Chapter 20

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


As much as I want to watch a movie downstairs, mom doesn't allow me. She said that I need to take a rest since this day lots of things happened. I am already here in my room, sitting in my bed while staring at something.

I really can't stop myself from imagining something when I am doing nothing at all. Sometimes, I make fake scenario in my head and try to kill myself. I'm kinda weird.

At last, I forced myself to sleep. I want to rest.

I am yawning right now because I just woke up from bed and I am having a hard time if I should get up or no.

At last, I decided to stay in my bed and scroll through my social media's account. I just saw plenty of photos because of their graduation. Some people got a present from their crush, parents and their friends.

Out of nowhere, I got curious about the crush thing. I already watched bunch of movies and series that is romance but, me myself haven't experience to fell in love.

"Noelle you're too young for true love". I said to myself and act that I am talking to my soul. I even nod in my sentence, how weird?

After more minutes, I decided to get up. I put my slippers on and go directly to my room to freshen up. I washed my face with a gentle soap and brushed my hair. I don't change from my sleep wear. I will take a bath later.

While I am walking in our hallway, I noticed someone is already downstairs. Just to make sure, I open the room of my mom and gladly I saw no one. I thought I saw a ghost. But, mom is doing something its...

"Omg mom?! Is this what you sell?!". I said excitedly then get one product. Its a lipstick. Nude in color and I love how matte it is.

"Yes, and I need a model". Mom said while holding a her product also.

"Are you still going somewhere? I can be your model mom! I'd love to do that!". I said excitedly and then I sat in the floor.

"Exacy Noelle! These product just came earlier while you are still sleeping. The manufacturer contacted me". Mom explained.

"So, when will you start? And where is Tita Eleanor? I thought you and tita are business partner?". I asked then looked around.

"Eleanor is—". Someone cut her off.

The door opened and it reveals Eleanor and Gab, of course.

"I am here Noelle. I heard you looking for me". Tita said while smiling. Maybe tita is also excited about the business.

"Okay, we need to start since the product is already here. Let's begin Eleanor. I'll get in touch with you until you learn a lot of things". Mom said talking to Eleanor. I just smiled and walk out.

I go directly to our kitchen and open the refrigerator. While I am looking for something to cook, someone talk.

I was shocked about Gab's presence. I didn't noticed that he followed me until here. What the hell?!

"Can you make a minimize noise so that I can know someone is here aside from me?! I was surprised about your presence, dude". I said then closed the door of our refrigerator.

I got some bacons, eggs and hotdogs. This one is suitable for breakfast and easy to cooked. Well, I am a beginner in cooking industry.

"Okay, noted. Sorry". He said while gesturing his hand that he felt sorry for that.

"Did you already fix your xbox? Have you already try play it?". I asked while preparinf the stove.

He shook his head. I saw how sad he is in his eyes. He didn't say even a single word perhaps he just let out a deep breath.

"Why, then?". I asked not staring at him. I am looking at the stove if the heat is already okay or not.

"I don't have a playmate". He said without any energy. I smirked. He stood beside me and help to peel the hotdog. He even grab the knife from me and he even cut it.

"When I didn't know you I used to play by myself Gab. You can do it also. Stop playing around". I said then put an oil in the pan. The heat is already okay.

"Come and join me sometime in our house. You know? If its fine with you. I think its okay for you since you already visited our place". He said seriously that he is forcing me to go to their place and play xbox.

It's really fine, tho. We can play xbox here in our house since I also have one but, maybe he want to play in his xbox? Even though its still same.

"Sure, just ask mom if she will allow me. And if she did, lets go, then". I said while cutting the garlic. He moved to the other side and put the hotdog first.

I am cutting garlic for our fried rice. This is yummy asf. After I cut everything, Gab is also finished about the hotdog and bacons. Last is egg.

"Let's eat outside later. Brunch, like that". He invited me while his focus is still in the egg that he is cooking right now.

"We just ate yesterday in a resto Gab". I exclaimed.

"Ohh, I barely forgot. Let's just have a drive thru when I will sent you back here again. School head gives us honors a certain amount of money through our bank account. I just want to share it with you". He said without any gap.

"I am glad to hear that, huh? For now, help me to cook everything so that we can have our breakfast. Did you eat a breakfast already? And how about tita?". I asked Gab. I put another pan for our rice.

I put some butter and then the garlic. I mixed them up and put the rice leftover rice last night. This is way of Filipino's to not waste any rice. It's yummy and you can also try it.

I put some seasonings and just mixed them up. "We just had a coffee since mom is too excited to check the product that they will sell".

He explained. I take a look to mom and tita in our living room.

You can see the smile in their face, how excited they are. I wish them luck in their business.

While Gab is cooking the eggs, I prepare plates, glass and spoon and fork. After that, we put them in the table so that we can eat.

"When is the photoshoot Noelle?". Gab asked me while I am busy putting the rice in the table. I looked at him before I answer.

"Maybe tomorrow, the truth is I don't know. It depends on mom and tita Eleanor because that's their business". I explained.

Now, all things are set. I go to our living room to call mom and Tita Eleanor. I saw them staring at the laptop and reading something. As much as I want to ask what's stomach aches. I am hungry.

"Mom and Tita let's eat. Breakfast is ready. Gab and I prepared something. Let's go". I said then lead the way to our dining table.

We entered the dining table and Gab is already seated. He is about to eat when he saw us. He stopped. "Why? Go ahead". I said then point out the food.

Is he bothered about our presence? He must be kidding.

"Did you already make a shop name in amazon?". I asked while getting eggs and putting some ketchup in my plate. I love the smell of our fried rice! So delicious!

"Yeah, we just finished doing that. Noelle we need to go to a factory for the packaging of our product. We will leave you here, you and Gab. We already posted the product". Mom said continuously.

"How about Noelle's photoshoot tita? She is the model, isn't she?". Gab asked then ate a full spoon of rice. Gab is so greedy.

"It will happen some other time Gab. When we already have a huge sales. We will try to have ads". Tita Eleanor asnwered. I nod three times while eating.

"Uhmm, mom?". Gab said. I didn't give my attention to him. The rice is so yummy to let my attention away.

"Yes?". Tita Eleanor replied.

"Can we go to our house? Me and Noelle. We will play xbox". Gab asked a permission to his mother.

Out of nowhere, I was accidentally choked when I heard my name. Mom offered be water urgently. Thank god!

"What?". I asked when they are all staring at me. They shooked their head at the same time.

"You can go to their house. Just be on time Noelle. Also, Gab and your tita will sleep here. We need to do some important things". Mom said. I just said okay.

I was happy that mom let me enjoy my teenage life now!

Let us teenagers enjoy our teenage life. Trust me, I know m limitations.