Year 2020, January 17th, 7:23.
It's a bright beautiful morning, rays of light from the shining sun enter Ricky's room through the window, lighting the room up and waking Ricky from his slumber.
My eyes hurt a little as the sun was shining so bright, I rubbed my eyes, opening them I saw my reflection in a mirror in my room, eyebags, today's sleep was lacking, as I remembered yesterday I became full of regrets and a headache ensued. Nonetheless I still need to go to school. I got up from bed, closed the blinds, got dressed for school and went down the stairs.
Mom was waiting for me to wake up,
Oh shoot! I forgot all about this, I sighed and then said.
Ricky: "Oh...uhm...Yeah I'm getting late for school so bye mom!"
I completely ignored my mom and ran out of there because I can't tell my mom what happened. Of course she wouldn't believe it. This kind of sucked though, I didn't eat last night and now I didn't eat anything this morning, my stomach growled. As I went out I saw Alex and Shylia leaving for school as well.
Ricky: "Hey! Wait up for me guys!"
Shylia: "Oh good morning Ricky."
Alex: "Yo!"
Ricky: "Goodmorning, Oh and sorry Alex I didn't ask you about your arm, Are you alright?"
Alex: "Yeah it's fine right now, We went to the hospital last night. The doctor said it's just a small crack but I'll be fine."
Ricky: "Oh that's good."
Shylia: "Alright boys, you all take your time and walk to school I'll just go ahead of you guys."
Shylia went ahead of us on her bike.
Ricky: "Hey so uh what did ya tell your mom about your bike?"
Alex: "Oh I just told her it was stolen."
Ricky: "Ohhh nice idea."
Alex: "Yeah don't worry, I told her that both of our bikes were stolen. Did you tell your mom about it?"
Ricky: "No I just ran out of the house in panic."
We both laughed, Alex then asked.
Alex: "Wait so what did you have for breakfast?"
The mention of food reminded me how hungry I was, my stomach grumbled.
Ricky: "Pretty much nothing, I didn't have dinner either."
Alex pulled out a chocolate bar from his bag and handed it to me, I said thanks and started eating it. We both chatted along the way at school and neither of us mentioned what happened yesterday, maybe because neither of us wanted to talk about it right now, I know I didn't.
We got to the roadblock area, A silence fell and the mood had been killed, flashbacks ensued and my headache returned, we quickly got out of there to go to our school.
We entered the school seeing people talking with each other, someone was getting ready for class, Daniel was flirting with the girls as usual, Josh was bullying Richard again, some kids were playing in the playground, everyone was busy with something. They didn't know what was to come for them in the near future. Soon these beautiful days are going to be down in ashes and be remembered only in memories...
We entered our class and went to our seats getting ready for our class. Today even Alex who never cared for his classes got ready with books not saying a word to others. He's so talkative usually and would go on and on about the anime he watched last day or something but today he was just sitting there alone and expressionless. I know what's going on with him but I can't do anything either. The first class was biology. Mr. Kazuma entered the class.
Mr. Kazuma: "Ok class today we're going to study about the circulatory system."
Few boys behind my seat: "Aw man why can't we just go to the cool stuff already, ya know like the reproductive system and all."
Ricky: "Dumbasses..."
Mr. Kazuma started teaching, the good students were listening and marking stuff he was saying to mark. The others were just doing anything they wanted, they were playing games and chatting, someone was texting secretly. Mr. Kazuma knew all this but didn't care much, throughout this year he had grown tired of students like these and had decided to just let them fail the exams, people with little motivation like them won't get far in life anyways.
While everyone was busy doing whatever they wanted to do, I just wondered what would happen if killings start taking place outside the roadblocks, what if there's a riot and how could I stop it from happening Even I didn't know that it's not only gonna be a small riot but something far bigger that, something that would change the whole world. This world that mankind has developed for ages is all going to be in ashes. These boring classes will also be missed by us and we would just wish to go back in time where things were normal but well, life doesn't tend to be like that now does it...
Alex fell asleep on his desk. I guess he also was too scared and terrified to sleep last night. I don't blame him, I'm shocked I could sleep. I wonder how Rami was dealing with it. As I was thinking about this a thought came over me, what will happen to us now that we've seen those mutants? Surely they won't just let us go. Are they still gonna find us and kill us? I was scared, my heart was beating faster just thinking about them. I wish yesterday was just a bad dream, I wish.....
Just like this the first period got over and it was Maths class now.
Ken: "That's weird Ms. Michelle rarely misses school. For some reason she didn't come today."
A girl sitting beside Ken spoke up, she was wearing a goth type fit, had her nails painted black. Typical emo girl.
Annie: "Well it's good that she didn't come isn't it. Everyone hates her."
No teacher came to teach us in Ms. Michelle's place. It was a free period. Everyone kept doing their stuff and kept themselves busy while I was here sitting alone, my mind and my expression was blank. Eventually Ken scooted his seat over to my desk.
Ken: "Yo! Ricky, whats up?"
My train of thought had been disturbed, but I couldn't blame Ken, it's not like he knows what happened yesterday.
Ricky: "Nothing much, kinda glad Ms. Michelle is gone today."
Ken: "Honestly I feel the same, I couldn't care less about how annoying she is as a teacher, but I get really suspicious vibes from her a lot, also her blood pressure needs to get checked."
I chuckled at his joke but this laugh was a facade, what was really going on in my mind was a question, did he know? I mean suspicious vibes? How? I remember a guy was also spying on the freaky mutants, could it be him? No that's not possible, that guy was shorter in stature when compared to Ken who was taller than me.
Ricky: "Yeah she does give suspicious vibes though."
As everyone was playing and celebrating Ms. Michelle's absence, a familiar figure entered the class. It was none other than Ms. Michelle.
Ms. Michelle: "I'm sorry class I'm late today we're going to study circles."
The entire class' smile went away and a fear crept within me. Seeing her after yesterday and remaining calm wasn't an easy task. A question is still unanswered, Why was Ms. Michelle there yesterday, Is she involved in all this mess, and if she is then why? As these thoughts filled my head Ms. Michelle came towards me and slammed her book so hard that the sound could be heard from outside the class.
Ms. Michelle's rage could be heard throughout the whole school. I got up and got out of the class quietly without saying a word, Ken followed, I was kind of happy to not have to deal with this class, I didn't like Ms. Michelle before, but if she's involved with those guys then I straight up hate her. Alex who would normally say "Hah sucks to be you, loser" in a situation like this said nothing, he didn't even scoff. I headed towards the detention hall, as Ken and I both sat down, Ken said.
Ken: "Ironic how right after we were talking about her blood pressure she threw a tantrum, honestly she acts like a child sometimes. However, she's far too malicious to be one."
Malicious? This is getting suspicious, being an annoying teacher and being malicious are two very different things, this does not correlate, he knows something doesn't he.
Ricky: "What exactly do you mean by malicious? I get that she's kind of suspicious and mean, but malicious implies she's evil."
Ken: "Oh no, I must've misspoke, say Ricky, what are your friends like?"
That was no accident, he did not misspeak, he definitely knows something, not to mention he immediately changed the subject, my eyes grew more stern and skeptical.
Ricky: "Well, my friends are nice, Alex can be annoying and kinda bullies me sometimes, he's also sort of perver- oh I just realized I'm only really naming his bad traits, despite all that he's still a cool guy and he cares for others. Rami is really nice to pretty much everyone, she's very gullible but also finds it hard to forgive."
As I was talking the bell rang. Which means Maths class was finished, Ms. Michelle exited the room and entered the detention hall saying "You two are free to leave now, and Ricky, remain in your limits." This phrase would normally be nothing but a usual scolding from a teacher to a student, but now things are different. It felt like a death threat, her cold voice pierced right through me as I knew that she knew we were there. After coming back to my senses I entered the classroom and went straight to my desk with a depressed look. Just like this time passed without me knowing and it was already lunch break.
Alex: "Hey loser you still depressed about that scolding you got in maths period?"
Ricky: "O-Oh no no I'm fine, Let's go eat lunch with our friends."
I smiled and went to the school ground with our lunches. I was kinda glad that Alex was acting normal again but I know that his smile was fake just like mine but I never brought it up. Ken followed me as I walked to the place I usually meet my friends, I don't remember inviting him but I wasn't just going to shoo him away. Kids were playing in the playground and having fun. Young couples were sitting on the benches under the trees and making out. All of these youthful days of fun will be gone soon.
We reached our usual place of meeting.
Ricky: "Hi! This is my friend Ken."
Ken: "Hello."
Ken went to go sit down, he would remain silent and watch the conversation pan out. Alex then showed up.
Alex: "Yo how are y'all."
Shylia: "Hi."
Osa: "Sup loser."
Alex: "Osa shut up or I'm exposing you."
Alex said while smirking.
Her eyes were glowing in curiosity.
Rami: "Yes expose him even though I know what you're gonna expose."
Osa: "Hah just try and do it no balls."
Alex: "I'll do it I'm telling you."
Shylia: "No you won't."
Osa: "Yeah you're too much of a pussy to do it."
Alex turned around, trying to hide his frustrated and angry face.
Everyone burst with laughter.
I was again getting emotional to think that these days will remain as lost memories. I was glad that everyone was having fun but this is not going to last long. I forgot all the negative thoughts and joined them and had fun just like usual. I should at the very least, enjoy the days I have.
Rami: "Psst Hey Ricky come here with me we need to talk. You too Alex."
Ricky: "Uhh ok?"
Osa: "Woah two boys at once? You ain't even tryna hide it, player."
Ken and Shylia burst out with laughter.
Rami: "Fuck off!"
Rami: "Ok so should we tell them?"
Alex: "I don't know honestly."
Ricky: "OF COURSE WE SHOULD TELL THEM! They're the only people who'll believe us."
Rami: "Yeah but how will we get past Ken?"
Alex: ���I've talked to Ken before but I don't think anyone here knows him well enough to consider telling him as well."
Ricky: "We can just say that we're going to have a private discussion."
Rami: "But that comes off as mean."
Alex: "Rami, you're too nice sometimes, there really is no other way. The real question is, how can we be sure everyone else will believe us?"
Ricky: "We won't know unless we try."
Alex: "Ok so we tell them about yesterday and then what? We go back to that hellhole now with more guys and just die together?"
Ricky: "No I have a plan but I need Osa's help."
Rami: "Ok we are telling them."
Osa: "Back this early? Guess that means they both rejected you."
Osa chuckles at his own joke.
Ricky: "Hey, Osa, Shylia, can we two talk to you in private?"
Osa and Shylia: "I mean sure but what about Ken?"
Ken: "I'm okay with that. Y'all probably have some secrets."
We went off, however Ken throughout this entire conversation began making a deduction.
Ken's Inner Thoughts: "So Ricky, Rami and Alex had a conversation in private, coincidently they were also the three I saw spying on the mutants when I went and saw Ali also spying on said mutants. Judging off the fact they aren't including me it is very possible that Ricky, Rami and Alex are telling Osa and Shylia about the mutants. I know they wanted to talk in private, but if they really are talking about something like this, I'd like to know as well, it may be helpful information to Ali that could help with his escape plan.
Ken would watch the group walk off, the group seemed to walk off to the back of the school, luckily for Ken's plan there was a door to enter the school from the back, if he entered from the front and found the said door, he could hear what they were saying without being found out. Ken entered the school and sprinted to the back, on his way Mr. Kazuma yelled out.
Mr. Kazuma: "No running in the hallways!
After letting out a sigh, Mr. Kazuma said.
Mr. Kazuma: "Why do I even try?"
Ken reached the back and sat down at the door, the conversation then began.
Rami: "Listen! This is important. Remember yesterday we went to explore the roadblocks?"
Osa: "Yeah lemme guess you found nothing?"
Shylia: "Knew it."
Alex: "NO!"
Both of them were shocked because of Alex's behaviour.
Ricky: "Well listen to us calmly and trust us this is not a prank."
Osa and Shylia: "Ok..."
Ricky: "So we went there and we found things we hope never have found. I'll get into detail, but the gist of it is, there's a high chance of a war breaking out some time soon."
A look of confusion dawned on both Osa and Shylia's face, Osa was hesitant to believe all of this, but Shylia was already convinced, she began trembling.
Osa: "How are you so sure?"
Rami: "Let him explain."
Ricky: "So as I was saying, basically the roadblocks are there to not let people in and find out the truth. The houses are burnt and wrecked and dead bodies are lying all over the place. All dismembered and burnt. And we saw some people who were cleaning the place up. With them was Ms. Michelle."
Shylia: "What?!"
Osa: "Look I know you hate Ms. Michelle, but you can't just start making up stuff to antagonize her, are you doing this in spite or are you being real, be honest."
Ricky: "We aren't lying, we wouldn't lie about something like this just in spite of Ms. Michelle."
Rami nodded her head.
Ricky: "That's not all, the people who were cleaning up the place had mutant powers, like super strength and super speed, and almost invincible."
Osa: "Are you sure you're not telling me a plot from an anime?"
Alex: "Osa... Trust us."
The horrified look on Alex was enough to convince them.
Ricky: "But we don't have any proof whatsoever so we can't tell this to anybody. Especially not to the teachers because it seems like they are connected somehow."
Shylia: "What about our parents?"
Alex: "Do you think dad will believe this bullshit? We can't trust boomers, because they don't trust us."
Shylia: "No..."
Alex: "Anyways our genius Ricky has a plan."
Ricky: "Well the plan is pretty simple but it'd be hard to execute, I'd need help from Osa."
Osa: "Me?"
Ricky: "Yeah so basically what I thought was to build a drone and take pictures of the place. I know the basics of robotics but I need a software which would give us live feed of the drone. That's where you come Osa. Oh and of course we need parts, so who's willing to buy it?"
Shylia: "I'll do it."
Osa: "Yeah alright you can trust all the software work to me."
Alex: "You sure Shy? Wherever you go shopping you're always so distracted by whatever the lying salesmen are telling your gullible ass."
Shylia: "Yep I'm sure, I won't be distracted by anything this time since the whole world depends on it."
Ricky: "Ok then that settles it. I'll come to your house at 6 pm Alex."
Sitting back, Ken decides to create a mental note in his head to be there at their meeting at 6:00 PM. He then hears the bell ring, he decides to head back to class, but what he misses is something rather important.
A mysterious but familiar figure emerged from the shadows and spoke.
Mysterious Old Man: "Hello young children isn't it time for you to go to your classes now?"
It was an old man, a very familiar old man with a rough yet gentle voice. It was the same old man who was there with Ms. Michelle and the mutants!