Chapter 12

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


"You're a good thing That I received Noelle" I heard.

I slowly look around. I saw Gabrielle standing beside me. He looks at me seriously but, I can saw how worried he is in his eyes.

"G-Gabrielle" I uttered. My voice broke because of crying.

He sat beside so that we are in the same level. I was shocked when Gabrielle hugged me. It's not a simple hug, he hugged me very tight. I can feel his presence, I can feel that he is worried about me.

I remembered something, "Gab did you know that mom will be here today?" I asked out of curiosity. I noticed that his eyes widened. I think I know the answer.

He slowly nod his head. I let out a deep breath. He didn't talk.

"Is that the reason why you act weird earlier?" I asked again. Ideas came together in my mind.

He nod his head again. I sighed.

"Noelle, I don't want you to be hurt. I am afraid what will be your reaction, mom and I needs to be quiet about the fact of your dad. It's your family problem, not ours. I am just here beside you, I can listen to your rants everytime. You can lean me on Noelle" His voice sounds softly on the last part. Gabrielle looks really serious and so I am.

"I understand Gabrielle. I understand your part" I said then give him a small smile. I can't smile happily. Someday, I will.

"So, what's your plan now?" Gabrielle asked me. He's looking straight. I don't know what's in his mind.

I shrugged my shoulder. Even though, he won't see it. "I don't know. I really don't know Gab. Maybe I need to accept things" I said softly. Then, I realized that I am wrong. "No, I am sorry. I need to accept everything. I don't have any choice. I need to do it even though it's hard" I clarified.

Gabrielle tap my shoulder twice. I look at his hands on my shoulder. Gabrielle is really a good person, indeed. I admire him for that.

"I will be here for you. I can listen to your rants. You can cry on my broad shoulder" He said, joking. He even tap his shoulder saying it's broad but, it's not. I laughed.

"It's not even broad Gab. Don't be too much" I said with a smile on my face.

"Seriously, you can lean me on. I am just here for you" He said softly.

I stopped from smiling. Now, I can see how serious Gab is. On how serious he is to be my companion in this kind of situation. I am so luck to have a friend like Gabrielle. I don't know if i should call him a best friend or just a friend.

"I know, thank you for that. But, can i ask something? To you?" I asked.

He raised his brow. "What is it?" He asked.

"Should i call you a friend or a best friend?" I asked. He laughed. Now? I am regretting that i ask him about that question. The fudge!

"Are you serious?" He asked while laughing.

Gabrielle is getting into my nerves. "Of course I am. Do I look like a joke to you?" I said, eagerly.

"You are already my best friend Noelle. I refer you as a best friend not a friend, dude" He said. Gabrielle looks a little serious.

I was shocked about his answered. Gabrielle is already my best friend. I think Gabrielle fulfill on of my bucket list. To have a friend!

I smiled. "Thank you. I promised that I will be here to you as well. Thank you" I said softly.

Gabrielle stood up. He even cleaned his pants because of some dust. He lend his hand to me. I grab it.

"Now? We need to go back in your house. It's almost dinner. You need to minimize the time that you have with your mom. That's what you said, right?" Gabrielle preaching me.

I agreed. I really told those things to him. That, if mom and dad went back home, I will spend my time to them. Unfortunately, dad wasn't able to come back. Even though dad is not here, my life still needs to rotate.

"Let's go home" I said then hold his hand. He didn't let go of my hands while we're heading back home. I look around the subdivision and I saw how beautiful my life is. I just need to appreciate it. But, I need to spend time with mom

"Hug your mom as what you've said. Don't throw your words Noelle" Gabrielle reminded me when we are here already in front of my house.

I nod my head as I agree to him. "Yes, of course. Thank you" I said, thank him.

He opened the door for me, i smiled. As Gabrielle opened the door, I smell something. It smells delicious.

We ran towards the kitchen. Before I enter the kitchen, I spoke. "I think your mom is cooking my favorite food!" I said excitedly, pertaining to Gabrielle's mom. To Eleanor.

As I enter the kitchen, I was surprised when Eleanor is not there instead mom is the one who's cooking. She's wearing pink apron while cooking. I look at her from head to toe, I want to confirm that it's my mom.

"Mom" I called her. Mom turned around to see me. I saw Eleanor sitting on the bar island and doing nothing.

"Noelle" Mom said. She put down the spoon then came to me. "I was about to follow you but, Eleanor's son stopped me. He said he can handle you, is that true?" Mom asked me. She even looked at Gabrielle for a second then look at me again.

I laughed a little. Gabrielle is really a jerk! "No mom. Gabrielle can't handle me" I clarified then take a look to Gab who's smirking right now. "Maybe Gabrielle know where will I go but, he can't handle me mom" I explained.

I think I sound defensive because mom and Eleanor is laughing. Now, Gabrielle is getting into my nerves again. As always!

"It's okay Noelle. Now, help me to set the table. Let's eat together" Mom ordered me. I agreed.

"Ma'am Cristina, we'll go ahead" Eleanor said.

"No! Let's eat together. I mean all of us. Including you and your son" Mom explained. Eleanor scratch her head. Maybe she wants to go home or she's just shy about mom's presence? I don't know.

After we set the table, we begin to eat. They we're even talking about something I can't understand. Apparently, they are asking about Gabrielle's school.

"How's your activity thing in school?" Eleanor asked. Gabrielle stopped from eating and answered her mom.

"It's fun mom. We have lots of activities in school. But, next week we are back to normal.

"I see. Study harder Gabrielle for you to have a beautiful future" Eleanor said. Gabrielle nods his head.

"How about you Noelle? How's school?" Mom asked me while cutting her pork. I even looked how she cut those pork and look at her again.

"Nothing's new mom. I am just home school—you know?" I said with bitterness. It's just, I want to experience a teen age life. I want to have activities like Gabrielle. I want that.

"Noelle, do you want to go in Gabrielle's school?" Mom asked out of nowhere.

I was surprised at the same time my heart beat was so fast that it can go out from it's position. Am I dreaming? I wish I am. After a second, my happiness changed into sadness. I remembered dad.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked me.

"I remembered dad, mom. I want to hug him tight ang bring him to a family day. Its kinda sad that, dad left me. We don't have any more time to spend with him. We are too late, mom" I said softly. I felt my eyes starting to heat because of crying. It's so hard!

"Even Caleb is not your real dad Noelle, he loves you so much. That's why he kept on working for your future. He's preparing for your future Noelle. He wants to send you in a university. The beautiful one. Even though you and your dad didn't have any quality time, he knows that you love him. Okay? Don't cry Noelle" Mom explained. She's trying to stop me from crying.

"Yes mom. I won't cry anymore" I said softly.

"It's not bad to cry Noelle. Especially if crying is your way to ease the pain" Gabrielle said softly. Gabrielle's word of wisdom is one of the best.