Chapter 14

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


I was so happy that Gabrielle is also excited for me to be in a normal school. We're still here enjoying the sunset. There's still one thing that Gabrielle needs to know...

"Gab?" I started. I felt that Gabrielle looked at me. I looked at him. He's smiling so sweet, I love his personality.

"Hmm?" He answered. Before I speak, i look around and stare at the beautiful sky with different colors.

"Mom told me that I will study in a normal school like yours" I answered. Now, we're staring at each other. His forehead frowned, looks curious.

"Yeah, that's what you said" He said then make hand gesture in the air. Some strip of his hair is blocking his face, he fixed it with his hand.

"Mom told me that she will send me to a university since that's what my dad wants" I smiled awkwardly. I confront him.

I saw how his shoulder dropped. I know he is disappointed. "Noelle, you know that we're not rich like you. I can't study in a university. We don't have money for that" he explained sadly.

I shook my head three times. He is really worried. I don't like his vibe when he is sad. "Mom told me that he will help you. Don't be problematic" I smiled at the end.

"Are you serious? Your mommy Cristina will help me?! I am so grateful Noelle! I really am" He said peacefully. He even stood up from sitting comfortable here then he jumped because of happiness.

My heart fluttered. I make someone happy today. I felt relieved. "I am happy that you are happy Gabrielle" I said while looking at him.

'Someday, I will be able to help you Gab for being with me when nobody does' I said to myself, silently.

Time passed. We just watched sunset and talk about stuff in school. He explained me some things that i will encounter. Today is such a fun day for me and Gab. After that, he drive me home.

"Where did the two of you go huh?" Eleanor asked us when we entered the door. They are both wearing an apron. They are cooking, huh?

"We just watched sunset Eleanor. It's satisfying" I said while remembering how happy we are earlier.

"Gab I have a good news for you" Eleanor said, excitedly. Even my mom caught their attention and so I.

"You will be study—" Eleanor said but Gab cut her off.

"I will be studying in a university with Noelle right?" Gab clarified. Mom looked at me strange. Did I do something wrong?

"I guess Noelle speak already" Mom said in a sarcastic voice. I giggled.

"Sorry mom" I said then looked at her. I also looked at Eleanor, "Sorry Eleanor. As far as I know we don't talk that it would be a secret mom. That's why" I explained. Mom didn't tell me to keep it a secret. Even though its a secret, I can't keep it because I am too excited for Gab and I.

I love seeing mom and Eleanor cooking together. Before, mom and Eleanor often talk. Of course, mom isn't going home. It's very rare.

After we ate, Eleanor and Gab left. They need to go home. The truth is, mom wants them to just stay here in our house but, Eleanor don't want. Maybe they are shy. Also, our other maid didn't come back. According to mom, she give our maid work in a company here in the Philippines that can give them a higher salary. I am proud of that.

While we're here in the living room watching some movies in Netflix, i got confused.

"Mom? what will be your work? You can't stop from working" I asked. I just thought that mom can't stop from working because we need to eat and other basic needs. I just want an answer. That's not bad to ask.

"I will start business online so that I won't leave you anymore. I can earn money while taking care of you Noelle. Life already taught me to spend every day with your loved ones. I don't want to have regrets". Mom said then smiled. She even touch my head and play with my hair using her fingers.

"Are you sure mom? Do things that you want, don't mind me" I told her.

She frowned then shook her head. "I already did that before and its result is not good. I don't like to make same mistake again Noelle. Trust me, okay?" Mom elaborate the situation. I agree.

We end up watching movies. After almost two hours from watching, we decided to take a rest since its already late. I go directly to my room and lie down. I am staring at the ceiling right now while my brain is going somewhere.

"I miss you dad" I said with a broke voice. My eyes started to be blurred because of tears that about to fall. "I hope you're happy about my decision to study in a normal school like other peole go. I missed you so much that. I missed you so much" I said to myself while crying.

I know, I promised to myself that I won't cry anymore but, can I have a cheat day? I really want to cry so bad when i am alone.

I end up sleeping. I just woke up and I decided to take a bath because we have school today. Online school. It took me half an hour to finished. I love taking a bath most especially when I am sad. There, my brain kept on thinking.

After that, i go to my closet what should I wear. "Should i wear a hoodi or not?" I ask myself. I looked at the window and I noticed that today is raining. That's why its kinda cold while I am taking a bath. I grab my hoody and put it on underneath of my white top. I wear pair of pajamas. It's cold.

I put my slippers on then I go downstairs. I saw mom sitting in our couch while reading newspaper. She felt my presence then she looked at me.

"Eat your breakfast before studying Noelle" Mom said while looking at me. After that, she looked again in her newspaper. I wonder what article she's reading. Hmm?

I saw waffles on the table with maple syrup. Yummy breakfast for me! I sat down and began to eat. It's so yummy that I ate them after 10 mins. I also make a coffee because the weather suits for a cup of coffee.

While I am holding a cup of my drink, I stopped from walking. "Mom i'll go to my room. My class is about to start in a minute. I'll go downstair after" I explained. Mom nodded.

I walked straight to my room and prepare my stuffs. I opened my laptop and put my chair in a proper place. I turn on the lights for a good lighting. I place my book on top of table and clean everything. I don't want to study in a dirty surroundings. I just can't focus.

After straight four hours our online class ended. Mathematics is really a big problem of mine. It's so hard! I need to practice more certain problem to improve. I yawned. I want to sleep.

I closed my laptop then lie down to my bed. I will start answering my activities later before the night ends. I want to sleep.

I searched for a comfortable position in bed for me to sleep peacefully. It's not hard to sleep when you are too sleepy. Of course!

While I am sleeping, I saw a guy wearing a red raglan with a pair of jeans. He is tall and handsome. I frowned. I saw he is with someone. A girl. The girl wearing a knitted dress that gives her an elegant look. I wonder who is that guy appearing in my dream. I think this is just a first time.

"Noelle" mom called me in my dream. I saw that the guy looked at me. He looks like searching who's the girl shouted my name. I am really confused.

I want to sleep more to continue my dream but, someone is pinching me. I don't have any choice to open my eyes. I open my eyes slowly and saw Gab looks mad.

"Wake up lazy girl! Time for dinner" He said then he removed my thick blanket. He help me to get up.

"You're really a destroyer" I said eagerly. I want my dream to continue we but, Gab ended it. I hate him!!!