body against hers.
"I missed you so much mommy." Pulling my head from under her majestic boobs and placing my chin over them, I made sure to show my longing and want. I was sure, as great as my mommy was, that she had some kind of damage in her. She wouldn't be as ruthless and merciless as she is now if there wasn't. Being reincarnated multiple times and living for so long, experiencing both good and bad, was sure to do something to her. And I intend to exploit that damage to worm deeper into her heart, while also healing it.
"I missed you too, little grimm." With a dazzling smile, she nuzzled her nose on mine, making me giggle while I did the same, milking the moment.
"Mommy...." Trailing off, I broke our little nuzzling moment, and looked deep into her brown orbs.
"Hmm?" Still with a gentle smile, she regarded me with a look of inquiry, and I internaly smirked.
Closing my eyes, I surprised mommy with a sudden, but soft kiss directly into her lips, while I flared my pheromones, which I had let out gently once I entered the room and hugged her. My mommy, both surprised from the kiss, and from the sudden spike of arousal -my pheromones had been the result of my semblance-, was frozen in place.
I had wanted to pry her lips open with my tongue, but I had planned to take my seduction slow and steady, gentle and innocent. I wanted mommy to be the one who would take me after spurring her one, leading her into the right direction.
My kiss was chaste, and as much as I wanted more, I was satisfied for now, and especially when I had caused her to sit down onto the sofa behind her, with me now on her lap, grinding onto them as discreetly as I could.
Feeling that I had enough, I slowly, shyly pulled away, and looked at my mommy with the most innocent expression I could muster. And I was definitely, pleasantly surprised with the darkening of her eyes.
I thought to myself, 'It seems that I have underestimated mommy's resistance to my pheromones.', as I lowered my pheromone's power, causing mommy to think more clearly. Then, with a moment's passing, a blush had spread across mommy's cheeks as she looked down at me, with a hint of shyness!
I had expected her to react more negatively to what I had done, a bit of disgust or anger, with the most positive one being her just taking it all with a motherly smile! This was surely a surprising development, but I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that.
Wordlessly, I just rested my head on her chest, with one of my hands gently caressing her arm.
Then, overcoming her stupor, she asked with a gentle voice, "What was that for?"
Smiling wickedly in the inside, but being bashful on the outside, I looked up to her. "I... I know I'm not a kid and all... but I still wanted to kiss you. I love you soo much, mommy, and you've been away for so long, only visiting us for a while before going off. I just... l-love you."
I was very proud of myself right now, being able to smoothly answer her question with double meanings, which would hopefully cause her imagination to run wild. And it worked! Her blush had deepened, and her eyes were now filled with confusion.
'Phase 1, complete.' Smiling triumphantly to myself, I remained in act and now began to rub myself onto her more noticeably, but in a way that it could be interpreted as just excitement.
"Oh Narcissa..." Mommy gently cooed into my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine, and I had noticed there was a lace of lust into her words, causing my pride onto myself bloat.
'I'm definitely the best seductress that has ever stepped on remnant.' I playfully thought to myself as I continued to grind onto my mommy's lap, and another surprise! Mommy was purring!
'Hehehe. This will definitely be great.' I felt so empowered with what I was doing to my mommy that I just thought I could face a lot right now, but I just focused more onto making my mommy fall for me. Then, without a warning, I gave my mommy another kiss on the lips, still without tongue, and still being as innocent as possible, while also thinking of how proud mother would be with me.
'I wonder how mother would reward me when I bring mommy back home?' Asking myself that, I remained seducing my mommy as we waited for the orientation to call for mommy to start it.
Plz. Read.
|A/N: Hope I did well.
I have a fascination with relationships with the foundations starting in dark, teisted ways. I was reading a Twilight fanfic (Never watched, never read the book, just liked the fanfics) where Bella was like, raped a lot by Victoria, and their relationship bloomed from there.
All Red, that's the title. It's very good. Found it on AO3.
And, now, please give me an Original Character (Female obviously), their description, personality and the such, to use, plus their team name. I'm still having a problem on how I'll deal with that. I decided with going with the colors, but I just can't find anything usable with
B N and A.
Next up, should I Timeskip to Ruby and the gang entering Beacon? I'll still make a chap for Narcissa meeting Weiss and Blake.
Or should I like, make one chap for Narcissa's school life before going into RWBY's segment?
Do note that I'm going to fuck up cannon, and just use a bit of it for a while.
Also, you can give me your suggestions on what you want to happen in the future!|