Part 35


Izuku looked at his phone as he waited by the train station. "Well see ya Midoriya!" Kirishima said with a smile. Izuku looked up as he stuffed his phone into his pocket with a smile. "Yeah man, see you guys later" he said and everyone from 1-A said bye to him. He smiled and nodded as everyone split up to catch different trains. Some were riding together, others were riding alone. Izuku wasn't taking a train though, since him and All Might were now mentor and pupil, so he could learn how to use One For All. And since All Mights office was back at UA. That's where he needed to go. He waved his friends goodbye as they went to various superhero offices in different districts.

Once they were all gone, he began to walk back to UA. Once back at the hero academy, he walked toward All Mights office on the second floor. He knocked first before entering. "Good morning Izuku" All Might greeted with a closed eye smile. "So, where are we gonna be training?" He asked, wanting to get this thing started. He was just so excited that he couldn't wait. "Well, we'll be training at my house for privacy. So I hope you packed your bags. Your gonna need enough clothes for a week" the blonde man said as he stood.


Izuku stood in his SpiderIzuku suit in All Mights back yard. Izuku wasn't expecting this, when All Might said house he was expecting a 2 storey house with a nice yard and all. But no, it was a straight up mansion. Going on 5 storeys. The entire mansion was painted red, blue, yellow and white. The colours of his superhero suit. The yard stretched on for metres upon metres. Even having a little forest on the other end. All Might walked out into the yard wearing his superhero suit. "Well, let's go!" he said as he changed to his buff form. "Go where?" Izuku asked. "I'm more of a hands on teacher, so we're going out to do some hero work" he said as they stepped out the mansion. "Here, put this in your ear and this on your eye" All Might instructed. 

Izuku took the contact lenses and put it in first. Once it was in his right and left eye he looked around and saw that this was a high-tech lense. He looked around and saw how the device scanned the area before giving him a full view of the city. "Cool" he said and All Might nodded. "We'll be able to communicate like this" the blonde man said. Izuku nodded. "Now you will take the left side of the Masutafu area while I take the right. Patrol and keep an eye of for crime or suspicious activities. I shouldn't need to explain this to you, if you'd been paying attention in class when Aizawa speaks, you should know the procedure and steps to take. Be careful and vigilant, keep your eyes peeled. If you need any help, just call with your earpiece. Are you ready Izuku? because I'm trusting the lives of everyone in the left Masutafu area in your hands" All Might said and Izuku nodded.

"Good, meet back here in 2 hours. GO!!!" All Might said and jumped off. Flying off into the sky and leaving behind dust and slightly cracked ground. Izuku nodded and webbed onto a Street lamp and pulled. Flying and landing crouched on top of it. He then jumped backwards as he webbed onto two street lights flying backwards a little, then slingshoting forward. (Not sure if 'slingshoting' a word or not but we rollin with it)

Right now, he's not near any buildings, so it makes it hard to swing when your in a neighborhood. He slingshot forward and landed on the roof of a house. Running along it, he jumped and webbed onto a tree. Pulling and flying forward, landing on a roof and rolling a little. Before running along it and webbing onto the bus that was moving by. He hung onto the side of the bus with his right hands fingertips and his right foot. Letting his left foot and arm dangle in the wind. He looked around a little, before hearing some thumping sounds. He looked to his right and saw a teenage guy, wearing a grey shirt that had a picture of a gangsta  monkey, with a black hoodie over his shirt and earphones in both ears. He had black hair and black eyes, making him look very simply. Like Izuku. The teen slid the window open and gave him wave. "Are you like, a pro hero!?" He asked excited. "No, not really!" Izuku said and the guy smiled. "Can I get a video or a pic or something?" He asked and Izuku nodded. "Okay" the guy turned and turned on the selfie camera on his phone. He smiled and held up a peace sign as he took the picture. "Awesome" he said and nodded at the picture. "Now, I want a video" he said and put the thing on video. He first had the camera turned to him and spoke "Hey what's up I'm here with my bro the Spider, not just any spider. He SpiderIzuku! What up Spidey!" He said and turned the camera to Izuku. Izuku nodded. "It's your friendly neighborhood SpiderIzuku but you already knew that. Stay cool, don't do drugs and be the best you you can be. Tell your friends!" he said. The guy cut the video and laughed to himself. "This is so cool!" He said as he smiled.

A few others in the bus had noticed Izuku, and either stuck their heads out the window to see him. Or they came behind the guy and they took photos and videos. Posting it on social media as well. Izuku nodded at the people's excitement and looked around as he saw the bus was now crossing a bridge. It was a big bridge that crossed over a sort of river. Like the Brooklyn bridge. He nodded and flipped off the bus. Making the bus rock a little bit. He flew off the side of the bridge as the people from the bus stared, amazed. He then disappeared from their view, webbing the bottom of the bridge, he swung gliding over the water. He extended his arm and touched the water lightly. Sliding his hand across the surface. As he swung, he moved his legs backwards, so they would be positioned behind him.

Then he started to swing upwards, so, he threw his legs forward. As if he was on a swing. Causing him to swing higher. He let go of the web and flew toward the city. Landing on the roof of an apartment and flipping off it.

He began swinging around the city, looking for crime. But, couldn't seem to find any. Today was just a calm day. He shot a long web, allowing him to swing and land on the ground. He hit the ground jogging before slowing down.

People around looked at him as he landed. Whispering and gossiping. He walked over to a street stand and stood at the back of the line. Everyone in line turned to look at him. "Hi, I'm SpiderIzuku. Hero in training" he said and stuck his hand out for a handshake to the person in front of him. The person hesitantly shook his hand. As if he was waiting for Izuku to disappear.

He shook Izuku's hand and laughed. Izuku soon got to the front, he refused all the offers to cut the line and insisted to wait. It was crazy how these people were treating him. They were acting as if he was some celebrity. But, in his eyes, he was just...Izuku. Nothing much. Nothing special.

He got to the front and ordered his hotdog. He smiled at the man at the stand and patted his back. "Damn, I don't have any money" he said as he placed the hotdog back down. "N-No, no it's on the house" the vendor said. Izuku smiled under his mask. "Thank you!" He said and took the hotdog. He jumped before webbing a building and pulling. Landing on the roof, he sat down on the edge and dangled his legs over the edge. Kicking and swinging them outwards. He tapped the button on the side of his mask and the one side of his mask unlatched and hung loosely on his face. He brought the hotdog to his mouth and ate. His ear piece then started vibrating. He tapped it, and his eyes suddenly projected an Image of All Might. "Woah! What the!?" He questioned. "Relax young Midoriya, it's simply the contact lenses I gave you projecting an image of me" All Might said. Izuku closed his one eye, and half the projection was gone. "That is so cool" he said as he reopened his eye. "Young Midoriya, I was just calling to see how you were doing so far? Any troubles lately?" The big blonde asked. "No, not really everything's been *bites hotdog* kinda *munch* boring" Izuku said as licked some ketchup off his thumb.

"Okay, well, call if things get dangerous" All Might said and Izuku nodded. Then the projection ended. Izuku rubbed his eyes and shook his head.

He finished eating the hotdog and scrunched up the paper that came with it. Throwing the paper in a bin on the side of the street. He made the shot perfectly from the top of the building.

He then began walking toward the edge of the building and walked down the edge. His chest then vibrated. He tapped his chest and anothef projection came up. This time, it was of Paige. "Hey Izu~❤️ just calling to tell you that we've finalized the date. The representatives of each country will be coming to see the nanotech tomorrow afternoon. Apparently, that's the only time when their all gonna be free at the same time for the next year. Apparently they all have plans and they won't all be able to make it if we don't do it tomorrow afternoon" Izuku nodded. "Okay, that's fine" he said. "Okay, love you Izu~❤️!" And the projection cut out. Izuku chuckled at her antics.


The rest of the day flew by as fast as everyone disappeared after Thanos snapped his fingers.

Izuku sat on All Mights couch, not really doing much of anything. Till he got a phonecall. He answered and heard a sweet angelic voice that he never gets tired of hearing. "Hey Izuku~❤️" Paige said. Izuku smiled. "Hey babe" he said and smiled. "Izuku, we need you here to held set up for tomorrow. Come down to Nara Labs. We need as many her as we can get. This is a big event" she said and Izuku sighed. He stood off All Mights couch and went over to the coat rack and grabbed his jacket he left there. It was a blue, red and white jacket that had All Mights suit design printed on. He already had on a pair of light brown cargo pants and a white shirt. He slipped on his red shoes that were at the door and called out "All Might! I'm going out now!" "I'm on the way" he said I the phone.


Izuku arrived at Nara Labs to see Paige instructed people on where to place things. She had on a white turtleneck and skinny jeans. Making her plump peach ass more visible. Izuku couldn't lool away, he stared at her ass for a good second. It was that good. He walked over and she noticed him. "Izuku!" She yelled excited. She jumped at him and hugged him, before giving him a kiss. Izuku kissed back. They separated after 10 seconds and she spoke. "We need to get prepared. Follow me" she said and she began walking. Izuku followed. She walked and talked about some stuff that Izuku wasn't paying attention to. He was just her ass. It seemed bigger than usual and it threw him off.

He couldn't hold back, something inside him caused him to do it. He walked forward and grasped her one cheek in his hand. Paige gasped and blushed. Izuku rubbed it and held it firmly. Paiges blush only intensified. Izuku leaned toward her ear and whispered. "I love your ass you know" Paige closed her eyes from embarrassment. "Izuku, what if someone sees?" She asked. "Let them stare" he said and nibbled her ear. That was it. That's what pushed Paige over the edge. She grabbed Izuku and pulled him into the first door she saw.

They ended up inside the janitors closet. Izuku grabbed her waist and brought it closer to him. She grabbed his head and they began kissing. Izuku's hands drifted to her ass, grasping both cheeks in each hand. She gasped a little and kissed harder. She hopped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He pushed her back against the wall. They kissed a little more and Izuku slipped his hands into Paige's jeans. He moved them under her underwear and gripped her bare ass. Paige moved her hands under his shirt and felt him up and down.


Izuku stopped the kiss as he looked into Paige's eyes. He separated their lips and line of saliva was stuck in between them. The make out session got to a point where if they didn't stop, they would end up fucking. Izuku's hands were still grasping her ass, only now. Her boobs were out because her turtle neck had been taken off. Izuku's shirt and jacket were off and his pants zipper was open. Revealing the tent that had formed in his pants. They were both moments away from doing the deed, but they stopped themselves.

They quickly fixed themselves and walked out the closet. Agreeing to finish at another time when there wasn't some important event to plan for.
