Chapter 13

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


It's been a week since mom came home. We already received dad's ash last night. It was a tough night for us, mom and I hugged the burial urns really tight. I was too shocked when that thing delivered to our house.

I promised mom that I won't cry anymore but, I can't. It's so hard to stop yourself from crying if your heart keeps on aching. It's also been a week that I haven't seen Gabrielle and Eleanor. They go home last week to spend their time on their home since they are with me when mom and dad is not around.

"Mom" I said. We are here in the garden area, its already late in the afternoon. We're having a coffee right now.

"Yes?" mom answered then take a sip on her drink.

"I want to study in a normal school" I said, having a hard time if mom will let me. I am not really sure if mom will let me to go to a normal school where Gabrielle studying right now. I just— I just want to give it a try.

"Are you sure?" I was shocked when mom said those word. Does it mean that she's allowing me?! My heartbeat is so fast!

I nod my head multiple times. "Yes mom" I answered immediately.

Mom looked at me. Straight to my eyes.

"Can you handle the environment outside? In those school, you will meet different kind of people. There are people who will be your friend, your enemies i think? But, it's happy to experience those, and i want you to be happy Noelle" Mom said without any gap.

"Does this mean that you're allowing me?" mom nod her head slowly. My eyes-widened because of too happiness.

"But Noelle" Mom said.

"What mom?" I asked.

"You will not go to school where Gabrielle goes, okay?" Mom clarified. That makes me sad.

"But, mom?" I asked with my pleasing voice. Maybe it can change mom's decision. Who knows, right?

"Wait first, listen. Listen first before you rant young lady" Mom said then laughed a little. I also laughed. Mom looks weird. She looked like angry, but she's not. How weird, right?

"Okay, i am sorry" I said then take a sip in my coffee.

"I will send you to a private school Noelle for you to have a good environment. But, I am not saying that Gabrielle's school environment is worst or what okay?" Mom explained.

I agree. That's true, it really depends on the person. It's not about the place or people who surrounds you, it's all about you. That how life works.

"Can you also send Gabrielle to my new school?" I am really having a strong interest on my new school and I want Gabrielle to be there because he is my first ever friend who spent his time with me.

"Sure, Noelle. Did you know that Gabrielle is also an outstanding student like you?" Mom asked me. I didn't know that thing. I was so shocked.

"I didn't know that mom. He just told me that his school is fun with lots of activities. I am not sure, that's what he said" I explained. I am not sure if i say the right thing, tho.

"Gabrielle is outstanding student. You know what? I really admire that kid Noelle. Their life is poor but Gabrielle is very intelligent and know how to survive for their everyday needs"

Mom illustrate.

"I agree mom. I agree" I said while smiling pertaining how he admire Gabrielle because I admire him too.

While we're talking, someone is outside. The doorbell rang continuously. I looked at mom and I stood up to open the door for them. I know who's there.

As I open the door, it exposed Gabrielle and Eleanor. I wonder why Gabrielle is here and I remembered today is Sunday. No school.

"Hello Noelle, where's your mom?" Eleanor asked me while holding a bag full of vegetables and fruits.

"There" I answered as I point out our garden area where she can locate my mom. Eleanor go to the garden area.

"He, what's up?" Gabrielle started. He is smiling right now. Gabrielle looks good in his black shirt.

"I am good. How about you? Are you good?" I asked. He nod three times. "That's good, then" I added.

"The weather is too beautiful. Isn't it?" He asked. My forehead frowned. I step forward to check the weather. Today is cloudy. In an hour sunset will begin. I have an idea.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I asked while smiling. I think this idea would be fun.

"Yeah, I actually get it Noelle. Go and ask your mom" He suggest. I ran towards the garden to ask mom. I saw them talking with Eleanor.

"Mom, can we use the car?" I asked.

"Sure, just be safe" Mom answered. I saw how confused Eleanor is.

I smiled. Then, I ran towards where Gabrielle is located. I throw the key to him and he catch it. We laughed.

Now, we are heading out to our subdivision. I closed the aircon and open the windows instead. I want to feel how cold the wind is.

"Where are we going? Roadtrip?" I asked then laughed. I have an idea earlier where we are going outside and enjoy the cloudy weather but, I don't know the exact location we're going to.

"Just sit back, relax and enjoy" He said in sarcastic voice. I bet he is joking.

"Corny Gabrielle. But, you know what?" I started with excited voice.

"I didn't know yet" He answered trying to mock me. Here we go again.

"You're such a boy!!! I won't tell you, then" I said thinking if Gabrielle will be confused about the thing. Let's see.

After a second, our car stopped. I looked at Gabrielle. "Why did you stop? It's almost sunset Gab. Go and drive, dude!" I said then point out the road.

"Tell me first that thing you're saying or else I won't drive" He said, threatening me.

I laughed. "Look who's curious right now? huh?" I smirked. I put my hair behind my ears to see his reaction clearly.

I clear my throat. "Mom already allow me" I said.

"Noelle? Are you serious?!" I nod. "No, i mean your mom allow you to what? I can't understand" He said. He looks frustrated.

I know that he won't get it. That he won't knew it. I did it for a purpose. "Drive first and i will tell you everything" I asked him.

Now, we're moving again. While he is driving he kept asking me about that. I just kept saying that I will tell to him if we are already in our destination.

"You better make sure that it's a goo thing Noelle or else..." He said.

"Or else what?" I asked while raising my left brow.

"Or else I will not go to your house and see you for a week" He mocked me.

I smirked. "It's just a week. I don't mind". I am confident that he can not go to our house for a week. I am sure that he will be there almost a day and other thing is, the information that i will about to tell him is a good thing. I think so?

Now, we are already here. It's a high place near our subdivision. From here, you will see how beautiful nature is. You will see the city lights and lots of car passing by. I want to stay here till midnight to watch the citylight.

"It's almost sunset. Let's sit here. I don't think your choosy if you would mind sitting here?" he asked while pointing out the floor.

"I really don't mind. I am just a normal person like you. I am not a celebrity, dude" I said with my joking voice.

"You're changing the topic. Tell me what you need to tell me" He said. He even look at my eyes with lots of question in it.

I let out a deep breath. I looked down then looked at him. I smiled.

"Mom allow me to go to school with you" I said seriously then give him a big and wide smile. At first, he was just staring.

"Is this true Noelle?!" He asked. I saw how happy he is. I am so grateful to have a friend like Gabrielle. I love that.

I was surprised when Gabrielle hugged me. It's not a simple hug, there's something special about this hug. I felt something.

"I think school would be more fun because i am with you" Gabrielle said softly. My heart melt.