Part 4


Narrator P.O.V

Izuku got up and looked around him to find that he was lying in a pile of rubble. He looked at the robot as it saw it's final moment when it fell down. A huge gust of wind was generated as it landed. The gust of wind blew sand, dust and other things into Izuku's face.

He stood and looked at his surroundings feeling confused and a little tingly.

He turned to see all the other participants looking at him strangely. Izuku felt strange inside, like a door that was once closed, was slowly opening. And if he was being honest, it kinda scared him. Suddenly, his memories hit him like a tsunami, and he ran over to Uraraka to help her. He picked her up bridal style and dropped her off  at the nurse's office in  Recovery Girls care.

Izuku then left the exam replica city and went to Paige's place. He knocked on the door before entering and began to look around for her. "Hey Paige, Paige you home" he said and walked toward her bedroom to see that the door was open a bit and the vase next it was smashed. His eyes flew open wide and he ran right through the door. Breaking it off it's hinges and making it fly into the wall across the room. "Paige!" He yelled as he heard a scream. He turned to see Paige in only a towel sitting on her bed. He looked around in his new spider like fighting style pose. "Where's the threat?" He asked. Suddenly a slipper flew and smacked Izuku in the face. He fell over and landed with a thud as Paige walked over to him. clenching her towel tight onto her body. "Midoriya! what are you doing!?" She yelled. "Oh well, I thought that you were in trouble, so I rushed into your room as quick as possible" he said as he stood and rubbed his cheek. "Why would you think that!?" She yelled.

"There was a broken vase and your door was slightly open. Not to mention that the rest of your pent house was dark" he said. Paige sighed before sitting down on her bed. "The broken vase was just the result of a little rage, and the dark pent house was just because I wanted to just take a bath and go to sleep afterwards. That's why I didn't bother switching on the lights" she said and huffed.

"Oh, okay then. Sorry about the-the door" he said and pointed at it. He walked over to it and picked it up easily before carrying it back to where it's supposed to be. "Yeah, you better be sorry" she said and sighed once more. "Are you mad?" He asked with a nervous edge to his voice. Paige picked up on this and realised that she was yelling a lot. "Yeah, kinda" she said. Izuku looked up at her and noticed her figure. She had a big bust, which was slightly sticking out of her towel. An hour glass figure. Beautiful eyes and face. Her hair looked silky smooth and her legs were dazzling.

A blush appeared on Izuku's face that he couldn't seem to surpress. Paige turned to look at him and noticed his blush. She looked down at herself before blushing and throwing her second slipper at him. "Get out!" She yelled. Pointing at the door. Izuku ran out the door and ran to the roof of the pent house. What doubled as the roof of the entire building. "Well, that was weird Izuku. She caught you staring. Things are going to be different now" he said and web swung to another build before standing sideways on it. He shoved his hands into his pocket and calmly walked down the building.

He got to the bottom and noticed how some were looking at him. "What? Never seen a person walk down a building before?" He said and walked off.

He reached home and went in through the window. Again, calmly walking up the building to his room. He entered and immediately grabbed his notebook. About to jot down the events of today.

Okay, let's break it down. My abilities are superhuman strength, web swinging and slinging and wall crawling. I haven't discovered any other abilities. But today, I was able punch through a gigantic robot that's bigger than my apartment building. Something about it doesn't seem right. I feel stronger though. Like I could lift that tank like nothing now. Well maybe I'm exaggerating. I could lift the tank with less effort now maybe. I wonder what else I'll figure out about myself.

He scribbled down and closed the notebook. He then stood and walked over to his door. "Mom you home!" He yelled and walked out the room. A flash of lightning came from outside that made Izuku jump a little. The rain came patting down on the windows slowly. Then hard.

Izuku walked over to the kitchen to see a note on the table. "Gone to go pick up some milk. Will be back soon" was what the note said.

Izuku smiled and looked out the window to see his mom returning from getting said milk. He smiled before he saw a hand grab her. "Mom!" He yelled and was about to jump out the window to save her by using his quirk. But then saw a police officer. He could get arrested for using his quirk in public. But, what was the police officer doing just standing there. The police officer had a distinct gloved hand on his face and white hair. Izuku rushed into his room and grabbed the suit that Paige made him. He slipped it on and then jumped out the window.

Only to see his mom get thrown into the back of a van and the van started driving off. The police officer also started driving off which meant the police officer was in on it.

Izuku webswung onto the top of a building as he followed the car. "Can't lose sight of the car" he said as he webswung to the next building before running along the building sideways and diving off it. He then shot a web onto the building on his left as the van turned left. He swung and flipped onto the top of a building. Landing on the ventilation and doing a flip once more before shooting webs to the next building and pulling on it to get to the building he looked up to see a huge neon sign in front of him that read 'Eazy Sleep Hotel' he webbed onto the sides of the 'O' and pulled so he could go through it.

He looked down to see the van making a right. He looked sharply to his right and shot a web onto a building before pulling roughly to land onto the top of it. He ran across it and jumped to make it to the next building.  He looked down and saw the van right below him. But now, they had a few buddies. 2 other identical vans joined the first and the cop car.

He looked at the vans with a skeptical look. The one at the back then stopped and parked in an alleyway as a man got out and grabbed another women before throwing her into the back. Izuku immediately dived down and webbed the man's foot to the floor. He landed on the ground and punched the man across the face. Knocking him out. He opened the back of the van and inside we're more goons with guns. They shot at him and he took the bullets no problem.

"The suits bulletproof? The suits bulletproof!!" He yelled happily and webbed onto the men's guns and pulled them out the van and knocking them both out as well.

"Your free people" he said and they all ran out the van in terror. A little boy looked back at Izuku and noticed the golden spider and suit. He webbed onto the top of the building and pulled himself up. The boy witnessed in awe as he left.

"Mori! Why are you just standing there!? Let's go!!" His mom yelled and the boy followed after her.

Izuku looked at the vans with narrowed eyes. He began putting up chase again as he followed the vans easily.

Half an hour later

Izuku had managed to follow the vans to a warehouse in the Chiyoda area. He landed onto the iron roof as the vans enter in through the front. He began crawling down the wall and into the warehouse as the doors closed.

Izuku looked down at the vans as they threw the people out the van and onto the floor. He then saw his mother get thrown out. "Everyone get into line! Get ready to present your quirks" a man said. He had a huge rock body and a mean attitude.

Izuku noted him as a possible problem if he needed to fight anybody. All the kidnapped people lined up in a line in front of a monitor. "First person, step forward" the man said. "Present your quirk" he said sternly.

The lady stepped forward with a scared face. She was quivering in fear.

"Why are they telling people to present their quirks" Izuku whispered to himself.

The women shot lightning out of her fingers as she shook in fear. "Please don't hurt me!" She yelled. "Step to the left" the man said.

The next person stepped forward. This time a man. "Present your quirk" the man looked around and vomited up acid. Izuku reeled back in disgust and so did others. "Step to the left.

They continued this procedure as they asked people to step to the left and the right. When Izuku's mother came up to present. She told them that she was quirkless. She got told to step to the right like a few others. Izuku noticed a trend in what they were doing. They were telling everyone with a badass quirk to move to the left and all the people without a badass quirk to the right.

Once all the people in the line were done with. The man of Rock looked at the monitor before barking orders. "Everyone on the left! Get into a van! Now!!" He yelled and they all scrambled into one of the two vans. "Hey, where's Morty. He's supposed to be here by now?" The rock guy asked. The police officer with a hand on his face stepped forward from the darkness of the warehouse. After all, the only light in the warehouse was the monitor.

"I don't know, I've called 9 times now" he said back. "He must have been caught by a hero then" rock guy said. "Whatever. All the people on the right! You will be...killed"

To be continued


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