
So... Why Are You Here?

The day ended quite 'peacefully' for Marco and his friends. In the end of the day, they picked a small inn to stay the night, which only costs 100 zennies each room for each night. The facility given was pretty decent: cozy beds, balanced air circulation, work table, and bathroom with heaters. The owner is an eighty years old lady with her twenty years old granddaughter.

They are humble and kind, just like their inn. Marco and the others were greeted warmly and even offered free dinner whether they're going to stay or not. Scias emits a lot of smile ever since they entered the inn. Marco thought it as something odd because Scias is a stone face and won't easily smile like this.

The party dissects into two rooms. Marco and Scias in one room while the Nina and Aily on the other. Scias still appears to be smiling and looked rather happy. This act intrigues the explorer to smell a scent of love in the air.

"Hoho—AHEM! Uh… were you fallen to that kind woman, eh, Scias?" Marco asked exaggeratedly.

Scias' smile shortened down, "Heh, don't be ridiculous. I am n-not that easy into falling in love." He meekly stated.

"Bwahahahaha! Your face is all it takes to know what you're feeling, mate," Marco replied loudly. Nina and Aily who are just next door wondered what are the men talking about till they're being so loud.

"Is that even possible? I thought I'm just being normal," said Scias casually.

Marco smilingly thoughts, "Hee-hee, it's not just his face that has stone expression. His attitude, can sometimes act in such way too! Not much expression change at all and sometimes stutters when talking,"

Scias then gets up from his bed, "Imma g-go downstairs."

"Woah! Gonna meet the pure beauty, huh?" Marco teased. "Don't be foolish. I'm looking f-for a… thing," Scias replied unassumingly.

"Aha! So, you REALLY want to see her! Admit it!" Marco nearly shouted.

"Heh, you'd better concern your insensitive self-feelings t-towards Nina and Aily," Scias grinned at him and closed the conversation and left the room.

Marco hardly able to understand what he said earlier, "What is there to concern about my feelings to Nina and Aily? Did I ever do something wrong to them?"


Scias walks down the corridor and goes down the stairs. The inn wasn't filled with many customers so it suits his loner personality well. Upon reaching the lobby, Scias meets the old lady, who owns the inn.

"Oh? You haven't rest yet, sonny?" the old woman softly asked.

"Not yet. I still wanted to find some fresh air..." Scias gently replied.

"Gyahaha, sonny, my-boy, the best fresh air can only be found in the mornin' time. Especially as early as 5 AM," The old woman kindly explained.

"Oh, is that so, granny?" Scias stated, he actually knew about the 'morning fresh air' he's just respecting the old lady. Although that five in the morning has the best quality of air is something he just learned. Scias' true intention was indeed to meet the old lady's granddaughter.

After a short and awkward chat, the granddaughter finally shows up bringing two glasses and a teapot. "Uwah! Mr. Scias?" she said in surprise as she saw him.

Scias watches the young lady with a slight serious face, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Scias, I didn't think you're still up this late, so I didn't bring an extra glass… eh? What are you doing?"

Scias reflectively takes ahold of the tray, "Allow me," he said to the girl politely. "O-Okay..." she hands over the teapot tray to the tall guy whose height is far greater than her.

"How kind of you, oh, just put it there, sonny," said the old lady, she pointed him to put the tray on the table. Scias nods and puts the tray on the mentioned table.

That night, Scias and the inn owners had a humble conversation. Scias enjoyed the kindness and hospitality from the two far differing-aged women. He smiled most of the time in the conversation, without him realizing it.

Nina and Aily dropped into their beds sooner than usual due to tiredness from the trip aboard Drugo's ship, while Marco himself fell asleep after waiting Scias' return for too long, and again...

…and then again, Marco experiences the eerie dream again. He sometimes pouted and says that he just wanted a good night sleep.

Morning time.

The sun has risen and everyone has woken up. Marco bails out of his bed, although having a bad quality of sleep. His eyelids can be seen rather unfriendly, but soon dissipates as he washes his face. Scias himself has already left the room and waits outside along with Nina, whose waiting for her little sister.

After everyone joins, they go downstairs to have breakfast.

The owners greet them humbly and kindly, the young lady personally waved hello to Scias. "Eh?" Nina got surprised, her sister, Aily, is no different. The twins dismiss it and take their seats right away, thinking that they might be seeing things.

However, Marco did notice his friend's happy looks, "Oi, oi, Scias... you looked very joyful since last night, eh?" Marco asked with a teasing look.

"Heheh, it's a wholesome night, I'd say…" Scias stated it clearly. "So you are having fun…" said Marco.

The old woman serves the food to her visitors happily. The food and drinks were made with her whole heart. "Many thanks, granny," said Marco thanking the old lady.

"Ahah, no problem, sonny," The old woman waves her hand before continues walking into the kitchen, "Enjoy your breakfast," she stated kindly.

"So... *munch* she must've REALLY caught you up, eh, *munch* Scias?" said Marco with his bulgy mouth.

"Don't talk while your mouth's full. R-Remember we're not in Areda anymore," Scias spoons his food and starts eating as well.

"Oh… kinda right, *gulp*"

"…But do tell, Scias," said Marco as he finishes his food. Scias then told him the night talk between him and the inn owners.

Aily who was beside Marco shows a curious face, later she turns it into jealousy as soon as Marco speaks highly of the granddaughter. Nina who saw this quickly quelled her jealousy, "Aily...?" her sister called.

"Huh...?" Aily looked at her, "Ehem," Nina smiled kindly at her, expressing her thought of how her sister has true feelings toward the unknowing explorer. But Aily shifts her eyes to her food and quickly mows down the food. She thought Nina was warning her to not show such face.

"W-Wha—slow down, dear," Nina takes her handkerchief, "There, there..." she wiped her sister's spoiled mouth, "My, you're a glutton, tee-hee," she teased.

After an hour, the party finishes their breakfast.

"Oookay...!" said Marco spiritedly, "Let's-a-go!"

The party left off the inn to continue wandering around the kingdom till evening. They're like having a vacation rather than exploring around, Marco himself didn't forget his intention, though. He inspected many libraries in the kingdom to see whether the "Grand Altar" has some notion inside the books. But alas, to no avail.

Unfelt by them, the day passes on quickly.

The night falls, and like yesterday, everyone's flat on their beds. This time, Marco forces himself to stay up and joins Scias who just went downstairs. Coming down the staircase, Marco spots Scias standing still and looked serious. Marco takes a step down, Scias quickly halts his movement.

"Hush, stop Marco. There's 'someone' there," He said seriously. He looked extremely cautious.

"Who?" Marco asked casually. "Keep your voice down… I've no idea who's that," Scias replied quietly.

The explorer relaxingly continues walking down to the same level as his buddy. From there, the lobby was still lit. The fire lamps weren't turned off yet. On the corner table near the window, Marco finds out what his buddy was being cautious of.

Marco pulls himself together and makes a brave step to see clearly what it is exactly, Scias pulls out his short blade just in case and follows Marco slowly from behind.

Slow and gently, they walk closer towards the ominous presence.

Upon getting closer… the evil-looking presence all of sudden takes a visible form. Scias stood in alarm, ready to cross swords anytime. Marco didn't bring his weapon along, but he also stands alerted.

Finally, the presence takes shape. And in that time… Marco realized who's in front of him right now.

"Huh?—Ghosty...?" said Marco wondering whether what he saw was really him. "G-Ghost?" Scias went even more cautious.

Apparently, it is indeed the soul spirit from before. He's reading a withered paper on the table, in which he devours it into his withered cloth when he realized Marco called him.

"Wha-ha~? Marco...! Good to see you here...~ hehe," It wheezes as it talks.

"A soul spirit?!" Scias looked a bit terrified, he's ready to put a deadly slash but Marco quickly assures him that Ghosty is no enemy at all.

"DUDE, DUDE, It's alright, he's not an enemy! Put down your blade, man!" said Marco in panic.

"But, but, he's a damned creature!" said Scias even more panicked.

"Seriously, dude! He's not a bad creature, I guarantee it!" Marco tried to stop him. Ghosty simply watches in wondrousness as the two humans debated.

It took him some time to calm Scias down. Fortunately, he succeeded.

"So Sir Drugo was right all along… you're even m-madder than before… even going as far as b-befriending a soul spirit," said Scias uneasily.

Ghosty wheezes a bit as it smiles and chuckles, "My...~ you're one rude fellow, aren'tcha...~? Tee-hee-hehee…"

The soul spirit then lazes upwards, "Oh, yeah...~ I do need to tell you guys, hehehe~... that I'm in fact...~..."

. . .

—a boy," End of Ghosty's word, it reveals itself to have a gender, after all.

"Huh, really informative, Ghosty," said Marco awkwardly. "Your voice already served as a boy, so…"

"Oh," Ghosty showed a surprised face.

Ghosty then waves his withered robe swiftly as he turns himself anywhere he looks. "Ahahaha~ but seriously, though… I never thought to meet you...~ Marco...~ not to mention...~ you got me a new friend, too~! Eeehehehee..." said Ghosty oddly.

"A new friend…? Me?" Scias wondered. Ghosty nodded slightly and grinned. "ERK! D-Don't address me that soon, will y-ya? Or else you'll c-creep me off," Scias said rudely.

"Ahaha~ finey-miney...~ sooner...~ we'll get to know each other, anyway... hahaha...~" said Ghosty as he wheezes again.

"So... why are you here, Ghosty?" Marco asked casually.

"Owuoh...~? About that...~? Ahahahah, oh, yeah... that thing~?"

"Yes...?" Marco said, "Oh... I was told to...~ meet someone... here...~ I don't know who it was...~"

Marco had a blatant feeling about this. Scias can hardly join their conversation. The wheezing voice of Ghosty made it hard for him to comprehend what he said.

"Oh...~ wait...~ I just remembered it...~ Owuoh~ it's actually... hehehe... you guys~... sorry," said Ghosty.

"Just as I suspected!" Marco's blatant feeling was right. The person in mention was actually him… and his party, perhaps. Scias sheathes his sword slowly to not cause any further ramble, the inn owners didn't appear at all, which can only mean that they've slept.

Aside from that, what does Ghosty want to tell to Marco?