My Jealous Heart

Our history professor, Mr. Wilson, discussed the ancient history of Erthesia land and I have learned that ever since, the bloodline of Ischyros clan has been the ruler of Erthesia until the downfall of my father. I like Mr. Wilson, of course he also looks gorgeous, and acts like a human. He looked different from last night. He let us go ahead of time to enjoy our lunch.

   Prince Declan is now tagging along with our group. "I don't think this is a good idea Prince Declan, you know that Flynn wants to eradicate my existence in this academy, you are his beloved cousin, and he doesn't want you to associate with me." I said directly to him.

   The prince just shrugged his shoulders and continue walking with me while my friends/bodyguards are walking behind us. We arrived at the banquet hall and fall in line to get our food, now all the fairies are looking at us, especially to me. I disregard them by looking at my notes.

   We chose to sit at the far end table to avoid conflicts with the royals. I asked Freda to look for a table as far away from Flynn, who is looking at me with distaste in his eyes. Prince Declan opted to sit with his cousins since Flynn called for his attention. They were seated at the center of the hall, all the fairies are focusing on them with high regard and amazement in their eyes including other royals.

They are indeed eye-catchers not only because the crown prince is sitting with them, but because their beauties are exceptional, well of course Flynn is outstanding among them. He is different in a way I can't explain, once he looks at you, it seems the world stops and all you can do is watch his glorious beauty. Prince Flynn is so handsome. I can feel him watching me the whole time, enough for me to have butterflies in my stomach. Every time I look at his gorgeous face, I can feel my face blush.

   I don't know his other cousins except Declan, their group is composed of two female fairies, in the human world, I will peg them as cheerleaders, and three boys including Flynn. I want to know if all of them is from Katharos Kingdom, I know I have to be careful in my every move if I want to be safe, and to be able to carry on my training in this elite academy for fairies.

   The crowd went silent when Princess Avery arrives, she is indeed very beautiful, the way she carries herself is extraordinary, she can be every boy's dream. She smiled to prince Flynn and for the first time I saw him genuinely smiled, his eyes are even twinkling.

   Wow! He knows how to grin after all, his smile can light up the whole universe. He stands up and offers Avery his hand to assist her in putting her food on the table. It is obvious that they are friends, or more than friends? I feel a sudden pang in my chest. Oh! No, this is not good, why I suddenly feel so jealous of her. I wanted to imitate the way she laughs sweetly, when Flynn said something to her.

   The moment I saw Prince Flynn whispering in her ear I almost choke my food, immediately Nick and Hale stand up, and they help me by patting my back, while Freda gives me my drinks. I saw Flynn peered at us for the first time after the arrival of Avery, his full attention was with her. I suddenly saw some worries in his eyes. Am I dreaming or maybe my eyes are tricking me?

I hate myself because it is now clear to me, that for the first time in my whole life, I like a boy. The only lad, I ever like who in return hates me and wants to get rid of me. He has a girlfriend too, it would be easy if I only like either Nick or Hale because I know deep in my heart they both like me, both of them wants more than friendship. I love them both as friends nothing more.

"Hey! Malia are you alright?" Asked Hale.

"Yeah! I am fine, why do you ask?"

"We have been calling your name, you looked so pale and seems you are in deep thought." Freda said, I can see the worries in her eyes.

   "Oh! It is nothing I am just so confuse about everything, but don't worry guys I will be able to catch up this whole fairy thing." I lied to them. I am hurt because of Prince Flynn's displayed of affection towards Princess Avery. He can be very charming if he wants to.

The rumors were true about him, I have never seen him interact with anyone except with his cousins, Avery and me, but in my case it was different, he only talked to me to let everyone knows that I am not welcome in fairy land, he doesn't like the idea of someone like me studying here at the academy.

   Why of all people? Why it has to be him? He hates me for no reason, and yet I feel something very deep for him. I am so terrified of my own realization of my true feelings for him. I don't really know how it feels like, to like someone until I met him.

   I only met him last night, but it seems like I knew him from a long time ago, every time I glance in his direction he is looking at Avery with longing and desire in his eyes. My heart is pierced and I can feel the heaviness of my own chest.

I was not able to finish my lunch since I lost my appetite. I feel guilty about lying to my friends, I don't want to share it with Freda even though she is my best friend, I don't want them to know that my affection towards Flynn affected my focus.

Our first class in the afternoon is Fairy Practical Magic, and our instructor is Mr. Wallace Knight. I have learned from Freda that all the professors in the academy are mostly more than five hundred years old. I thought they were all young, in their early thirties to late forties, but I was wrong.

     According to her the moment fairies reached adulthood, they will grow old slowly, some fairies can stay younger than others, especially the powerful, and there are some who can really stop themselves from aging. That is why some of them still looks like a teenager. Fairy magic is still a mystery to me.

"Okay! Class, all of you listen to me, our lesson will be more on the actual practice of magic, you will learn to enhance your magic from Professor Barbara, here in my class you will use all you have learned from her to perform the actual utilization of your power. Now I will call you and your partner to have our exercise. You will be graded according to your performance every day." Mr. Knight said.

"From time to time you will be changing partners until such time you will be partnered with everyone within the class. Is that clear? Most of the time we will be in the gymnasium to have more space to fight." Professor Knight speaks seriously, and he is looking at me quizzically. I had a bad feeling about him, I hope I am mistaken, can he see through me?

"Now, once I call your name and your partner, please come forward and do the basics. First, we have Avery and Freda." Freda stands up and Princess Avery does the same. I was wondering what are the basics.

   They stand in front of the class facing each other, then they both spread their wings. Avery has beautiful wings too, which composed of red, yellow, blue and orange colors, no doubt she is a royalty. Subsequently, Avery throws some magic to Freda I can see the different color of lights coming from Avery to Freda, being a well-trained royal guard Freda was able to defend herself and made the magic of Avery backfired on her, Avery almost fall but regained her footings.

"That was a good counter Freda, now you need to attack Avery." Mr. Knight instructed Freda, she did throw some of her magic to Avery, but the princess was able to block her magic with grace and poised. The whole class clapped their hands. Professor Knight continues calling the names of my classmates, while I feel like I am going to have a heart attack because of the nervousness that I feel.

I am hoping that I won't be paired with Flynn yet, I need to learn more about magic to counter his power. They said he is very powerful. I felt relieved when he was called and paired with Declan. They both looked like Gods of Olympus. Declan spread his wings and attacked Flynn immediately, but his magic was suspended in the air, Flynn was able to counter his charges even without spreading his wings, when Flynn strikes Declan the latter dropped to the floor unmoving and groaning with pain.

"That was a very powerful defense and attacked Flynn, you have done great too Declan, if you were ordinary, with that kind of attack, you are not standing there wearing that sweet smile of yours." Mr. Knight said and continues calling our names. After he attacked, Flynn automatically healed his cousin by using his own healing power, that is why Declan looked as if nothing happens at all.

Great I am safe from Flynn for now, but sooner or later I have to face him.

Both Nick and Hale did well with their offensive and defensive magic exercise.

My name was called, and I am matched with Suzanne, she is another being who dislikes me, for sure I will be in the infirmary as soon as our duel is over.

   I am really scared to stand up since I don't know what to do, but it will be more humiliating if I will just sit on my chair. I got up and go to the front, instantly Suzanne charged at me without warning, I feel like I am electrocuted, and I fall to the ground. My whole body is in pain, no matter what I do, I can't bring myself to stand up, then I heard princess Suzanne's mockery.

"Ops! Sorry Mr. Knight I forgot she is a half blood I should have been extra careful." Suzanne said with sarcasm in her voice, the whole class erupted in laughter. They find it so funny that I am on the floor, unmoving and in agony, I know she did it on purpose, I was trying my best to control my emotions, I don't want to lose it again.

My friends are on my side right away, I can feel Hale is carrying me. "Bring her to the infirmary." Said Mr. Knight. That was the last thing I heard before I totally lost my consciousness.