
Call Me Sean, Not Seen!

"Oh, now I get it," Marco thought. Almost in every corner he finds people using earth element to do daily routines like farming, gardening, etc.

Earth element does not simply command the ground to rise or shape shift as how the user pleases. It can also control the nature, like recovering the land that has lost all of its grass, growing trees, manipulating plantations, and more. Originally, it was called as Nature element, but for some reason changed into Earth element.

"Ain't this an amazing kingdom, don't you think, Scias?" Marco nudged his tall friend. "Apparently, yeah… I g-guess," He replied softly. Nina and Aily have grown fond of the kingdom. It's filled with so many colorful flowers and healthy trees. It is as if the kingdom is a close friend to nature.

The party continued strolling around the kingdom until five minutes passed. Out of nowhere, Marco suddenly catches sight of a knightly-looking man. He noticed him because of his green-colored hair, though. Marco then approaches the knight in a friendly nature followed by his friends.

"Hey, there, cool hair color you have, mate!" Marco called out.

The knight turns around at Marco, "Huh? Well, everyone says that as well," He said shortly.

"But seriously, though! Kinda rare to find green-haired people like you, and that armor of yours… it's so awesome!" Aily commented positively.

"Why thank you, young lady," said the knight, "This armor is the renowned Vanguard Armor," he added. The knight then proceeds into staring the party for a few seconds, "Hm… You people are new here, aren't you?" He asked gently.

"Huh, yeah… kinda," Marco scratched his not-itchy head. "I see. No wonder I find your clothing unusual," said the knight. "Oh, pardon me, since you people are new here, I suggest you folks to not venture outside this kingdom. It's a living warzone out there," he seriously explained.

"A living… warzone?" Marco asked. "Yes," the knight answered shortly. Marco thought, "So it isn't a damn conflict, anymore, huh?"

The knight bears a valiant sight within his eyes, a long scabbard on his waist showing the mark of a true knighthood. Aily showed her interest to his light-blue plated armor with a blue cape flying the symbol of Napre behind it.

"All right, if there is nothing you want to ask, then will you excuse me, I'll be on my way," The knight stated gently before walking away from the party.

"W-Wait!" Nina stopped the knight. "May I, no—may we know... your name?" she asked.

"My name? Well, I'm not powerful and too well-known in the kingdom. So I'm not gonna be helpful for ya if ye happen to look for somebody to make yourself popular," he explained coldly.


Scias thoughts showered even coldly in his mind, "How the hell a knight gonna help with making anyone popular? Besides that… Nina simply asked his name… what's with his reaction?"

"But anyway, enough with the brackets, allow me to introduce myself," the knight lowers his body, "My name is Sean Williams, I serve as a Naprean 'Vanguard' here. Pleased to meet you," he introduced fair and gently.

The party then introduces themselves to the knight. At one point, Marco says with sky-high delight, "Hey, 'Seen'! Nice to meet ya, too!"

Sean went silent in an instant. Marco simply shines a spirited smile as if nothing's wrong.

"Um... M-Marco... t-that's not how you—

"Hey, er... Marco, was it?" Sean cuts Scias' word instantaneously,

"Yep. That's ayyy-righto!" Marco stated smilingly.

"It's not SEEN, you fool!" He shouted angrily, "It's GODDAMN 'SEAN'! Not SEEN!" He continued screaming. Some people around him turned their attention to him. Sean looked very unhappy.

"Jeez!" Marco retorted loudly. "M-Man, I'm so sorry, Mr. See-an, er…" Marco said stutteringly like a broken machine's noise. He didn't expect the knight would be angered by someone who miss-spelled his name.

"Good god, have you no manners? Miscalling people's name like that?" he nagged furiously.

"Geez, I'm s-sorry, hehehe," Marco rubs his head. "Uwah, what a sensitive dude…" Marco thought. Scias makes a long face that emits the same thought as his buddy, "Heh, a bit ill-tempered I see… I'm curious how did he manage to enter the k-knight position with his attitude?"

"Sir Sean, Marco really did not mean to offend you, please forgive him," asked Nina kindly. "Yeah! Please forgive him, sir!" Aily added.

"…hmph! Fine," Sean then looked away.

The party lets out a relieving breath.

"Anyway, as I said earlier, the area to the north was under heavy bombardment from the empire's forces. Mostly soldiers and vanguards were holding out in the frontline… most of them except me," Sean explained further but in disappointment.

"A knight but isn't in the frontline, huh?" Nina wondered in her thoughts. "Back in Meridia, Sir Oswald would order all knights to protect the kingdom no matter what…" she added to her thoughts. She remembered Sir Oswald, who was the head of knighthood in her home kingdom.

"It tickles me, dude. If you're a knight, what were you for?" Marco asked curiously.

Sean sighed in more disappointment, "That's what I'm wondering. Why the king didn't enlist my name... or why my superior didn't allow me, while I'm a full-fledged soldier and I'm more than just willing to fight in the frontline!" said Sean as he turned to the left, his blue cape followed swiftly.

"That's odd, though… but I wonder…" Nina curiously wondered. "Allow me to do something, Sir Sean," she said. "Eh? What are you gonna do?"

"Mana Perception!" Nina activated her skill silently, thus begins examining the saddened knight. "Well, well! Oh, my," She surprisingly spoke.

"Wwwhat's with the long face…?" Sean asked unhappily.

"Woah! You checked his mana energy, Nina?" Marco delightfully asked, "Yeah," Nina answered shortly.

"Ooh, ooh, let me guess! He must be around Level 2 or Level 3 Earth Element, don't you think, sister?" Aily cheerfully guessed.

"That's what I expected but…"

She halted for a short time, then, she continued examining. It took a few moments before she finally discloses the result.

"…Sir Sean… you're not an Earth Elementalist, correct?" so said Nina after deactivating her perception skill.

"…huh, you can tell, eh?" he replied. "That's true, I am not an Earth Elementalist unlike most Vanguards,"

"Sir Sean… I cannot guarantee what I'm gonna say but… I think you're not allowed in the frontlines because you're not an inheritor of Earth element…"

"..." Sean listened silently. He blinked slowly in complete disappoint, "Huh… If that's the case, then blast away! I shall leave this forsaken kingdom right off the hook," he said angrily. Shortly, his mood fixes, "But nah, just kidding. I'm not that ill-mannered, you know?" He added in a rather unsatisfied voice.

"Uh…" The party glared disrespectfully, Sean didn't realize his own ill-tempered manner. "My superior, General Rhun, is leading the frontal defense in the field. I can only wish I could—

—AH, finally found you, Sir Sean!" A soldier gaspingly stated as he approached Sean in a hurry. The vanguard looked at the fatigued soldier. It seems he's bearing important news.

"Haft... hah... huh... Sir Sean... hah... His Majesty summoned you, please hah... come to the castle hurruh... at once!" The soldier stated gaspingly.

Sean shifts his expression into dead serious, although his face bears a serious one most of the time, "An important call, it must be. I will go, thank you for your hard work." Sean thanked the soldier.

"Well, fellas," he turned around at the party. "It appears this is as far our conversation goes, I have to go now." Sean stated surely. He was summoned directly by the king. Unknown to him on what circumstance the king would call him directly. He just felt that this might be the time for him to go.

Before he gasses out of the region, he turns his head around at Marco and his friends and pointed out, "Thanks for your little show, see you around!" He rushes as fast as an afterburner's boost leaving everyone behind.

"Oookay..." Marco wipes his forehead, "That's one odd dude," he added. "Heheh, as if YOU'RE not a madman yourself, Marco," Scias bluffed funnily.

"What the—Scias!" Marco nagged. Scias glared at Marco who was shorter than him. He grinned as the staring contest goes. The aura of the two suddenly felt intense.

Shortly, Marco cracks into a big smile "…that's awesomely TRUE, mate, bwahahaha!" Marco funnily said. "Heheh," Scias chuckled shortly.

Nina and Aily were immersed by the sudden tense. They thought the two will start a debate or two, but only to find out that they were just messing around. Nina shifted her expression maddeningly, but she concealed it with a 'sincere' smile.

"S-Sis...?" Aily slightly trembled. Her sister's 'sincere' smile now emits an atrocious aura.

"Marco, Scias..." Nina softly called.

"Hah, yes, Nina?" Marco replied with a happy noise. When he opened his eyes, he bursts out in shock. "Holy fridges!" he said. He knew something's going to erupt. He and Scias must dodge her 'sincere' smile with something, but what will they do?

"Hm!" Marco made a signal with his finger. Scias quickly nodded.

…The two escapes with high speed. But alas, their runaway did not last long, as Nina casted a bunch of windforce spell to catch up with them and forcefully blew them back.