Part 17


Izuku sat in Ben's and his lab, thinking. He had two huge piles of scrunched up papers on the floor of failed ideas. Ben was right in his statement. Him and Izuku were both fucked.

He then scrunched up his latest idea as he screamed and clutched his hair. It had been two weeks since they got told to work on this. And Ben hadn't shown up to help once. It had just been him alone working on it so far. "No! No! No!" He yelled as he threw the ball onto the floor. He had managed to fix the remote Ben broke the other day though. But that set him back even more, because fixing that remote took all week. Setting the progress that he could have made back by a whole week.

Izuku wiped his forehead of sweat as he leaned back in the chair he was in. "What am I gonna do!?" He asked/yelled in frustration. He picked up his phone and looked at the time. '23:56' "Almost midnight" he said as he calmed himself. He picked up his coffee and drank some. But, spat it out. Seeing how it was cold now. "Damnit" he said as he looked at his clothes. Now soiled with coffee stains.

He placed both his hands onto his face and shook his head. "How am I gonna do this?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. His eyes, which no longer had bags under them from lack of sleep, they had luggage now. He hadn't had a single night's sleep for 3 days till now. And the results were starting to show. You see, not having Ben to help here, meant he needed to do things by himself. Which made the job twice as hard.

"Ben, where are you?" He asked himself as he leaned on the desk.

At school

Izuku looked at his teacher with tired eyes. His 3 days with no sleep, became 4 now. He was struggling to stay awake, let alone pay attention. "UA's sport festival is drawing near" Aizawa said as he smirked a little. "Wait...Sports festival" Izuku said as he looked up and tried his hardest to take in what Aizawa was saying.

"Sports festival !?!?!" Everyone yelled except for Izuku. "I keep forgetting that this is a real school" Kirishima said as he fist pumped. "Wait, doesn't that sound like something villains would try to infiltrate?" Sero asked. "On the contrary, since UA seems to be going through with it, it seems their confident that they have all their ducks in a row and it will not be halted. For instance, I heard police invovlment will be increase five times" Aizawa said as he placed eye drops in both eyes.

"But if villains appear, c-can it be halted" Mineta asked with a scared expression. "Mineta! Have you never seen the UA sports festival?!" Midoriya asked/yelled. He now had a droopy smile on his face, he was excited for the sports festival but still tired. "Of course I have, but..." Mineta said as he looked down. "Mineta...if villains do arrive, I will protect each and everyone of you again" Aizawa said which calmed everyone.

"In the past, the Olympics was what everyone in Japan got excited for. Now it's the UA sports festival" Izuku said. That droopy smile still plastered onto his face. "The countries top hero's are sure to be watching us" Yaoyorozu said a bit nervous. "It's because they'll be scouting for us" Iida said, looking all serious.

"After I graduate I wanna join a top hero squad and become their sidekick, so I can gain popularity" Kaminari said, hitting Jirou gently on the arm. "You know many people become sidekicks and lose the chance to break away and become heroes. Practically ruining their career before it even begins. And you seem like the type of of dumbass to do that" she said and smirked at his shocked expression.

"What!?!" Kaminari yelled, becoming pale. Izuku chuckled lightly at Kaminari's expression. "What are you gonna do after graduation then Midoriya, since you think my plans are so funny" Kaminari said and crossed his arms. "Me*Yawn* I'm gonna train and become my own hero. Then make my way up the ranks to number one" he said with a bright smile. "Geez man, you really need some sleep" Sero said and looked a bit nervous for Midoriya. "No, I'm fine" he said.

"You know what fine stands for, Fucked-up, Insecure, Needy and Emotional" Ashido said as she walked over to him. Izuku looked up at her with a questioning face. "Point is, your not fine. Get some sleep" she said. "It's not that easy" Izuku said and chuckled a little more at their naivety.

"The sports festival is your chance to get spotted by a pro and gain experience. This is the kinda chance that only comes once a year. And you'll be here for three years. So three chances. This is a chance you can't overlook" Aizawa said with all seriousness in his voice.

Timeskip. End of fourth period

Izuku looked at the floor, feeling all kinds of tired now, while his friends walked over to his desk to talk. "Man, I knew it was coming, but now I feel as if the tension is flying sky high" Kirishima said, giving a little fist pump.

"Lets crush the sports festival" Uraraka said, making a face that was supposed to be determined. But just looked out right scary. "That face Uraraka" Midoriya said and sweatdropped.  "We'll crush it!" She yelled and made most others shocked. "It seems like you character is floating away" Kirishima said and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Horrible pun" Jirou commented. Everyone laughed at the joke Jirou had made. Izuku smiled until his phone buzzed. He pulled it out and looked at it under the table. He saw a message from Paige.

He looked down to see the message closer. Until he saw that the picture was of Paige wearing a Spider-Man shirt. He smiled at the picture and texted back.

Izuku: thank you for the support🙂☺️. Sent 13:07. ✓

Paige: no problem😚. Sent 13:08✓

"Whatcha smilen at Izuku?" Uraraka asked as she peered over his desk to see. "Nothing! Nothing at all" he said as he shoved his phone into his pants.

Uraraka gave him a skeptical look before "Okay then!" She smiled and sat down on his desk. "Well like I said before, let's crush the sports festival. I want to train to become stronger and your physically the strongest person in class. So let's me you and Iida train after school" she said with a smile as she swung her legs on the side of the desk. Izuku smiled and nodded. "Sure, I'd like that" he said and Momo, Ashido, Kaminari, and Kirishima came over to his desk. "Can I join you, if that's okay. I'm worried about my physical strength" Momo said with a shy voice. "Of course you can" Uraraka said.

"Me too please" Ashido said as she raised her hand a little. "Same here, I'm worried about my hand to hand combat" Kaminari said with a little nervousness. "Count me in!" Kirishima yelled with enthusiasm.

"Sure, you can all join" Izuku said with a smile.

I need the training for the sports festival. I've been slacking on training ever since I started being Spider-Man and got the job to make the nanotech.

Izuku thought as him and his friends continued conversing.

Later, after school

Izuku and everyone that agreed to excercise for the sports festival stood outside on the track field. They we're all lined up in front of Izuku while he stared at them. "Okay, is their anything that any of you wanna work on specifically?" He asked as he clapped his hands to together.

"I'd like to work on my physical strength" Momo said. "I'd also like to work on physical strength" Uraraka said with a small blush. "I'd like to work on my quirk" Iida said looking at his jets. "Me, hand to hand combat" Kaminari said as he pointed to himself. "I'd like to work on my speed" Kirishima said. "Me too" Mina said as she raised her hand.

"Okay, looks like you all wanna work on something different. Hmm...I got a plan for each of you" he said as he called them to follow. He walked into the store room and pulled out a few tires and some rope. "What's that for?" Momo asked. "You'll see" he said as he grabbed the rope and two tires and walked over to her. "Lift your arms" he said and she did. He moved his arms toward her hips and she blushed a little. He started tying the two tires to her body and adjusted it like a hoola hoop around her. "That's heavy right?" He asked from behind her as he placed his hands on her hips to help her. She blushed a little more at his touch and nodded. "Yeah, it's heavy" she said.

"You and Uraraka wanted to work on physical strength. So, your gonna run two laps around the track then, you see that pull up bar? Your gonna jump, do 5 pull ups and then continue running again. Then stop and do some jumpsquats then continue running. Repeat it until you feel like you can't walk" he said and tied two tires around Uraraka as well. They both then stood and looked at him. "Well...get going" he said and they both realised and began running. Izuku then looked at Iida. "Now for you, it's kinda gonna be the same thing" he said as he motioned for Iida to follow. Iida followed Izuku to a tunnel and Izuku told him to wait at the beginning of the tunnel while he fetched the thing he was going to get. Izuku then came back two minutes later carrying two huge tires that were the same height as Iida himself. Izuku tied one tire to one of Iida's legs and tied the other to his other leg.

"Now run" he said and Iida gasped. He tried running with all his might. But, he wasn't moving whatsoever. Then, he activated his quirk. His engines roared with the horse power of 30 horses.

He looked forward as big blue flames bursted from his calf's. He began to run forward with all his might. He was moving at a jogging pace, which was actually quite impressive. "Kaminari!" Izuku called out to him. Kaminari took his eyes off  Iida and began to follow Izuku toward the gym. "You said you wanted to improve your hand to hand combat. Well, I'm gonna teach you a few moves and your gonna strike this punching bag. All right?" He said and Kaminari stared forward with determination.

"Your gonna do four moves for me. You know boxing, your gonna do a straight. Keep your hands close to your chest, keep you feet shoulder length apart. Make sure your front leg isn't coming on too strong. The back leg needs to be put at a ready position. Then, you use you weight and strike the bag. Then your gonna do a jab, your gonna stand sideways, keep your elbow out. Use your back leg to push forward. Then your gonna do a taekwondo kick. I'm sure you've seen one. Then finally you'll end it off with a knee. Ram your knee into the bag" Izuku said as he held the bag straight.

"Seems easy huh?" He asked and Kaminari nodded. "Well that's why I'm gonna spice it up a bit" he said and walked into the store room and pulled out these big concrete looking bracelets. "15kg..." He said and put the big one around his waist. "7kg..." He placed two smaller ones around his ankles. "5kg..." He said and placed the other small ones around his wrists. "Go ahead" he said and smiled.

Kaminari looked at Izuku shocked. But, still did the excercises. Izuku finally arrived to Ashido and Kirishima. He took them to the gym and placed the same weights on them that he did on Kaminari. "Now...we put this to uphill at a 30° angle. Speed? 20km per hour" He said as he set the right system on the treadmill.

He smiled as he saw his friends now sweating bullets as they worked. He walked out the gym and saw the same from his other friends. Iida had made it halfway down the track as he looked at him move the tires forward bit by bit. Uraraka and Momo had taken off their P.E shirts and were running in their sports bras. "Midoriya...What are you gonna do?" Uraraka asked as she did jump squats. Everyone turned to look at Izuku as he smiled. "You'll see" he said as he walked back into the tunnel where he got the tires for Iida. He then came back ten minutes later, pulling two trucks by rope. One truck per arm. Still with the carriage on the back.

Everyone stared at him shocked. He was gritting his teeth as he pulled both trucks forward. Momo took a break to look at him as he pulled the tires and so did everyone else. His sweat glistening off his face, his veins bulged as he worked.

Soon after everyone got back to work. They didthis excercises for an hour straight. No breaks.

As they stopped working. They took a 30 minute break and enjoyed some water. Momo picked up her bag as she prepared to go home. "Where are you going?" Izuku asked. "Home, aren't we done?" She asked. "No, that was the first part" he said with a smile. "First part!!??!?" They all yelled together. "Yeah, think about it. Strength is useless with no speed. Speed is useless with no technique. And a strong quirk is useless without a capable body" he said and they all agreed. Momo dropped her bag and looked at Izuku. "So, what do you want us to do now?" She asked. "Momo and Uraraka, swap with Kirishima and Ashido. Ashido and Kirishima, your on punching bag, I'll show you the moves. Iida and Kaminari, your doing the same thing Uraraka and Momo we're doing" he said and they all nodded and went to the areas to get to work. Izuku then walked to the middle of the field where he had left those two trucks. He then lifted the one truck and and began to bench press it.

This continued on for another hour until they were all sore and tired. Izuku now sat with Momo next to him. Everyone else had gone home for the day. It was just the two of them left. "I am so tired" Momo said as she drank some water. "Your telling me, my arms and legs are burning" he said as he rubbed his legs lightly. "Thanks" Momo said as she looked forward. "For what?" He asked as he chuckled a little. "For training me, we may have only stopped about 20 minutes ago. But, I feel as if I'm already getting stronger" she said as she clenched her fist. "Well, I didn't do much. You did it all on your own" he said as he pulled out his own water bottle and looked up to the sky as he drank.

"Still" she said and smiled a little. Then Momo's phone rung. She picked it up and saw a text message from her butler, telling her that he was here to pick her up. "Oh, I gotta go" she said and stood up. As she did, she grunted and felt her legs. "I'll go with you" he said as he stood. Momo smiled at Izuku as he stood. "Okay" she said and they began walking toward the front gate of the school. When they arrived there, there was a limo parked outside. "You go home in a limo?" Izuku asked and Momo blushed and looked down. She didn't like it when people found out about how rich she was. "Yeah" she said a little depressed. "Hey..." He said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I won't think less of you, and I'm guessing that you won't want me to tell anyone else" he said and she nodded. Then the butler hooted. "I gotta go, bye" she said and ran toward the limo. She hopped inside and waved goodbye to Izuku as the limo drove away.

Izuku turned around to begin walking home. When suddenly, a black van pulled up right in front of him and the door slid open. A man wearing a black ski mask and a  S.W.A.T uniform grabbed Izuku by the shoulder and pulled him inside the van. Before slapping some quirk cancelling handcuffs on him. Then, they drove off with Izuku.

To be continued
