Chapter 9

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


It's been a week since Gabrielle and I played the Xbox. He is correct, playing NBA is fun, the truth is, I play Xbox even if I am alone. I already know the usage of different buttons in the controller.

And also, it's been a week since I was waiting for mom's call. Mom never called since last week. I badly want to know if something happen or when they will be able to go home.

I am taking a bath right now since it's already 10 in the morning. I want to go downstairs, maybe mom might call and I can answer. While I was taking a shower, I heard Gabrielle inside my room.

He is shouting, "Noelle! Where are you? Let's play again." I rinse quickly and dry myself. Good thing is, I already put my clothes inside the bathroom.

After I dry myself, I went out and saw Gabrielle sitting in my couch while staring at the window.

"Hey, what's up? Why are you shouting addict gamer?" I said, trying to tease him. He is really an addict about games. Although, it's okay. Most of the boys we're addict by the games.

Now, I caught his attention. He is now staring at me with no reaction at all. He even cross his arms and looked straight to me.

"What?! What's with that face?" I asked. He looks strange with no reaction.

He laughed. "Are you trying to tease me? Well, I am so sorry you cannot do that" He said then laughed again.

Now, he is getting into my nerves. I really don't know why Gabrielle knows how to pissed me off. I can't do that to him. If I am trying to tease him, in the end, I am the one is pissed.

"Okay, so what do you want to play? NBA again?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Yeah, let's go" He stood up and walked away. Before he step out from my room, an idea came up to my head.

"Let's make a deal, then" I said with a challenging voice. He looked at me, frowning. He looks really curious in that face.

"Deal? What deal?" He asked. He even put his hands in his pocket.

"If I won, you will treat me outside. And if you won I will treat you outside. Vice versa Gabrielle. Are you down?" I asked to confirm if he likes my deal.

He stays quiet for a moment, maybe he is thinking about my deal. It's a good deal right? Maybe I can win over him. I already played several times, I guess I am also an addict now.

"Okay, deal Noelle. Best of 3" He said after a few minutes of remaining silent. I nod my head and put on my slippers.

"I will beat you Gabrielle" I said, then we go straight in our living room. I open our television and fix the Xbox so that we can start. Gabrielle is just watching me.

"You already know how to fix, huh? I think between the two of us? You are the addict" He said trying to tease me. I try my best not to be teased. It can ruin my game later.

"How can you say that I am an addict huh? You don't have any proof, jerk!" I said after I set all things. Now, we can start.

"Mom told me that after you make your homework you are playing here...alone. The first time we played you looks strange because you want to play the dancing thing and I picked NBA. I noticed that dude, I just ignored you" He said continuously then laughed at the last part.

I was surprised that he knew that NBA is not my thing. And now, it reveals that I am the addict between the two of us by playing alone after I make my homework. I can't do anything. He can think all things that he want to think. I am fine.

"Let's start. Best of three Gabrielle. Don't cheat, be sportsmanship" I said seriously. But, he laughed, suddenly. I glared at him because he is laughing.

"Hey! Take this seriously!" I shouted at him. He continues to laugh. I stop. I just stare at him with a resting bitch face. Suddenly, he stopped.

"Look, I am sorry. You are too serious about this game. It seems like the price is too big. It's just a treat Noelle. Just enjoy the game and don't think about the competition. Unless, the reason why you are so competitive is you want me to lose. Am I right?" He said without any gap. Looks who can read the mind of other people. It's Gabrielle. The fudge!

"Listen Gabrielle" I started, his eyebrows raise it seems like he is really interested. "Tell me me the truth" I said.

He frowned. "What do you mean truth? I can't understand you Noelle. What are you saying? Do I look like saying a lie?" He asked me.

"Are you a psychologist? Why can you read my mind everytime? Since the first day I met you, you are always correct. Do you know how to read minds? Because if you're fantastic! Teach me, then" I said with a positive voice. It seems like I already confirmed that he can read minds even though, he is not yet answering my questions.

"Wow! So I am correct, you just want to beat me. Okay, let's start. I will give you a tough game just like you want. Okay, lets start" He said then set the Xbox to multiplayer so, we can start.

"I am nervous" I said, joking. Gabrielle looked at me, he put out his tongue. He is trying to tease me but, he won't succeed.

"You can't tease me dude. I am learning to feel relax even you are teasing me" I said back.

Suddenly, the game started. We are both quiet and focused in our gaming session. I like to called it that way. After minutes, I gain point.

"Yay! 3 points Gabrielle" I said while laughing.

He didn't tell anything. He remained silent while sitting. After 20 minutes the first game done. Two more two go. On this round, I won.

"See?! I am good at playing NBA. I really played a lot, that's why. Okay, two more to go and I will beat you" I said while pointing the screen of our television. It says that my team won.

"Yeah, you are already good. I just gave you a chance to score. Let the real game begin" He said seriously then we started a new game. This is the second game. I am little nervous.

Did he just forgive me in our first game? I thought I am really good that's why I won. No, maybe that is his way to not be embarrassed. Okay, I will think that way.

"Okay! Three points Noelle! Did you see that? I will beat you this round just wait" He sounded arrogant. It is normal that if he talks while we are playing, he is sounded arrogant or I am just pisses? I don't know!

After few minutes, Gabrielle points continuously. He is really good, tho. Now, I can say that he just forgive me earlier. Our score is 10-2. Our score is way a little bit far. Isn't it?

I felt Gabrielle's phone vibration. Someone texted him. While he is busy reading the text, I take the opportunity to have points.

"Gotcha!" I shouted when I got three points. Now our score is quite near. Gabrielle stared at me with empty face. No reaction at all.

Now, we are playing. But this time, I am only the one who can shoot the ball. I am gaining points and his point remains the same. I am wondering but, I just focus and end the game. At the end, I won.

"Two game is enough. What do you think? I won twice, there is no way that you can win on the best of three since I already got two. Okay Gabrielle, you lose!" I said making fun of him.

"Okay, let's go outside! I will treat you" He said. Something looks strange. That's how Gabrielle acts. He is not like that.

"Gabrielle is there something wrong?" I can't stop myself from thinking and ask him. I can feel something isn't right. Now, we are already here in the park. There is no people around. But, there is a Barbeque over there.

"Nope, let's buy some barbeque. Do you eat that?" He asked. He is trying to change the topic. But, I decided to respect his decision not to tell me what's bothering him.

"I hope you are really okay Gabrielle" I said with my soft voice while waiting for our barbeque to be cooked.