Chapter 5

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


I just woke up. Mom and dad leave last night, they don't even allow me to brought them to the airport.

After more minutes, i decided to get up from my bed. I really don't have nothing to do nor agenda. Also, Gabrielle won't be able to come here since today is his first day of school.

I go straight to my bathroom to take a bath. I felt comfortable when the warm water, drops to may fair skin. I really love my cherry blossom conditioner. It's my all time favorite.

I just decided to wear a blue shirt and dolphin shorts. I am sure that I'll just stay here in my room all day.

While I am brushing my hair passing by our hallway. I heard something in the news.

"Magnitude 8.5 earthquake in Norway" that's what I heard from the television.

"Norway?" I asked myself remembering something.

"No! No way!" I said while screaming. I run towards to our television to confirm something. Mom and dad is there.

"Noelle" Eleanor said while frowning.

"What happen? Are they hurt? Are they okay?" I asked continously. They didn't answer even just a word. "Tell me!" I shouted, i was too afraid on what will they answer.

"Noelle, you mom and dad—" Eleanor trying to calm me, but I won't. I can't calm down in this kind of situation.

"Just freakin' tell me right now! I wanna know, please" my voice broke and my tears fell often. I wanna cry so bad! I wanna scream to let the pain out. Is this really happening?

"Many people died in this disaster. Names of dead will be posted on our website" the announcer said.

My tears burst! Our maids started to cry, also.

"Mom! Dad!" I scream.

"Noelle, let's go upstairs" Eleanor asked me. She even held my hand to support me. I am too weak to walk straight.

On this kind of moment, i wanna be lost. My world stopped for a moment. All the time i am with them are all wasted now. I wis we are just a normal person who doesn't need to be in othet country for fucking business.

Now, we are here in my room. My room filled with silence. You will just heard my sob. I can't stop myself from crying.

"Eleanor this is just a nightmare right? Right?" I asked hoping that she will say yes to me.

She shooked her head three times. "That's also my wish Noelle. I hope this is a nightmare but— but it's n-not" She uttered and also began to cry.

I know that she wanna cry earlier but she's just stopping herself.

"Why? Did i do something wrong that's why God let me suffer like this?" I asked her. I am also wondering what's the reason of this disaster.

"We haven't time for each other, Eleanor. Times that they are alive is already wasted. I wish we spent it together" i pity myself for being a stubborn when they are here.

"I wish I spent my whole night with them. I wished I am able to send them to airport. I wish I have memories with them" I said continously. My heart filled with sorry and remorseful.

"Shh, that's not your fault" Eleanor try to comfort me.

"How will my life turn? I don't have any family here, Eleanor. My uncle and auntie is not here. I really don't have a family to be with" my voice broke once more. I thinking what will be my life without my parents.

Yes, I want to be honest. I was mad at them. They don't able to make time for me. They are always busy at work. But mom always try to explain things to me. She's always reminding me that all of them are her sacrifices to give me a better life. To give me all the things that I want, to have a comfortable life.

But even at once, I am not able to tell her that thing is not what I prefer. I'd rather die from starving than to have a big house with no any compassion from your loved ones.

"You have me" Eleanor said then try to smile hiding the pain. I am not convinced about that.

I try to smile. I was about to talk when someone open the door and said, "you also have me too"

It was Gabrielle still wearing his uniform. I think he went here directly after school. I just smiled at him.

"Thank you" I said with my normal voice. I don't have any guts to have a postive voice

Gabrielle sat beside me. Eleanor is in my right side and Gab is in my left side.

I really pity myself.

"Don't comfort me. I don't need it. It just makes me feel weak and have no any power to walk on my own" I said seriously.

"Shhh. You need to take a rest. Please, take a rest" Eleanor asked me. I nod myself without understanding what Eleanor said. I don't mind her that much right now.

Gabrielle and Eleanor closed the door. Now, its only me. I already stopped from crying. As i am staring at the window, the boots caught my attention.

It was the boots that mom gave to me last night, the one that i will keep and wear them someday. My tears began to cry again and again. I slowly get out from my bed and I slowly open the box.

Memories came back, memories that we made last night while packing. I grab the boots and hugged them. I know it won't make my parents life back, but doing this can ease my pain.

"Mom. Why did you leave me that fast? Again? You're always leaving me!" I scream while hugging the brown boots.

Suddenly i fell asleep.

I saw mom wearing a beautiful white long dress. She even have a gloves on both hand. She's lending her hand to me.

I am supposed to get it but someone pulled me. I don't know him. He just appeared from somewhere.

"Noelle you need to know something, baby" Mom said seriously. She even kneel down to have a same average with me. To talk to me more convenient.

"What is it mom? Dad?" I asked as i stare to both of them.

"I have a secret from you, baby. But, this is not the right time for that. You will know it soon. I don't want you to be hurt" Mom looks worried. She even wiped her own tears and try to smile like nothing happen.

"I can understand it mom, i am smart right?" My voice broke. I wanna ask them why did they left me. Why did they left me...alone.

"Noelle, go to our room" Dad said. He stood beside mom.

"Mom, did you?" I try not to uttered. But i think i can't. "D-did you really l-left me? T-tell me please" I pleased them. My tears fell once again.

"Baby, I am sorry. We don't want this to happen. Sorry, Sorry" Mom begging me.

"I don't have any choice mom but to accept the truth" my voice broke. Wishing right now that I am just hallucinating.

"Promise me Noelle that you will try your best to heal faster baby, okay?" Mom said sweetly.

"Yes, mom. I will...try my very best" I said while crying.

As i open my eyes they are already gone.

I heard someone calling me.

"Noelle! wake up! You have a nightmare!" Gabrielle said, shouting at me.

I open my eyes and still, I am holding this pair of boots. I turn it back to the box and place it underneath.b

"Gabrielle I saw mom, in my dream" I said. I know I really look pale right now but it doesn't matter anymore.

"Shhh. You have a nightmare Noelle. That's not right" Gabrielle said then help me to get up from laying down the floor.

"If i can talk to mom and dad in my nightmare, i will prefer to sleep forever, then" I said then sob. Tears can't stop from falling.

"Will you leave me? If you slept forever i won't be able to talk to you anymore Noelle. It's not fair" He said. He even joke on the last part.

I smirked. I get up. He look at me while staring maybe he is wondering where i am going.

"I will go to mom's room. They asked me to be there, they said from my favorite dream" that's my favorite dream now. On that way, I am able to talk to my parents without calling for emergency in their work.

But ut makes me sad becauseI will just saw them in my dream. That even me doesn't have any idea when will they appear again.

I walked directly to mom and dad's room. As i about to open the door knob I let a deep breath. I slowly open it and I saw how clean and organize my mom. I don"t even recognize them before when they are alive.

That truth makes me sad.