Part 3


Izuku P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and webbed myself out of bed. I was now standing on my wall sideways as I did squats.

Over these past few months, Paige has been training me to be able to make it into U.A.

I thought she was just a normal scientist, but I found out that she actually excercises everyday to be fit and keep her figure. I remember when I first found out about her.


I stood in front of a huge 5 star hotel in awe. Paige lives here. I walked inside and felt out of place in my tracksuit. Everyone else was wearing fancy clothing and their snobby kids were laughing at my slacks. I went over to reception and requested to see Paige. The guy at reception told me that she lived in the pent house on the top floor.

I headed up there to meet her, and found her in a sports bra sweatpants and Nike sneakers looking ready for a run. "Are you ready Izuku" she asked as she put her golden lockes of hair into a scrunchy. "We're about to go on a run, but your gonna do more running than me, then we're gonna head over to the gym and your gonna lift weights. Then after that we're gonna head over to a beach so we can move all the rubbish that people have dumped there, then we're gonna come back here and do some hot yoga" she said with a smile.

End of flashback

And that's what I've been doing up until this day. Now, I'm gonna head over to Paige's for some final training. Training with Paige, I've increased my strength, stamina, endurance, speed and web swinging abilities. I've moved on from wall crawling to wall running. And it's all thanks to that women.

I looked at my door as my mom walked inside. "Izuku, have you- what have I told you about standing on the walls?" She said with a Stern voice. "Not to" I said and flipped off the wall. "That's right, now, have you seen my phone, I can't find it anywhere" she said. " not really" I said. She nodded and left my room.

"I need to finish putting in that tracking device into her phone" I whispered as I walked over to my work station. Yes, I'm bugging my mother's phone, sue me. But, it's just to protect her.

"Now that I have a quirk,I can protect my mother from harm and keep her safe, that's the least I could do" I said and finished putting the tracker in.

"There, all done" I said as I stretched out. "Hey Mom!" I yelled as I left my room and flipped onto the couch. "Yes Izu" she said, using the nickname she gave me when I was younger. "I found your phone inbetween the couch cushions!" I yelled back. "Really!?" She yelled back and fast walked into the T.V room. "Yeah, I just sat down and, there it was" I said and shrugged. "But, I'm sure I looked here" she said and scratched her head confused. "Maybe you didn't look hard enough" I said as I stood.

"Yeah maybe" she said and walked off. "But thanks Izu" she said from the other room.

I nodded and walked into my room to prepare to take a shower. After my shower and getting dressed, I headed out to Paige's place. I ran there at full pace. I headed up the stairs instead of using the elevator. Once I was at her door, I knocked gently. "It's open Izuku" she said and I opened the door to already see the hot yoga mats out.

"Aren't we gonna do the full excersise today?" I asked as I sat on my green mat. "No, not today. We're just gonna go straight to the yoga" she said and started. "Okay, I guess" I said and started doing the hot yoga with her. Just like every other time we did hot yoga, I noticed her figure once more and admired it. I'm no perv, but when it's right in front of you, it's hard not to notice and or stare.

Once we finished with the stretches we rested for a bit. "Okay, now that your body is all relaxed, you can do much better in the U.A entrance exams" she said and smiled.

"Speaking of the U.A entrance exams, I better get going if I want to make it to the exams on time" I said and got ready to leave. "Okay, good luck Izuku. Oh and, take this" she said and handed me a black suitcase. "Now go" she said and giggled at my confused face.

I backed away slowly with a confused look before leaping out her window.

I landed safely on the ground before jogging to UA.

I made it to UA and looked at the suitcase that Paige handed me. I had it in my right hand as I walked. I decided to investigate what was inside the case, so I stopped jogging and tried to open it. But, suddenly a piece of paper flew out of the bag and landed on my lap. I picked it up to read it.

Hahaha, you tried to see what was inside didn't you. Well, this bag won't open until 11:45, because that's 15 minutes before the exam starts. I really want this to be a surprise. Love-Paige😝😜

I smiled at the little note before placing it in my pocket. "Okay Paige, I won't open it" I said and continued jogging till I reached the entrance. Once there, I tripped and some girl saved me with her quirk. Then we headed inside together and the exam got explained.

It is now 15 minutes before the exam will begin, so the case should open now. "Speak of the devil" I said as a clicking sound came from the bag. The bag opened and inside was a golden and black outfit that seemed way too big for me. I took it out and looked at it.

(If you read the authors note and looked at the pictures, you'd have a kind of rough idea what the suit looks like)

I put the suit on and saw how it slumped down on me. "What was Paige thinking, this is definitely too big for me" I said as I tried to put it on properly. I saw that there was a button on the chest piece, so I tapped it and the suit seemed to fit me perfectly. "Wow" I said as I looked in the mirror.

I looked back inside the suitcase and noticed a golden mouth piece with a sticky note attached to it.

I picked up the mouth piece and read the sticky note. "This is the final piece, put it over your mouth and press the button on the side" I read out loud and did as instructed to afterwards. I watched in the mirror as some sort of cyber cloak came over my face, making my eyes look golden, resting in a sea of black, with black hair and gold pieces in it. "Woah, I look like a totally different person" I said and examined myself. "Well, time to see what I can do" I said and ran toward the examination area. I arrived swinging in from the side and landed in front of everyone.

"Woah who's that?" "Is that a hero?" "Is he gonna do the exam?" I heard people whispering about me behind my back. But I decided to ignore them. "We will be beginning the exam in 3...2...1...GO!!" I heard Present Mics voice through the loud speaker. It took people 3 seconds to realise that the exam had started, but it only took me one. I leapt into action the second after he said 'Go'.

I swung and webbed one robot and swung it into a another robot, before flipping and kicking ones head off. I then whipped around and webbed behind one robot and pulled to slide under his legs and punch through the robots head.

I continued taking out robot after robot, until suddenly the zero pointer Present Mic spoke about appeared. Everyone started running in a state of panic but me. I stood firmly in place as I heard a cry for help. It came from the girl that stopped me from falling before. Her leg seemed to be twisted in some weird manner and she was crying. Crying for help.

Narrator P.O.V

Izuku stood still and many thought that he was parelyzed with fear. All Might especially was confused. He sat in the staff room with the other teachers and stared at Izuku. All Might had a feeling that Izuku knew that the robot was out of his league. So why was he just standing there?

All Might and the other teachers sat on the edge of their seats and watched what the only participant who didn't run, would do. Izuku webbed onto the edges of two buildings and started moving backwards slowly. Like a slingshot. "What is he doing?" Asked Midnight as she watched with anticipation.

Suddenly Uraraka's pleas for help became so strong, that something inside Izuku changed. A switch flipped and suddenly his eyes began to glow white. He then stopped pulling back slowly and basically walked backwards. The teachers were now entertained beyond belief.

Izuku jumped and slingshot forward with his fist outstretched. He punched right through the robots head in a second as wind followed after. All the teachers stood and looked at the screen in shock. Especially All Might. Izuku then landed on the ground safely before falling over.

All the teachers had mixed expressions on their faces. "How?" Was all All Might had to say.
