Chapter 4

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


It's been a week when I visited Eleanor's house and as what Gabrielle said, he always go here if he has free time and usually we play in our xbox.

It's already 11 in the morning and I am just staring at my laptop waiting for my online class to end.

Someone knocked three times.

"Come in" I said still staring at my laptop's screen.

At last! It's already finished.

"Are you done?" Gabrielle asked me. He's seated in my swing. He really wants sitting there, I wonder

I stood up and sat on the other side of my swing.

"When will your class start?" I asked as I sat beside him.

"Tomorrow" he said with no any reaction.

Is he sad? Or happy? He doesn't have any reaction at all. What a human?!

"What's that expression, huh? I can't identify if you are happy or not" I said sarcastically. I even laughed while staring at him.

"I am not sad, you get me wrong" he defend. My eyes widened because of that. "I am not the one who will be sad here, you are the one who will be sad" he added then smirked.

My brain doesn't function. I am having a hard time to understand all the information that he said. Wait, will he...???

"You won't be able to be here? Is that what you wanna try to say? Am i correct?" I asked, wondering.

He slowly nod. My heart fluttered. I will lose someone to talk to and play xbox with me.

"I will still make time to be here. We're friends, right? And teach me how to solve math problems" he said then laughed. I wanna hit him because he will come here just for me to teach him some math probles?! Ewww.

"Let's go downstairs. Mom asked me to come here and tell you that it's already lunch time" He explained then stood from sitting here in my color pink swing.

I put my slippers on and went outside. I smell the something. It smells delicious. I ran towards the kitchen to see what Eleanor's cooking.

As i open the pot, the water is boiling which is too hot. I wanna eat right now. I am sure that it's yummy because Eleanor is great, anyways.

"Your mom and dad will be here later, they just informed me" Eleanor said while putting the plates in the table.

I startled because of that. It's very rare when they will go home. They are always in their work or office acting they don't have a daughter. The trutg is, I spent and i grow with our maid and Eleanor.

"Why?" I asked. I don't know why I am confused and that's the word came out from my mouth. I want to be happy about that but I can't. I've used to have no parents at all.

"I want to tell you right now but, they asked me to keep quiet and let them tell you later. They will be here before dinner" Eleanor explained then smile. He forced to smile.

I feel something strange. I am curious, tho.

"It's okay. It's your job to follow all the things they asked you to do. I understand. I'll wait them instead" I said then I started to eat.

I offered them to join me eating lunch but they refused. Also, Gabrielle don't wanna eat. He just sat on our couch in our living room and watch some anime, i think that's anime.

After I ate I sat beside Gabrielle who's to busy while watching. He doesn't even blink that much.

"Hey! You're too serious" I shouted then nudge him. Now, i got his attention.

"What? I am watching can't you see?" Now, he asked me. He is frowning.

I get the remote and turn off the television. I wanna tease him. After that, he look at me with very serious face. He looks like a mad tiger. He is about to burst!

"Can you turn it on again? That's my favorite anime Noelle. Please. This is the last episode" He said then forced me to grab the remote I am holding.

I laughed so hard when he can't grab it to my hands. I even put out my tounge ans teased him. He stood up with crossing his arms.

He walked away going to the kitchen I think. Where his mom located.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked him but he didn't turn back. I didn't follow him. I just sat here while staring on our decorative light with branches for several light bulbs and candles.

After two minutes Gabrielle went outside. This time I follow him.

I pulled him so that I cam talk to him better. But i was surprised when his face looks nothing. Like he was mad nor happy. I don't know.

"W-where are you g-going Gabrielle?" I uttered. I know he is mad at me.

"Home" he said shortly then turned around. I was startled that until now, i am staring at him until he lost on my sight. He really go home this early.

After that, i go upstairs and lay in my bed. I sighed.

"I was dumb for teasing him that way, next time I won't do it" I said talking to myself.

Mentally i fell asleep. I just woke up when I felt someone is poking me. Even though I am still sleepy, I forced myself to get up from bed.

I saw Eleanor in front of me with a smile on her face like i didn't pissed his son earlier. I look at my window and I was surprised that it's already night. I slept for how many hours? My ghod!

"Your mom and dad is already downstairs waiting for you. Go and fix yourself. Let me tie your hair first" Eleanor asked me then I let her to tie my hair. After that i put some powder all over my face and went outside.

"What time did they arrive? Just now?" I inquire while we're passing on our hallway going to the stairs.

"They jus arrived five minutes ago Noelle" she answered.

I saw mom and dad sitting already in our dining table. They we're ready to eat. I hugged mom and dad before I sat on my seat.

"Is there something wrong why did you go home?" I asked softly. I try not to be sarcastic, i think i passed.

"We are here to get some clothes Noelle. We will go to Norway for business, ofcourse" Dad started. Mom give him a stare.

"What? It's okay. She is already 15 she can understand that we have important things to do" Dad explained talking to mom.

"I understand. Stop arguing please? Let's just eat" I asked them. They stare at each other.

"When will you leave? Mom? Dad?" I demand while staring at my food.

Eleanor prepared some past. I am just playing with my food, i don't have any appetite.

"Later baby, after we pack things. We will go straight to airport" Mom explained. She looks worried what will be my reaction on her sentence.

"Ahh, i see. Okay. I can help you mom packing things" I insist. Mom nod while smiling.

"Okay Noelle. Help me, then. For now, finish your food and let's go upstairs" Mom said having a positive voice.

I get it. That's her way to express that she doesn't have any choice. Like, she needs to go even though she doesn't want to.

"Noelle, let's go" Mom invited me. She even lend her hand, i get it.

"When will you be back mom? Will it take you too long?" I asked, wondering.

"Quite baby. But help me first packing my clothes" Mom asked me.

I open her suitcase and help her to fold her clothes one by one. Mom lots of clothes, we mostly packing winter clothes.

I love winter clothes, they look so beautiful.

Someday I am gonna wear them, too.

"Mom, I have a new friend!" I remembered Gabrielle. I wanna tell mom about Gab.

"Who? the one with you on the mall last time?" She asked me back. I nod excitedly.

"That's Eleanor son, right? What is his name, then?" Mom asked while putting the brown boots in the box.

"Gabrielle mom!" I said still looking at the brown boots. "mom?" I started with peasing voice.

"yes?" Mom look at me.

"I like your boots, the brown one" I said the point the boots.

"you want it? Then, you can have it. It won't fit you now but, someday it will" Mom added then give me the box where the brown boots located.

"Thank you mom, I'll keep this!" I said then hugged the shoe box.

"I love you Noelle I love you forever" Mom said sweetly.

"I love you too, mom. Always and forever" I answered then kissed her on her cheeks.