Part 18


The man's fist swung and struck his face. Midoriya looked down onto the metal table he was cuffed to. Stained with blood. His blood. He looked up at the man in his three piece suit. The man was rolling up his sleeves as he readjusted his knuckle buster. "Listen kid, I'm not asking for much. All I wanna know, is who's this Spider-Man fellow. Is it a friend of yours, or is it you, answer" the man said and looked Izuku in the eyes.

"Hey..." Izuku said and the man moved forward. "There's some spinach in between your teeth, its really bothering me" he said with a slight smile. "Ohh, think you mister funny now huh. Listen, we may not be legally allowed to treat you like a proper criminal because you never did anything wrong and your just a kid. But, we can still..." He said and punched Izuku across the jaw. Izuku spat blood and lashed at the man. Pulling at the handcuffs.

His wrists we're now red from struggling to get free for so long. "Listen, we just wanna know who this Spider fellow is and we'll let you go. Or you can admit that your the Spider-Man" the man said. "I'm not the Spider-Man" Izuku whispered as he looked down. "Whatcha say, couldn't hear you with all that blood in your mouth" "My mouths clean ass hat" Izuku replied. His eyes shadowed to not reveal his angered expression.

"Oh, kids growing some balls now huh" the man said.

"Well maybe you got the balls to own up!! Alright just say that your the Spider-Man!!" The man yelled. "Your the only one with a mixture of spider based quirks. Its our job as police to stop people like Spider-Man. If we don't, people will think, oh the police are a bunch of idiots, can't catch one guy. Let me try be a vigilante. The police won't be able to catch me. Then what? We'd have a rise of vigilantes and not know what to do about them" the man said as he took off his knuckle buster.

"Look kid, it's not that hard to admit, just say. Your the Spider-Man. And we'll move on" the guy said and Izuku looked up at the man. Revealing the fury behind his eyes to him. "I want to see a lawyer" he demanded. "Okay, lets not get crazy. Okay, your free to go. But, just know, we'll be watching you" the man said and two men walked into the room and uncuffed Izuku from the quirk cancelling cuffs. They both grabbed Izuku by his arms as they walked him out. Izuku flinched toward the man to scare him a little.

It worked, the man flinched backwards a little and Izuku chuckled.


The black van pulled up in front of Izuku's apartment and threw him out onto the road. Then threw his bag at him. The van doors closed as the people drove off. He felt his jaw in pain as he stood. He walked inside his apartment and got the first aid kit from the bathroom. He then applied some to his face.

He winced a few time as he closed up a few cuts with stitches. You need to learn these things when your a vigilante. Because you can't go to hospital for help because your breaking the law. So you learn first aid to help yourself. He placed the thread for the stitches back inside the metal box and looked at his face in the mirror. He had a busted lip, cheek, a black eye(though he couldn't tell whether that was the bags around his eyes or not)and the side of his head was grazed.

He looked all kinds of messed up.

"I need some sleep" he said as he went to his bedroom and thought for a bit while he lied down under his covers. He was so thankful that his mom was already asleep by the time he got home. But, this whole event has brung a new problem to rise.

How was he gonna keep being Spider-Man?

Because he wasn't gonna give it up just because some guy in a three piece hinted that he should.  He was gonna keep going. Because, being Spider-Man, he realized something.

Most pro heroes are only doing their job for the fame. So they only stopped crimes that they thought were gonna appear on the news. Which left small time crimes like muggings and gang violence to him. He was doing the city a favor and they didn't even see it. Or maybe, they refused to see it.

He sighed as he rolled over. In deep thought about his situation.

Should he stop being Spider-Man, or continue.

Decisions decisions

Next day

Izuku woke up and flipped out of bed. He landed perfectly fine and smiled. "That never gets old- ow, ow" he said as he smiled too widely and it hurt his cheek. He then remembered the beating from yesterday. He looked at his alarm clock and saw the time. "15:56!!! I missed school!!" He yelled. He put his hands on his head in shock. "Because you needed rest" a voice sounded. He turned to see his mother in the doorway of his room. "You were majorly sleep deprived and needed sleep. So I called your teachers, told them you were sick" she said and stared at him monotonously.

"Thank you" he said as he stretched a little more. "I feel great" he said and jumped and landed on the roof and did a few more stretch's up there before coming down. "Izuku...I know you've been sneaking out at night" Inko said with a stoic expression. Izuku's eyes flew open wide. "What do you mean? I haven't been going out at night-" "Izuku don't lie to me! Your the Spider-Man from the news aren't you?" She asked.

Izuku looked her dead in the eyes and they started a stare down. Izuku was quickly losing though. "Fine! I'm the... Spider-Man" he said and whispered the last part.

"I knew it, but why though. Why make a completely new suit, put your life in danger before your even ready, and go be a vigilante. Why do it?" She asked and he sat down on his bed with a sigh. "Because, that incident where you got kidnapped all that time ago. I thought I'd never see you again. I was...I was scared. But, when I dawned that outfit and mask. All fear disappeared. And I saved all those people. But, I don't want anyone to ever experienced that kinda fear ever again" he said and looked at his hands. "But, Izuku, the police are looking for you. Their hunting you down now. You have to give this up-" "Don't say that!" He yelled back with tears in his eyes.

"There are no real hero's in this world anymore. That's my other reason. All the hero's worry about is popularity, fame, money. Their all greedy. The true breed of a hero is slowly dying. I'm doing the jobs the hero's overlook. I'm stopping the bandit's, the drug lord's the thugs of this city. Making it a better place for all. If that's so bad, then sue me. But, I'm not gonna give it up. Their are people out there that depend on Spider-Man. He's their reason to live! Some people might hate him, but he'll still save them! Because that's what Spider-Man does. He's a hero, a symbol that everythings gonna be all right. When you see his web, you already know that your in safe hands. I've got kids! Looking up to me as their solution. People who see me in the same light as All Might. I'm not giving that up! Not now! Not ever!" He said and looked at his mother with tear filled eyes. She looked at him shocked.

Not knowing what to say to him. His conviction is strong, and he obviously meant every word he said. He was taking this seriously. The complete opposite of what Inko thought. She thought he was doing this for kicks, for fun. She was worried he'd take it too far and get hurt. But, she was wrong. She should have known that that wouldn't be the case.

I guess I don't know my son as well as I thought

She thought as she smiled at him with teary eyes. "Mom...I didn't mean to make you cry...its just-" "It's fine Izuku, just please be careful" she said and they hugged.

"I will mom" he said and sniffled on her shoulder. Both mother and son, hugged each other tightly. Not wanting to let go of each other. Inko feeling that if she did let go, Izuku would get swallowed and killed by the evil of the city. Izuku feeling that he's put his mother's life in danger with this secret.

This hug reminded them of old times. Izuku as a child hugging his mother when he got hurt. And Inko feeling happy to accept the hug.

But now, that small child was bigger than his mother and his arms fully wrapped around her.

The saying was true, they do grow up too fast.
