Part 34


Izuku stared at the scene in front of him. The city was in flames. Buildings burning, and he was crying. He couldn't believe the events that had happened so far. Countless buildings burnt, people killed, most pro heroes had been hospitalized, explosions happening everywhere. He didn't know what to do. He sat in his SpiderIzuku suit. Though you  wouldn't be able to recognize that it was the SpiderIzuku suit by how jacked up it was. His face covered in sweat from the flames and blood from the attack. And just when everything seemed to be going well for our hero.

And would you believe me if I told  you that all this chaos happened in only 5 days. Let's take you back to the beginning to let you know how this all happened.

5 days ago

Paige's family had long since gone back to America and they had all approved of Izuku. They each trading contact details and home addresses so they could send letters and stuff to each other. Izuku smiled at the thought. Kevin and him had had a talk about tying the knot before they had left, and Izuku told him he want to get his financial life good first before he would ask her to marry him.

Now he sat in class as they all got their results from the Sports Festival. "Woah, Todoroki got so many!" Mineta yelled. "Yeah, tell me about it. Getting 3236 hero requests. Bakugou coming in second with 2501!" Kaminari said excited. "Kaminari, you came in third though with 2389!" Uraraka said as she pointed at the board. "Well, ya know" Kaminari said, stroking his own ego a bit. "But, I would have never been able to without Midoriya's help. Thank you Izuku" Kaminari said and bowed thankfully. "Please no need to bow Kaminari. Besides it was all you" Izuku said and smiled. "No really, you helped all of us" Momo said with a smile. Izuku smiled back and nodded.

"Shame though that I barely got any requests" He continued as he looked at his amount of requests. He only got 3. "I'm sure it's not that bad" Uraraka said as she waved it off. "Says the person who got 43" Mineta commented. Uraraka grinned at her amount of requests.

"Uraraka's actually right Midoriya. It's not that bad. Because to three requests you received were from Hawks, Endeavor and All Might" Aizawa said. "What!! Deku got requested by the the number 1, 2 and 3 top heroes. How!?!" Katsuki yelled. "How'd you do it Deku!?!" He asked/yelled while pointing at Izuku . The boy in question simply shrugged. "Number 2 hero huh?" Todoroki asked himself as he thought what his father might have been planning requesting him and Izuku at the same time.  His father always was a mystery to him after all.



So who you gonna choose as your mentor Izuku? you got a lot of good options to choose from" Uraraka said as she opened her bento box. "Well, I don't really know. Their all good heroes" he said and took a bite of his onigiri. "True, you have many options Midoriya" Iida said as  drank some of his orange juice.

"Mmm, who you gonna choose Uraraka?" Izuku asked. "Gunhead, he says he can teach me some cool martial arts or something" She said and started karate chopping the air. "Can Izuku Midoriya please report to the staff room. I repeat, may Izuku Midoriya please report to the staff room" a voice came through the com system.

"What is it now?" Izuku asked as he got up and began to pack his lunch. "Sorry guys, I'll be back soon" he said and everyone nodded. He walked out of the cafeteria and began walking to the staff room.

He made it to the door of the staff room and opened it, entering and noticing all the teachers around. But, the one he noticed first was All Might. Because he was in his skinny form. Izuku had only seen this form twice now, counting this time and it still didn't sit well with him. How is the number 1 hero gonna look like this. He couldn't except this.

He walked in and All Might walked over to him. "Izuku, come with me" the blonde said and walked out the staff room. Izuku followed him all the way to his office, where they sat down on the couches.

"Izuku, do you know why I called you here?" All Might stated. "No, but I bet your gonna tell me" he said and All Might looked at him with a serious gaze. "Izuku, you possess my quirk. One For All. Yet, you only use it when your in a pinch. And that's not what it's used for. It's used to instill hope in the hopeless. Put a smile on the sad. You've been given my quirk, a gift that I didn't even want to give to you. So I ask you Izuku. If you won't train to use my quirk. Then give it to someone who will" All Might said and pointed at Izuku. Izuku's eyes flew open wide as All Might lowered his hand. "There are tons of others who would use my quirk the right way, train to use it properly. That's why I called you here. I also called you here to tell you why I requested you, if you accept and decide to use my quirk properly, I'll train you during the time of the mentorship to use One For All while teaching you how to handle crimes. So Izuku, will you accept to learn how to use One For All?" All Might asked.

The previous users looked at the scene in anticipation, just waiting for Izuku's answer.

"Yes, I'll learn how to use this power All Might" he said with conviction. The previous users all smiled as their serious gaze disappeared. Truth is, they all liked Izuku and it was actually quite nice watching his life story unfold. It was like a never ending movie for them. They watched him grow and become stronger, they watched him form bonds and they each ended up forming a kind of bond with the boy.

All Might smiled at that. "Okay, meet me at the beach tomorrow, we'll start training then" he said and Izuku nodded.


Izuku walked into Nara Labs and walked toward the lab. They had come extremely close to finally cracking the Nanotech. They had managed to make the goo move with the mind interneural link. Now, they just needed a way to make it take form. Izuku walked in and put on his lab coat and protective goggles.

They started working for about an hour before taking a break. Walking down the road to a restaurant to eat. They each sat at a table together and ordered their food 10 minutes after sitting. Paige's seat was closer to Izuku's seat as she leaned over from her seat to wrap her arms around Izuku's muscular arm. "Sooo, your birthday's coming up in a few days" Paige said with a smile. "You actually remembered" Izuku said and smiled. "I'm offended. Of course I would remember" Paige said and slapped his arm. "But, I won't be there" she said as her tea arrived. Everyone's drinks arrived at the table at that moment.

"What do you mean by that?" Izuku asked as he grabbed his chocolate milkshake. "Well, I gotta go on a business trip to Wakanda, apparently they have some good tech there. And it's better than ours. So the big man is sending me there to check it out in 3 days. I leave at about 18:00 at night and I'm gonna be gone for a month" "A month without you isn't a month I'd like to live" Izuku responded and Paige blushed. "Jeez, get a room" Ben said as he drank his lemon water.

"Haha!" Izuku chuckled at that. Ben just stared at him with no emotion. "Paige, you better bring me back an souvenir" Ben said and smiled at her. Izuku frowned at this. Ben still hadn't forgiven him as yet for the thing about kissing Momo. Everyone else forgave him after he cried an fell on his knees apologizing. Except for Ben. Izuku remembered Ben's words.

All you Midoriya's are the same!!

He sighed as he stared at Fuyuko. She noticed this and stared back confused. "What?" She asked. "Nothing, I just think me and you should hang out more. You seem like a cool person" Izuku said and shrugged and drank his milkshake. "Well that was out of the blue" Paige said and chuckled. Ben simply stared at Izuku.

Izuku didn't react to it though. He knew what Ben was thinking. He was thinking that he wanted to hook up with Fuyuko. But, that wasn't the case. Izuku genuinely wanted to know Fuyuko more. She seemed like an interesting character. Paige didn't the no this because she trusted Izuku now. Their bond is two x stronger than before. So she didn't doubt his intentions at all.

"You want to hangout with me?" Fuyuko asked confused. Not a lot of people had wanted to hangout with her. And if they did, then they would just make fun of her ways. On top of that, many of the scientists at Nara Labs found her weird and didn't like to be around her. That's why she always ate lunch alone. In fact, she was shocked when Izuku had invited her to this lunch that they were having now. She never said anything to any of them at that lab and just worked. Yet, they all tried to become friends with her. Especially Izuku.

"So how about it Fuyuko-chan, you wanna hang out at some point?" Izuku asked and smiled. "" She didn't know how to reply to this. She had been hurt so many times by people because of her quirk. Her quirk was the reason for all her pain. You see, Fuyuko's quirk is darkness. It allows her to either blend into the darkness or control it. It seemed so much like a villains quirk that she got mocked for it. Being called a villain and such. That's why she became so distant. So to hear someone ask to hangout, her signals went off to refuse.

Izuku isn't like that though

She thought and said "S-Sure..." Izuku's smile grew ten fold. "Yay, so when should we do it? I think we should do it after we complete the Nanotech. But, where would we go to hangout?" Izuku thought aloud as he stroked his chin. Fuyuko looked at him as she played with her black choker.

"Let me join you guys, I don't have anything planned anytime soon" Ben said. "I was actually hoping that it would just be me and Fuyuko-chan to socialize. You know what they say, 2 is a pair 3 is a crowd. But, if you wanna join, it's fine" Izuku said as their food arrived. "Hey! If Ben can join if like too" Paige whined. Izuku chuckled and nodded. "You can join too" he said. He then picked up his fork and began eating his spaghetti. Everyone began eating their food. Ben was eating a big bacon burger, Paige was eating a normal salad and Fuyuko a chicken wrap.

After they left the restaurant, they noticed that now the sun was starting to set. They made their way to Nara Labs, but Izuku stopped halfway as he saw the sun. He stood in the sunlight and stared at it from the sidewalk. It looked magnificent. He smiled at the sunlight as Paige came over. "Hey, if your done being so extra, let's go back and finish this nanotech so I can actually get some sleep" she said and Izuku blushed out of embarrassment. He took Paige's smaller hand in his own bigger hand and smiled at her. She smiled back and they began walking back to the lab once more. Entering the lab with some newfound energy, the 4 got to work.


"Turn it off!" Ben yelled and Izuku pushed the lever back up. They looked at the metallic glob in front of them. "Try it now" Fuyuko said with nervous voice. Izuku nodded as he picked up the headset and gulped. He raised the contraption to his head and put it on. Flipping the switch at the back to turn it on. He took a deep breath and looked at the glob. He gave it a serious stare for a second. The glob didn't seem to move though. They all sighed in defeat at this. "Damnit" Paige said and turned back to their whiteboard. Their math seemed solid. The formula they had written up took up the whole board. She sighed once more as everyone except Izuku went back to the whiteboard to think. "So, what if we-" "Wait!!" Izuku yelled as the glob began to move. It rose up and moved like a serpent. They all stared shocked. "Can you get it to form into a solid object" Ben asked, stepping forward a little. "I don't know yet" Izuku said as he made the glob form into a ball. He then made the vall have spikes come out of it. After that he made the glob for into cylinder with the bottom closed off. A handle then came out of the side. Forming a makeshift mug. It still looked a bit like a liquid, but soon, from the bottom up. A ripple formed in the liquid. As the ripple passed, it became solid. Izuku and the others stared at it, absolutely baffled by it. Izuku slowly picked up the mug and walked over to the only tap in the room. Pouring water inside the mug and checking if any of it was dripping out anywhere. Once he saw none. He drank the water and took a second to try to tell if he could taste anything funky in the water. When he tasted nothing weird, he began to smile . Soon everyone began to to smile. "We, we did it" he said. "We did it" he said a little louder. The smiles on everyone's faces grew. "Your being serious right!?" Ben asked, grabbing Izuku's shoulders with a smile. "I'm being dead serious! We did it!" He yelled. "We did it!?" Ben questioned once more. Thinking that he was dreaming, he punched himself. He then winced in pain. "We actually did it..." He said. Paige screamed in joy as she hugged Fuyuko. Fuyuko simply smiled and hugged back. "We did it!" "Yes!" "Yeah!" They began to celebrate and jump around. "We have to tell Michiyo-san" Izuku said as he bolted out the room. Running toward the elevator. He then stopped when he remembered he needed Paige's key card. Lucky for him, said women was hit on his tail. All four of them then ran toward the elevator and rode it to Michiyo's office.

The man was packing up for the day when they all burst through his door. Ignoring his secretary once more. "Hey!" She yelled as she walked into the room. "Michiyo-san! We finally finished the Nanobots!" Izuku yelled excitedly. Just thinking about it now made him giddy inside. "You did?" Michiyo asked a little surprised. "Yes! Yes we did!" Izuku yelled. Still feeling the excitement. He didn't care that it was 21:17 at night. He just wanted to scream his lungs out in joy. "Wonderful, I'll call the buyers and they'll be here in two days. If this goes swiftly, it could mean big things for Nara labs" he said as he picked up his phone off his desk and dialed a number. "Hello...Yes...alert Russia, America, Africa- oh heck! Alert the whole world, we cracked nanotech..." Michiyo spoke. Paige jumped at Izuku and kissed her cheek. "This is amazing" she said. Izuku nodded. "We finally did it. Now we can rest easy"
