Chapter 8

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


I am already here in my room, we are about to start studying online. Gabrielle already left for school and Eleanor is downstairs. Today's topic is all about history. As much i wanna listen and focus to our teacher, my brain kept worrying about mom and dad. I wished they can go home by tomorrow.

After two hours, our discussion is done. They sent me written activities that we need to submit by tomorrow morning. We have early class tomorrow.

I went to my closer to get something to wear, i wanna take a bath right now and go downstair and wait for mom's call.

As i go inside the bathroom and slowly open the faucet that brings the droplets from the shower to my skin. It's so refreshing! I am thinking right now, what should i do. I don't have nothing to do. Maybe I can help Eleanor in the kitchen since the other maid is not around.

I am wearing a blue shirt and dolphin shorts. I already brush my hair and put moisturizer to my smooth face. I am looking for my fluffy slippers to put on.

I saw Eleanor cleaning in the kitchen holding a rag and cleaning spray. I remembered something.

"Uhmm Eleanor?" I started. Right now, she's straing at me. She gives me 'what' reaction face.

"How about your income? Mom is not around nor dad. I know you and Gabrielle needs money to live" I wondered. I know they have a tight budget and her income here in our house their only support for them to be able to live.

"Your mom already talked to me. Nothing to worry about" She said while smiling.

"You can go home if you want Eleanor. Your house is empty for days. Check your house, don't worry about me" I explained. I just figure out that she is not going home and check her house maybe because she don't want to leave me here.

"Are you sure? I just need to turn off the electricity there. And i will return here, again. Are you sure? Noelle?" Eleanor asked me again. I nod three times. She pointed out the boiling pot right now. She turn ofd the stove.

"Food is ready. If you wanna eat, just go ahead. Rice is already cooked for you. Just be careful getting the soup. It might burn you Noelle" She explained and walked away.

I just stare at her until she lost on my sight. I look at every corner of our house and figure out that, even though we have this kind of life...there's a lot of struggle still. Now, i am just here in our house, alone.

I just sat in our sofa and turned on the television. I am just watching some movies here, sometimes i am staring at the telephone because mom might call and I am really excited to answer.

As i am watching television, I felt sleepy. After a minute i already slept in our couch.

I just woke up because i am starving. I looked at the clock and its already 2:30 in the afternoon and I haven't eat my lunch. I look around to check if Eleanor returned already but i found out that she's not. She's not yet home. In an hour, Gabrielle will be here. It's almost their dismissal.

I put on my slippers and go directly in our kitchen. I open the stove to heat up again the soup that Eleanor made. As i was staring at the stove, i remembered mom and dad.

When will they come home? Is they have food to eat? They have a shelter to sleep in? A lot of what if's kept coming in my head. I really wanna go to Norway and be with them. I'd rather die from physical pain than live in a big house with no family at all. I don't like to live with full of sadness. Out from nowhere, i felt my tears fell. I wiped them urgently.

I was surprised when the soup is already smoking! The soup nearly dried because of my unconsciouness. I turned off the stove immediately.

"Hey!" I heard a loud voice. I turned away to see who's that even though I am familiarized about his voice. It's Gabrielle. I know.

"What are you doing in front of the stove? And why its so smoky here?" He asked while looking around. He even cover his nose with his hands.

His eyes widened and say "wait? Don't tell me do you—smoke?! Are you smoking Noelle?!" He asked surprisingly. He really looked surprised. I laughed.

Did he really thinks that i am smoking? In this age? But even though i am older i won't smoke. It won't give me any benefits thus, it will destroy my body system and cigarette is quite pricy. Never.

"No, im not! You are a jerk" I said them get two plates for the both of us. "Let's eat" I invited him. He supposed to say nothing but, he just agreed.

"Mom asked me to go straight here in your house than going in our house. Mom said that she will bring me clothes to change. She will just settle our electricity bill" he explained and we sit down.

I was supposed to ask if they have money for that but, i think its disrespectful to ask. Maybe he will feel discriminated about that. So, i refused to ask and keep my mouth shut.

Maybe he noticed that i want to ask something, he said "do you wanna say something? Or ask about something? What is it?" He said while staring at me.

I shook my head three times and hold my spoon and fork. I am really hungry right now and i wanna full my stomach first before talking to Gabrielle.

"You know what lets eat first and talk afterwards. I am really hungry as horse" i said, exaggerated. And i continue eating my meal.

I noticed that Gabrielle is eating way too slow if you compare it how fast he is earlier in our breakfast. There must be something wrong.

We ate peacefully. After that Gabrielle decided to wash the dishes. I said that i can do it but he refused. As i go in our living room while waiting for him to be finished, i saw our xbox. Maybe we can play the dancing theme. I wanna play with him since i don't have any homework to do.

I heard that the faucet turned off which means that he is already finished washing the dishes.

"Gabrielle" I shouted. I heard his foot steps. I turned away to see him approaching.

"Yeah, why?" He asked wondering why i called him.

"Do you have something to do? We can play xbox if you want" I asked. I smiled.

His eyebrows rose and looks confused. He looked at the cd in the center table and looked at me again. I think he is thinking if he can join me or not.

"Okay, let's play. What do you want? The NBA?" he asked. My face went bad when he suggest to play basketball. Really? I don't even know why there is called 'free throw' in the basketball game and he is asking me to play that?!.

"What? I don't know how to play basketball" I said. That's the truth, i really don't know why.

"I can teach you, promised you will loved it" he said then put the cd in the burner. I didn't do anything instead i just sat here in our couch waiting for the loading to finished.

He handed to me the controller. I grab it and look the physical appearance. There lots of button. I try to press the other button.

"Hey, don't press any button. I am fixing it" Gabrielle said pointing the television. Yeah, he really fixing it.

"Okay, i will wait for you" i said without any reaction. I am not really interested in this game. But i don't wanna disappoint him. He looks excited by the way.

I was surprised when he sat beside me and put his own controller aside. He started to teach me the different use of the buttons. He is talking in front of me while pointing tge buttons.

No matter how much i want to focused, i was staring at his face. Gabrielle looks really handsome. He could be a celebrity.

"Do you understand?" he asked. Out of nowhere i nod my head. Then, we play.