7. Notorious Organization

Clear Water city, just like any other countries capital city attracts many people to live, work, doing business, and others.

The city lead by Governor that straight under direct command and responsible to Imperial county President. The city is called one of the best city in the whole world. But it doesn't mean that the city not have something to be call dangerous.

The Black Dagger, is a dark notorious organization that received highest attention from President, Grand Chief Of National Police, and Chief Commander of Imperial Arm Forces.

The Black Dagger existence started since 25 years ago. Each other members has their own name codes. Each member has insignia as a proof of their nembership, when doing meeting each member will wearing mask and only recognized by their name codes. Its an organization that full of mystery.

They doing drugs selling as the main source of income but they also doing blackmail to certain people and killing. Every time they kill someone, the Black Dagger assassins always left a momento in victims body. No matter the victim killed using guns, or knife or other killing tools, the assassin will always left a small black dagger that stabbed in victims body.

Since 20 years ago the Imperial President that time announced a special police task force with special mission task to destroy The Black Dagger and bring their members in the hands of justice.

Danny Killian, was a professional notary. He got many clients that satisfied with his work. He got his own firm, got nice connections, humble and caring person. And that's what make people shocked when its revealed that he was Black Dagger organization member. Not just a low rank member, he was The Leader of Black Dagger.

But how the police can managed to found out his dark identity?

It was by coincidence that one of the police special task force member went to visit Killian's firm. The police sergeant want him to do his new house notary documents. The police sergeant visited Killian's Firm and accidentally nudged Killian's mug glass making half of the water spill out on Killian's desk, while Killian's still in the other room with his assistant.

The police sergeant immediately wipe the water with his handkerchief and try to prevent the watern runs down on the carpet. While he wipe the desk drawer edges which is quite open, he saw something with shape like a small knife with black color that seems familiar.

It was a pin but very similar design with Black Dagger momento item that always left in their killing victims. On the pin carved initial "BD" and on the other side carved "O1". The police sergeant cant do further investigation because he heard Killian's voice approached the room. But he reported this matter to the task force Captain.

Investigation about Danny Killian then begin with full of secret and cautious. It took 2 years investigation since he is very smart and careful guy, it was not easy to found evidences.

Weather God help the police or finally Danny Killian got his own bad luck, the police special task force found enough solid evidences. He was arrested with death penalty maximum sentence for some killing cases.

Police never though that Danny Killian was the leader of Black Dagger but unexpectedly he was confessed to police investigators. What more surprised that Danny Killian was actually a cold blooded psychopath. With "brave" he told about how he ordered Black Dagger assassins to kill their victims. The Assassins always make filming while they killed the victims.

He said, "I can hear their beautiful screams, I can imagine the lovely red color came out from their bodies, and when the assassins return from their duty, oh i can smell their bloods." They should be happy and proud to be death for the Black Dagger Glory"..... He laughed with closed his eyes, take a deep breath while imagining the death victims.

Danny Killian admitted all his crime, and his leader position in Black Dagger organization but he remain silent about the other members though he said he knew all the members but not all the members know who he is. No matter how hard police investigators tries still no clue about the other members. Danny Killian also said that he got a "Treasure" that can shock not just Clear Water city but also in whole Imperial county. But no one knows what is the treasure that he mean.

After few days interrogation police finally handed the case to district attorney. The DA charged him with first degree mass murders, but Danny Killian refused to be represent by a lawyer. He said his not afraid with death and he dont need any lawyer.

It was Grace Armstrong, the mother of Leah and Lisa that chosen to be the judge of this massive huge case. The jury decided Danny Killian guilty to every DA accusations but surprisingly Grace Armstrong didnt punish him with death punishment like many people demands.

She sentenced Danny Killian with life time in prison plus another 200 years prison term without any chance of parole. She ordered that he will be serve the sentences in Clear Water Supermaximum Prison in the most isolated cell with more frequent extra supervision. Grace Armstrong said that if she sentence him with death then he will only suffer in a short term.

When Danny Killian heard the sentences he became madly furious to Grace.

"I want death.... Give me death, you bitch !!!

Give me death or I swear I'll kill you and your damn shit family !!! ,Give me death"..... He yelled while trying approaching Grace even though he was restrains with tight. But police, bailiff and some army soldiers secured him immediately.

Danny Killian only served his prison term in 3 years. There was a big earthquake that caused big damages in Clear Water city. Many buildings got heavy casualties including with Clear Water Supermaximum Prison.

4 cell blocks was heavily damaged and some inmates was hit by their own prison cell walls. Danny Killian was one of the unfortunate inmate, he got hit in his head and death on the way to hospital. But the guards and paramedic staffs can hear with clear that his last words was "Glory for the Black Dagger"... You going to die bitch, you and your whole family".

He then laughed and before the ambulance arrive in hospital, Danny Killian was officially death.

That was then ending of Danny Killian life but The Black Dagger organization still in big mystery.