
Packing Quite A Wallop!

Huh? The loudspeaker's off in the last chapter?

Seriously? No wonder it was silenced.


Nina and Aily aimed with focus at the orc leader who was unaware of the sisters' presence due of negligence.

"Twin Magic - Thruster Windforce!" they casted loudly.

"BUGEEAAARRGH!!!" The orc leader flung away onto the ground that was covered with gunpowder. "Hah... hah... such futile attempt," the orc retorted. "Pushing me with your… hah… wind element… hah… won't even do any damage to me," The orc boasted, although gasping out of breath.

"These black sands…" he realized the ground beneath him. "Those humans sent me flying here, but why...?" The orc leader tries to read the situation. "If it is their trap, I'll just jump off—AH?!" A wind bursts from the ground, the gunpowder along with the orc flies off the grass. The gunpowder blends along the wind swirl. The wind later shape shifted into a tornado.


Nina casted a greater magic solemnly, thus the wind burst suddenly turned into a tornado about seven meters tall, the gust sends the orc leader and the large amount of gunpowder into a fast spin.

"GYAAAARGH! Put me down you puny human!" The orc leader couldn't see the ground. Its vision is blocked by the blending gunpowder.

"Good thing's Nina casted Typhoon today, haha!" Marco chuckled as he looked into the sky. He then clapped his hands while focusing his mana energy, he continued chanting as a bright yellow magic circle appears in front of him, jolts of electricity struck the ground near the magic circle...

"Thunder Spike!"

Marco raised his hands high and quickly threw it downwards. Three flashes appeared in the sky, followed by three medium-sized lightning strike hitting the spinning tornado beneath them. A sparking bolt is seen in a spiky form coming from the orc leader.

"GUGRAAAAARGHHH!" The orc leader groaned in pain out of being electrocuted by high voltage lightning.

"It's not over yet, big guy!" Marco yelled spiritedly. His eyes are flashing. The lightning then caused a chain reaction where the blending gunpowder around the orc explodes in series of explosion from the top of the tornado all the way to the bottom.

In a few moments, the orc leader gets annihilated and dissolved into thin air.

The typhoon then slowly disappears and the explosion blast eased off shortly thereafter.



"Ahahahah... we nailed it!" Marco shouted. Shortly, one of the soldiers rushed to him.

"You sick bastards! You fools want to burn the entire forest?!" The soldier screamed loudly at the party.

"Gyahahah..." The soldier then chuckled. "You and your crazy moves…" he added. "Goddamn, it saved us once again, you madman! Hahahah..." He chuckled again after patting Marco's shoulder.

Three soldiers came few seconds later, "Marco, Nina, Aily... truly, you guys are insane... I noticed it was you guys once I looked into the sky from the gap in the forest, a lightning followed by sheer wind energy... no doubt it were you guys," they stated.

These soldiers can talk sweetly on the party although they're damaged, judging how they soaked their cloth armor in blood that is. "No need to praise us like that. C'mere, I'll heal you guys," Nina kindly tells and then casts a medium healing magic.


In a matter of seconds, the soldiers cuts and bruises disappears and their damage overall has been healed. "Ahahah... how lucky I am to be healed by Miss Nina," one of them commented, "That ain't true, all of us does, haha!" his friend replied. "Ahaha..." Nina smiled back at the teasing soldiers.

Marco looked at them in a sliiight repugn. Aily looked at the soldiers in heavy disgust, she disliked it when other people tried to get close to her sister.

"By the way, Marco, I never saw you use that technique… Gun... Skill... is it?" Aily asked kindly. "Oh... that? Yeah, well, it's a new skill I'm developing," Marco replied smilingly. "W-Woah..." Aily shifted her expression into amazement after Marco told her about the Gun Skill.

"Gun Skill is a one of my trustable combat skills. Despite being called trustable, they're actually a bullet-waster, though. It requires quite the amount of stamina and I need to lock onto my target when using it," Marco conveyed thoroughly.

"I develop this type of skill together with Scias—shoot, Scias! I forgotten about him!" Marco cuts his explanation. He realized his friend is in danger.

"Sir! Where are the mercenaries?" he asked quickly to the soldiers, "huh? The mercenaries are going into a different route to reach the swamp where that big guy lives. There are a few of them alongside two soldiers and the Knight Captain," they told.

The party then left off without waiting any longer.

"Careful, Marco! Ordan is a tough—

"Thanks for the info, sir!" Marco thanked and joined the two girls.

"They left," one of the soldiers stated. "Should we catch up?" one of them asked, "Ach… let them go, they won't barge onto Ordan anyway, even if they did, they'll beat the heck out of that brutal beast," he explained.

"But Ordan's element is—oh, nevermind. I believe they'll be fine…

…unless… if they did encounter him, it'll be a different story…" the soldiers then dismissed the party and retreated back with the others.

"Okay... if what the soldiers said was true, we will end up in the swamp area once we pass through this road." Marco told to Nina and Aily while looking at the visible road in front of them, "hopefully we might be able to find Scias," Aily added. "We will, dear," Nina comforts her sister.

Marco then activated his mana sensing skill, but there's no living creature nearby... "Huh… that's… kinda odd," he said.

Marco and his friends kept walking down the visible road covered with leaves.

"Shhhh… haaaah….. another hunt. Three... humans... the mercenary team... huh...? They're quite fast to reach here... shhhh… haaahh…"

Without them knowing, creeping above the thick leaves... a pair of eyes sighted upon unknowing Marco and his friends.