4. Arguing in Hospital

"Is there any news about our suspect from hospital? I think he suppose to be ok now", Leah asking. "For God sake Leah, you shot him pretty bad.. I think lets wait for a couple of few more days, beside... hospital will call us for any news", Richard replying while eating his noodles.

"Oh come on, i shot him in his shoulder... In His Fucking Shoulder, not in his heart. It shouldn't be that bad, he should be ok in just 2 days. Alright stop talking, finish your noodles and lets go to the hospital. I'll wait at the car pool....

"Geez Leah, cant you just wait?? Richard can only scratch his hair and quickly finish his favourite fried noodles and running into staffs car pool.

3 days has passed since the big accident in Clear Water city main street. Investigations indicated that the bus driver got a heart attack. The bus driver is one of the death victims so police can only ask the other survivors about what happened that night.

"Hi, i'm detective Armstrong and he is Detective Young, CWPD. We need to see with the suspect that taken here 3 days ago, Leah informing the hospital front desk while showing her badge. "How's the suspect, his fine already right? And we can start asking him right away, isn't it?" Leah keep questioning the in front staff.

"Yes, the patient already conscious yesterday but you better ask the doctor in charge. I'll call him now" respond the staff to her.

When the staff making a call, Leah has her own idea. "Richard, let's go to special ward. I'm sure our suspect room is in there.

"What, but we suppose to wait the doctor in charge. We need permission first ".

"I dont think so, we need fast information about the other drugs sellers", said Leah while dragging Richard to follow her.

After looking for few minutes they find the special ward area and the exact room. From a window, a young man lay on the bed, shackles is locked in his right leg connecting with the bed. When both detectives want to enter the room, a voice stop them.

"May i know what you're going to do with my patient?.... Detectives". It was James voice.

"I dont remember to give any permission for police interrogation" James voice rises.

"Aaah sorry by that doc. You must be the doctor in charge. I think you've been told by the staff about us", I'm detective Young and she's detective Armstrong.

"We want to meet the suspect for some

questions, doctor....?

"Greyson, James Greyson....

"Aaah yeah, doctor Greyson. "Well, then can we ask him now?

"Sorry but it wont happen now", James refused detective Young request.

"What.... doctor Greyson, that man information is vital for us. Next week there will be drugs trading and he the only person we knew has the valid info about when, where and who. "Beside, his conscious since yesterday, he can answer our questions", Leah arguing with high tone.

"That's what you think. But i got mine. He lose a lot of blood and barely survived. Yes, his conscious since yesterday but he still weak, and i dont want to risk my patient life. Beside, you said that the drugs trading will be on next week not this week. So you can just wait for at least 2 more days before doing your business" James arguing back.

"2 days, that's so long... ok, here's the deal. How about a day? He can get another day to rest and we don't have to wait for 2 days" Leah bargaining.

"Sorry, but i said 2 days and it'll be 2 days. Weather you like it or not. This is my decision as his doctor in charge. Now, please excuse me. My colleague, doctor Hanson is in other city for her family funeral so i got double patients to check" James said to both detective while heading out from special ward area.

Leah really pissed off, she's so close with the suspect but cant do anything because a doctor stop them. Leah is typical of detective that doesn't want to losing to much time in handling a case. If its can be done today, then why wait for tomorrow. There are still many other bad people that need to be catch.

So she prefer to directly asking the suspect when there is a chance to do it, than just waiting to get some permission from other person.

But when both detective just about to leave, a voice call them.

"Detectives, wait....

Surprisingly, it is James that calling them back. James walking approaching Leah and Richard, he looks at Leah and then with smile he say... "let me check your left arm, detective Armstrong".

3 days ago, Jeff Sparks was shot in arresting raid. But before that one police officer got injured by his knife, and the police officer was Leah. Doctor Hanson that night was in charge for Jeff Sparks operation while James was the one in charge for Leah.