Chapter 21

Disclaimer: Every reader is familiar with the typical fiction disclaimer. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Please don't forget to vote every chapter and leave a comment for your thoughts! Also, sorry for wrong grammars, punctuation marks, apostrophe or typo. English is not my first language, that's why. I am still learning, tho. But I hope you will still give my story a try. Thank you and I love you(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


"So after this we will leave already Gab?". I asked while we are washing the dished.

Mom and Tita already left after they ate. I think they are really busy perhaps they will go home still early. They say, they need to practice time management. They don't want us to feel the same what I felt before when my parents are often work.

"Yeah, we also need to go home before dinner. Let's buy dinner outside. I also need to get some clothes". He replied then he dry his hands in the blower. I also do the same.

"I will just go in my room, I will get something. Stay right here, wait for me". I said then I didn't wait for him to reply. Instead, I go upstairs directly. As I entered my room, silence welcomes me.

I grab my hoody and my bag where lot of things is already in there. The bag that I used yesterday. I go dowstairs and I saw Gab still standing.

He smiled at me. "Ready?". He asked. I nod two times and I locked our door. I am sure that mom has a key.

"We are going to commute right? Public vehicle?". I asked him. He stopped for a moment. I wonder why.

"Why?". I asked with care in my voice.

"Are you not comfortable in public transportation? I am sorry". He said. I think he misunderstood my word. I really don't care about public transportation.

"It's okay Gab. The truth is, I need to learn how to commute since we're going to senior highschool". I clarify.

"Let's go. I am excited to play games again with you". He said then clapped his hands. He is really happy with games. My pleasure.

While we are walking, heading our to our subdivison. I am exploring the environment. How beautiful our life is.

"When we will enroll for our next school?". Gab asked me while we are walking. He brought his face closer to mine. I backed away.

Our lips is so close and with one wrong move we will...

"Stop Noelle!". I said to myself. I supposed to tell it in my brain but, I said it. Now, Gab is staring at me. I look weird in his face. Gross!

"Stop what?". He asked then pulled me to get inside the bus. I didn't noticed that we are here in the bus station already.

"Nothing. Let's go. I am excited to play xbox". I excused. His eyes is dazzling right now because of what I've said.

While we are on our way to our destination, Gab kept telling me random stuffs. I listen to his stories and lauged at the same time.

"You have lots of stories to tell Gab. Your life is incredible". I said while smiling to him. He told me how his life in their house, his childhood and games that he used to play. I envy him.

"Sad, you didn't experienced to have wounds in your knee". He said. My eyes widened because of that fact.

"How can I be sad if I will have a wound? I should be sad, dude". I replied. He shook his head.

"If you want to play outside and have fun, you don't have certainty that you will just be happy and you won't get any wound. Life is also like thay, you need to face everything for you to know the result". He explained.

We stood up. He held my wrist and pulled me to go outside the bus. I think we are here in our destination.

"Gab, is that your girlfriend?". One boy asked Gab. He is referring to me, of course! Out of embarrassment I just bowed down.

"No Paul. She is a friend of mine". Gab said, defending us. That boy shook his head like he didn't believe what Gab says.

"Friend of yours but, you are holding her wrist. You know what Gab? It's okay to have a girlfriend. She looks rich and kind". I think this boy name is Paul as what Gab called him earlier. He looked at me from head to toe. I am not comfortable in his way of looking at me.

"No Paul. She really a friend of mine. We are not boyfriends and girlfriends. We are too young for that. Uhmm, welll go ahead Paul. See you around". Gab said goodbye. I didn't say a word.

We continue walking until we reach their house. Since the day I went here, there is no changes at all from the outside. But, as we entered, I saw a lot of changes. Before there are lots of picture frame of his father and his mom. But now? The picture there is a photo of him and his mom. But, my heart melt when I saw our photo yesterday. It is hanged in the wall. Our smile is so sweet.

"I love our photo. Look how happy we are!". I said excitedly then I approach the photo. I touched the glass with my bare hands and smiled. I can't stop from smiling. Now, I felt I have a complete family.

"Thanks for giving us another beautiful life to live Noelle. Thanks to you and your mom". Gab said. He come near me and tapped my shoulder twice.

My shrugged my shoulder and shook three times. I don't get him why he is thankful for me and for my mom. "Why?". Even though there's lot of question. I ended up saying why. I think a lot people used to it.

"For giving us more chance. Look, mom is super happy about their business with tita. Yesterday she is so happy about my achievement". He said then smiled at the last part. I think he is remembering what happen to them yesterday. I am sure that yesterday is one of his best day.

"That's what people do. Help each other to lift them up. And you and your mom deserves it, more that you guys deserve. You're too kind. You deserve everything". I said trying to be sound positive. I really mean it.

"Also, mom dream is to send me to a university. University of Sto. Tomas to be exact And that will become a reality soon once we enrolled". He shared. My heart flutter because I saw how happy he is in everything.

University of Sto. Tomas is located in España, Manila. It is the oldest school in asia built in 1611 by Miguel de Benavides. Also, that is the first earthquake proof in Asia. UST is way older than Harvard that was built in 1636.

"I was happy that you are fulfilling your mother's dream. Let's claim things together Gab!". I said cheerfully and give him a wide bright smile.

"Let's bring the bacon Noelle". He replied. "What course will you take?". He added.

"Medicine. What about you?". I asked. I walked away and sat down in their couch. I stared at him.

"Engineering. That's my dream". He replied. My mouth formed an "O" soound. That was a cool job. Suddenly, I felt sad.

"You will graduate way more early than me. Medicine is ten years. I don't know if I can". I said doubting myself. I looked down.

"Hey. Reaching our dreams in life is not a race Noelle. No one is forcing you to graduate in medicine as fast as you can. Everything have a process. Okay? Just trust the process. You are a smart girl, you can do it". He said trying to cheer me up. He opened their television and the xbox. He put the CD and lend me the remote control. Basketball again.

"Thank you for everything Gab. Thank you for always cheering me up when I am down. I owe you a lot". I said with my low voice and smiled at the end.

Gab never fails to amaze me. When I need a person to talk to? Gab is here. When I need a play buddy? Gab is here. When I need someone to help me to adjust with the environment? Gab is here. He is always with me. I can't ask God more as Gab is already precious as a gem.

"Let's play until 5 in the afternoon. We need to buy food for us. For dinner". He said while he is staring at the television. Busy fixing the our team.

Sometimes, materials is not a key to happiness. There's more important than that. By having a friend who can be with you no matter what happen. I wish you can look for someone like that, because I already met mine and that is Gab.