
Ambushed (Part 1)

This is the tenth chapter…

So you're curious, huh…?


A rustle was heard, but not loud enough to be heard by the party.

Suddenly, a creature plunges down near Marco's party, causing a massive dust smoke. From the smoke emerged a silhouette of a horned big creature where its green eyes shine menacingly.

"Haaaaaah… shhhh….. haaaaah…."

A panting breath was heard, followed by the fading dust screen. Two emerald axes, chains around its neck, tattered brown pants, two shining horns...

The dust finally fades entirely. At last, the green creature can be seen entirely…

The Green Minotaur, Ordan, appears before them!



Marco and Aily both slightly felt panicked and confused. Why Ordan wasn't detected by their mana sensing ability?

"Shhh…. Haaaah…. You humans keep on coming again and again... I've decided... you know...? I want this island for myself... MYSELF! You humans are no worthy of it..." Ordan menacingly said. He intensely stared at Marco's party while lifting his emerald axes.

Ordan began his move. He jumped and threw both of his axes while in midair onto the sides of the party.


Nina quickly retaliated with her wind magic, deflecting the incoming axe by forcing them into the ground.

"Come on, you two! Don't get solidified by him," Nina patted the two. "Uh, right! S-Sorry," Aily then picks her scepter and stood beside her sister, "Why couldn't I feel his presence, sis...?" she asked.


Marco shot the upper left torso of the Minotaur, but it barely damaged him. His skin is stops the bullet from penetrating further.

"Tch! As expected of a signature being like him does have a massive vitality. Why we were unable to sense him is must be one of those magic books I've read in Starlynx Kingdom... magic users can press their mana energy into a point where it cannot be sensed by mana sensing ability!" Marco explained while reloading his gun in four seconds.

Chain rustling is heard, but it's not from Ordan's neck chains... "Where is it from?!" the party wondered in panic.

Marco and Nina then glanced at the emerald axes that pierced the ground. It's trembling intensely. Nina got suspicious of it quickly activated her Mana Perception skill.

From the axes, Nina sees a long chain coming from Ordan's wrists all the way into the axes... "It's connected?!" She gets startled upon knowing this truth. "N-No w-way!"

"Huuuuurrrruuuumph!" Ordan pulled high his arms backwards, Nina quickly casted a series of Windforce spell aimed forcefully to the ground, sending all three of them flying upwards.

She made it in time. Ordan's axes slashed upright forming a cross shape but ultimately missed. Marco's party landed on a tree branch. "Those axes are interconnected to the user, Marco, Aily. We must avoid it, guhaah…" she gasped out of tiredness.

"Sister! You're overusing your spell!" Aily stated her concern. "I know… guh… but if it's not the case, those axes would have turned us into grinded meat," Nina replied.

Nina managed to quickly read the situation and concluded things already. Marco and the others never thought they'd encounter this beast soon. "He's this close to the place where we fought against the orcs... we must find a way to buy some time..." Marco thought of the soldiers that are still recuperating in the previous sector.

"Shhhh…. Huahhh…You humans think you can escape...?" Ordan groaned momentarily. "H-Hey... his horns..." Aily pointed at the beast. "Shiiiiiite!!!!" Marco expressed visible panic, "those are glyphs around his horns?! It's glowing—shite, a magic circle?!" Marco got startled, followed by the magic circle's spun faster, "Hold on that's too fast—

"Cyclone Cutters!" Ordan casted a wind magic spell.

A dozen of spinning visible wind, thin as paper, striking the tree where the party's standing. "Dammit, we've to jump onto another—*CRRTACK*

"GAAH!" the party falls into the ground.

"W-Windforce!!!" Nina reflectively casted again,

The tree branch they're standing on broke down. They fell onto the ground from four meters high. Nina managed to soften both Aily and her landing using Windforce, but unfortunately didn't affect Marco as he fell sooner than the two.

Marco's fortunate enough to land on a tall overgrown grass. But he's injured from being hit by the wind cutters. Nina and Aily are no exception. They're also hurt, but not as bad as Marco.

"Cyclone Cutters..." Aily muttered confusedly. "That's supposed to be a Level 2 Wind... but how come it felt more powerful?" Nina added while casting healing to the party. "S-Sorry, Nina," Marco whimpered in pain, "Be quiet, I'm healing you right now,"


Nina and Aily returned back to full health while Marco still suffers from damages.

"This beast has a wind element with him... and there's no telling how powerful will it be," Marco conveyed as he holds his shoulder.

"This is just great. Super great…" Marco implied a massive threat inbound to him, Nina, and Aily.