Year 2020, January 17th, 13:12.
It's afternoon, the sun's rays and heat are at their greatest. A group of students were discussing something when a familiar figure approached them.
Mysterious Old man: "Hello children isn't it time for you to go to your classes now?"
The old man said with a rough but gentle voice.
We were frozen, Alex, Rami and I were frozen in fear, since this familiar face was none other than the Old man we saw at the ruined site, beyond the roadblocks.
Osa: "Yes sir we were just heading back."
Shylia: "Um.... guys lets go?"
We came back to our senses.
Alex: "Ye-yeah lets go."
Old man: "Good luck, young children."
That good luck wasn't for our studies or anything, the old man knew, He knew that it was us. We were trapped, he even came to our school. There's no running away now. The only thing we can do now is find proof and our lives no, the whole world would be spared.
Osa: "He was there wasn't he?" Osa said while we were going back to our classes.
Ricky: "Huh?"
Osa: "The old man aka Mr. Parker."
Ricky: "Mr. Parker?"
Osa: "Yeah he joined our school today as a teacher, I was pretty suspicious when I heard a new teacher would be joining the school right now when the session is almost going to be over but I didn't mind much."
Alex: "Yeah it was him, those soul piercing eyes and that long black overcoat, It is him! We are going to die!"
Shy: "Alex calm down it's gonna be fine we have a plan to expose them don't we?"
Alex: "Shut up you don't know how it feels to see that horrifying face of death staring right at you! And what if he overheard our conversation?"
Rami: "Alex calm down, your sister is correct we do have a plan. Now all that's left is to work on it."
Ricky: "Yeah we will do it, but if he overheard the conversation we have to get to work right after school."
Osa: "Yeah leave the software work to me. Anyways we should be going to our classes now."
We headed back to our respective classes but we were late.
Mr. Kumar: "Why are you boys so late?! Do you know what time it is?"
Alex and Ricky: "Sorry sir won't happen again."
Mr. Kumar: "Sigh, Get in and get to work right now."
We went to our desks and took out our books and started studying. Well I acted as I was studying but in reality I was making a model or blueprint for the drone.
A few hours passed and it was the end of school, I almost finished the blueprint. All that we need are parts and software.
Ricky: "Ok so Imma head to my home first and get the blueprint ready, Shylia get the parts as soon as you can, and Osa, start working with the software."
Alex: "So we all meet at our treehouse at 6 pm?"
Ricky: "Yeah."
Rami: "Alright."
We went back to our homes, I hurried to my room and completed the blueprint. It was 5:30 PM. Meanwhile in a certain orphanage a boy was packing a bag.
Ali: "So you're leaving huh?"
Ken: "Yeah, I want to see what they're working on, I mean if they're exposing the people behind all of this, what does it mean for the orphanage?"
Ali: "I guess you bring a fair point, anyways see ya!"
Ken ran off with his backpack, waving goodbye to Ali, and running to Alex's house, however whilst running he bumped into some random, middle aged man, falling back onto the ground, he looked up and saw Mr. Parker.
Mr. Parker: "Now, where exactly are you going?"
Ken: "I'm running to one of my friend's houses."
Mr. Parker: "Uninvited too. See sadly, if you were to go there, they would have a far higher chance at succeeding in their plan."
Before Ken could even respond, Parker grabbed Ken by the neck, and slammed his face into a cement wall on the side of the street, Ken's head broke into the wall due to all the force Mr. Parker put into the slam. Ken's head was then flung across the wall, until he fell down to the ground, the right half of his face was a bloody mess. As he turned his head back to see Mr. Parker, he felt his back thump to the ground, as Mr. Parker laid his foot down upon it. His arms were stretched up, and Ken's right arm was twisted until finally it broke. Ken was kicked aside, and Mr. Parker walked off, as Ken fell into the realm of unconsciousness.
Ricky: "Yeah I think I should go to Alex's home now."
I ran to Alex's house as soon as possible with the bundle of blueprints and tools stuffed in my backpack.
Doorbell rang and I was greeted with a bright smile on Alex's mother's face.
Alex's mother: "Hi Ricky welcome to our house, Alex is in the treehouse."
Ricky: "Oh Thank you very much."
Alex's mother: "Do you want some snacks or drin-"
As Alex's mother was about to offer some food and drinks I quickly ran off to the tree house without realizing.
Alex's mom: "Oh kids these days so energetic."
I climbed to the treehouse which was on the old oak tree in Alex's backyard. It's there since the last tenants lived here.
Alex: "Yo welcome to my cozy kingdom."
Ricky: "You mean our secret base."
Alex: "Yeah well everyone knows our treehouse so it's not secret anymore."
Ricky: "True.."
We both chuckled.
Ricky: "So where's Shylia?"
Alex: "She went to bring the parts she'll be back-"
Shylia: "I'm back, did you miss me?"
Alex: "Ah speak of the devil."
Ricky: "O-oh you startled me."
Alex: "You're such a loser Ricky."
Shylia: "If he's a loser then what are you? Remember the time when you got scared of your own shoe lace and thought it was a snake?"
Alex: "S-shut up! Besides I was 5 years old back then."
We laughed and chuckled. We were gonna miss these days so much. We would've never known about the truth of the roadblocks and just lived on with normal life till the end of it all if an outbreak started but now we know so we must do something to stop it.
Ricky: "So where's the others?"
Alex: "Osa said he's on his way with Rami."
Ricky: "Alright We have no time to lose, I'll start on the work right now, Shy pass me the goods."
Alex: "Alright then I'll chill here by myself, Shy wanna play some games?"
Ricky: "Bruh and only I do all the work and ya'll gonna have fun over there?"
Alex: "Uh yeah? What else am i supposed to do?"
Ricky: "Uh I don't know, pass me the tools when I need them?"
Alex: "Yeah no Shy you do it."
Shy: "Ugh why me?"
Ricky: "Guys... we need to take it seriously. The whole world might depend on this."
Shy: "Yeah Ricky's correct, we must take this seriously, we can't make a single mistake."
Alex: "Alright Shy help him Imma bring some snacks."
A few minutes passed and I started working on the drone and Shy was helping me when Osa and Rami entered the treehouse.
Osa: "Sup bitc- I mean good friends."
Rami: "Osa..."
Rami looked at Osa with very disappointed and annoyed eyes.
Osa: "Wha- I was just joking."
Rami: "Yeah sure. Anyways how's the progress guys?"
Ricky: "Yeah we just started working on it, Osa how's your progress with the software?"
Osa: "Yeah I'm almost done with the basic setup but I need to code some parts and stuff. By the way where's Alex?"
Shylia: "Yeah he went down to bring snacks. I wonder what's taking him so long."
Alex down in the kitchen taking snacks,
Alex: "Hey mom have you seen my chips anywhere?"
Alex's mom: "No, it must be in your room or the kitchen."
Alex: "I checked everywhere mom."
Alex's Dad: "Oh are you talking about these chilli pepper chips Alex."
Alex: "Oh yeah thanks dad."
Alex's Dad: "No problem son, by the way have you seen my Beretta 9mm pistol anywhere? Did you mistake it for a toy gun and take it?"
Alex: "Uh no dad I didn't see it and I won't take it by mistake, I'm not a kid anymore hehe."
An awkward suspicious smile was on Alex's face.
Alex's Dad: "Hmmm ok have fun son."
Alex: "Heh thanks dad."
Alex went to the treehouse while his dad switched on his T.V.
News Channel Host: "It's your most trusted source of news, News Net. Today we have a very interesting rumor which needs some attention."
"Breaking News: It has been reported by some anonymous yet trusted sources that the Owner of the biggest technology corporation Mr. Simian Rodriguez from the Sierra Biotech is thinking of joining politics. We are not yet sure about this rumor but it might be true since Mr. Rodriguez already has good relations with the ministers."
Alex: "Yooo Osa welcome fam."
Osa: "Yooo loser gimme the chips."
Alex: "Nah fuck you they're mine. I ain't sharing my chilli pepper chips with you."
Rami: "What chips?"
Rami says while munching on the chips.
Alex: "RAMIIIII?!"
Ricky: "Jeez can we be a little more serious about this?"
Shy: "Aw come on lets have some fun!"
Alex: "Yeah who knows when all this fun will be over..."
A silence fell into the room with happy cheerful faces now full of dread and sadness.
Ricky: "Hey, hey, what do you mean by that? We will be successful in this mission. We will save the world."
Osa: "Yeah guys Ricky is correct, we will succeed."
We all cheered.
Alex: "Yeah but Rick you sound like an anime protagonist."
Everyone burst into laughter and had lots of fun. Eventually Alex's mother came into the backyard and yelled something up to our treehouse.
Alex's Mom: "Hey! Come down for dinner!"
Alex: "Yes! Guests over means dinner is going to be amazing!"
Osa: "Ah I see, so that's the real reason why we came."
Alex started blushing. It was pretty obvious he was embarrassed.
Alex: "Nah but that's just a little add on y'know. Besides ya'll here only for food."
Everyone gave Alex this smug look, besides Ricky who wasn't paying attention as he was busy working.
Alex: "What?"
Osa: "Nothin' anyways let's go eat."
Everyone headed out, Alex who left last looked back at Ricky.
Alex: "You coming too?"
Ricky: "Nah, I needa get this done."
Alex: "Com' on you're a guest here, my mom'll kill me and plus you can't work on an empty stomach."
Ricky: "Don't worry bro I'm good."
Shylia would overhear this as she was still climbing down the ladder we use to get up, she'd climb back up and say.
Shylia: "It won't be the same without you."
Alex: "Yeah and who knows if we'll ever be able to have an opportunity to hang out like friends like this ever again."
Shylia would nudge Alex.
Shylia: "Don't say that"
Alex: "Yeah my bad."
From down Osa yelled all the way up.
Osa: "Come on, you're making the auntie wait! I swear, none of these kids have manners."
Alex: "Real ironic coming from you!"
Ricky: "Okay okay, fine I'll come. Just stop bantering."
We'd all go down to eat, the auntie would serve us and everyone would give their thanks to the auntie for making the food. Due to me not having eaten ever since lunchtime at school and me working hard on this drone, I was insanely hungry, which led to me eating really fast.
Alex: "Calm down you pig."
Ricky: "How about you try going without food for 8 hours whilst working."
Osa: "Shut the hell up, you losers are disturbing my meal."
Alex: "Fuck you Osa."
Osa: "Thats sus."
Alex would sigh, and we'd all laugh, then continue eating, these days of peaceful happiness would soon be gone, I wish I enjoyed them just a little more, whilst they lasted. Soon it was late night and everyone went to sleep except me and Osa, we were still working on the drone. Osa was done with the programming. We were still making the drone. We cannot afford this to be a failure.
Alex: "Hey you still working?"
Ricky: "Yeah I can't afford to make a single mistake."
Osa: "Yeah don't worry we will bring the truth to the public."
Ricky: "Yeah but...what if we fail or what if they already started making a move too?"
Alex: "Hey loser didn't you just say that we can't afford to make a mistake? Don't get anxious and all of us are in this together. We will not lose."
Ricky: "Thanks...Alex..thanks Osa..thanks everyone..."
Alex: "No need to thank me. I know I'm awesome."
Osa: "You and awesome? Pfft."
Alex: "Shut up Osa!"
We all chuckled in joy. Before going to bed, Alex said one last thing.
Alex: "Hey do you need any help tho?"
Ricky: "Nah it's fine you can go back to sleep and Osa you too. I'm almost done."
Alex and Osa both went to sleep but I kept working hard and soon fell asleep without realizing.
January 18, 2020, 6:24
I woke up after barely getting any sleep.
Ricky: "Huh? What?"
Shy: "Wake up sleepyhead its time to test the drone."
Ricky: "Oh hi Shy-Wait it's already morning?!"
Rami: "Yeah everyone's waiting outside."
Ricky: "Oh let's go then."
We three came down the treehouse with the drone.
Alex: "Good morning lazy ass."
Ricky: "Good morning horny ass."
Osa: "Had a nice threes-"
Rami: "Shut up Osa."
Ricky: "So time to test it huh? The time for exposing the truth has come."
Alex: "Wait wait wait, what should we name this mission?"
Ricky: "Huh?"
Alex: "Hmmm how about Mission Heaven's eye?"
Osa: "That sounds lame."
Rami: "Ummm how about Mission Skywing?"
Alex: "Noooo Mission Heaven's Eye sounds so cool."
Ricky: "Just nevermind let's test the drone first."
Alex: "Lemme control the drone then, I'm great with remote controls."
Ricky: "Wait let me do it for the first time then you do it."
Alex: "Jeez ok."
Ricky: "Osa gimme the phone controller."
Osa: "Here you go, You know the controls right?"
Ricky: "Yeah."
I switched on the drone. The camera was working great. Slowly and steadily the drone started levitating above the ground.
Alex: "Woah, it's working!"
The drone was flying high in the sky!
Ricky: "It works! We did it guys! It-"
Just before I was going to finish my sentence the drone shut down and came crashing down on the ground in front of our feet..
Ricky: "N-no...I-it can't be...Our hard work...Our effort..All gone.."