Game Over


JODY and MIKE head down the direction they were told to by JAYSON as JODY has his SHOTGUN ready, MIKE aiming about with the FLAMETHROWER before JODY notices a LARGE HALLWAY leading up to a SINGLE DOOR. 

JODY nods and the TWO begin towards it, MIKE feeling UN easy as JODY stops about halfway through. 


No...somethings not right about this...

From all around, the GRAVE SLABS fly off as LURKER'S appear and reach for MIKE and JODY, MIKE screaming as JODY is grabbed by his face and pulled into one, MIKE grabbing his brother's legs as JODY struggles to fight them off as MIKE sprays a line of fire from behind him on the walls, watching as LURKER'S ARMS and FACES are instantly burned and melted off as JODY bites into one's hand, yellow blood pouring out of the wound as it roars and lets him go, JODY stepping back as he grabs MIKE and forces him towards the end of the hallway as the hands reached and prodded at them, JODY opening the door as the two run inside and shut the door. 


REGGIE and JAYSON begin down a area as REGGIE looks about before decided on a door. 


Let's check in here. 




Might as well, could be something useful. 

JAYSON nods and coming over he opens the door, REGGIE turning the flashlight on as it the DOOR lead down with STEPS into a STORAGE AREA.


JAYSON and REGGIE shrug and REGGIE goes down first, aiming about as JAYSON holds his MACHETE up, the TWO slowly going down each step, not noticing that the GAS MASKED MAN was standing right under the steps. 

REGGIE continues down and as he reaches the bottom step he turns and notices LURKER'S shut the door. 


Oh shit...!



The GAS MASKED MAN grabs JAYSON'S ANKLES and pushes him forward, sending JAYSON toppling down the last few steps as REGGIE aims at him and fires, the bullets pelting the GAS MASKED MAN but he still comes around the stairs and comes towards REG, REG takes aim to fire again but the GAS MASKED MAN backhands REGGIE across the face, knocking REGGIE across the BASEMENT as JAYSON stirs awake, REGGIE standing as the GAS MASKED MAN goes over to the wall and pulls down a CHAINSAW, REGGIE noticing as he races to his bag and pulls his out. 

REGGIE cries out with a victorious laugh as he starts his up, REGGIE egging the GAS MASKED MAN on who steps back to reveal that his CHAINSAW was almost three times as large as REGGIE'S, REGGIE staring at him defeated as he started it up and stepped towards REGGIE, REGGIE running for his life in a circle around him as the GAS MASKED MAN swung at REGGIE wildly, not paying attention as JAYSON was getting up behind him. 

REGGIE slashes at the GAS MASKED MAN who blocks it with his own CHAINSAW, the chains sparking as they deflect off one another but as he does this, JAYSON stabs his MACHETE through the GAS MASKED MAN'S BACK, the GAS MASKED MAN stepping back in horror as JAYSON flicks the switch and turns the throttle, the sound of bone and flesh beginning to fill their ears as the GAS MASKED MAN screams as JAYSON begins slicing him upwards, REGGIE watching as he drops his chainsaw as REGGIE comes over and slices to the RIGHT, watching as he begins sawing through the GAS MASKED MAN from the side, YELLOW BLOOD begins to splatter and cake both of them but as they SCREAM IN RAGE and continue with the brutal kill, till JAYSON slices all the way through the GAS MASKED MAN'S TORSO, the MACHETE slicing through the top layer of his skulls as REGGIE saws him in half from the waist. 

The TWO STEP back as his body slides off and lands in a pool of yellow blood, the rest of the top half of his torso now also split in two as JAYSON steps back, REGGIE looking at him as the two nod, and begin searching the area. 


JODY and MIKE look about as they notice this room was quite large, WITH SURGICAL TOOLS and MACHINES everywhere as MIKE notices something covered with a sheet moving under a gurney. 

MIKE comes over and takes the sheet off, LIZBETH looking at him horrified as he smiles and quickly starts to unstrap her, LIZBETH screaming at him through her still gagged mouth, but JODY hurries over and un gags her. 


Are you okay, LIZBETH? 


It's a trap!


Course it is...

JODY turns and fires but THE TALL MAN grabbed the nozzle and aimed it up just as JODY shot, THE TALL MAN bending the nozzle back with ease as JODY lets the SHOTGUN go, and steps back, drawing his two .45's, JODY unloading the rounds into THE TALL MAN'S CHEST and face at point blank range, MIKE hurrying to unbind LIZBETH off of the table as JODY fires the last rounds into the TALL MAN. 

The TALL MAN looks at JODY and taking a deep breath, JODY watches as all the bullets begin to pop out of the spots they hit on his body, JODY watching helplessly as THE TALL MAN grabs JODY by his throat and lifts him up. 

MIKE helps LIZBETH off as he turns and watches THE TALL MAN hold JODY up three feet into the air with one arm. 


You think that when you die you go to heaven, or hell? Haha, no. You come to us!



JODY reaches down as the TALL MAN squeezes the life out of him and grabbing hold of his .357 he pulls it up and slices upwards, JODY dropping to the ground gasping for air as the TALL MAN screams as his wrist and hand were laying on the ground surrounded in yellow blood. 

JODY looks up as THE TALL MAN backhands him across the face with his good hand, JODY flying across the room as THE TALL MAN bends down and grabs his hand, putting it to his severed wrist as it suddenly begins to burn and attach itself back on. 

MIKE grabs his PICK HATCHET and LIZBETH screams for him not to but MIKE slams the HATCHET end into the THE TALL MAN'S HEAD, THE TALL MAN rocking backwards before a SENTINEL appears and hits MIKE in the chest, MIKE flying into the wall before the SENTINEL pins MIKE to the wall, MIKE coughing out blood as JODY stirs as THE TALL MAN grabs the PICK HATCHET and pulls it out of his head, tossing down on the ground as LIZBETH pulls the BUCK KNIFE out and holds it up. 


Don't touch him!

The TALL MAN walks right up beside her, and slowly turning to look at her, he smirks and looking away he backhands her without looking, knocking her out cold as MIKE struggles to get free but the SENTINEL keeps him pinned as THE TALL MAN comes over and stares at MIKE face to face. 


You're not the one to defeat me, boy. No prophecy, no destiny, nothing, this world is mine. And you, will be my greatest creation. 

MIKE watches him confused as THE TALL MAN smirks, not noticing JODY standing behind him with the PICK HATCHET. 

MIKE'S eyes go big but as JODY goes to hit the TALL MAN the SENTINEL holding MIKE up lets go and zooming behind THE TALL MAN, the SENTINEL  slams itself into JODY'S RIGHT HAND, JODY screaming as the SENTINEL begins to drill into JODY'S HAND, JODY going to pull it out but stops as the TWO BLADES suddenly stab through his hand, pinning him down to the ground as THE TALL MAN looks behind him to see the cowering JODY on his knees. 


Kneeling...yes, that would be for the best. 

THE TALL MAN looks at MIKE who doesn't move. 


Now...where were we...


JAYSON rummages through some things but as he does REGGIE comes over with a large grin. 


What you find? 


An equalizer. 



MIKE cowers as THE TALL MAN grabs him and lifts him up against the wall, JODY trying to go for the PICK HATCHET but can't as the SENTINEL forces him to stay down with itself impaled into JODY'S HAND. 




The TWO look about as they hear REGGIE'S voice. 



We found something to blow the gateway! I'm setting it up now!



He's got us pinned REGGIE...No matter what you blow that room, you hear me!



Do it REG!

The TALL MAN tightens his grip over MIKE'S THROAT as MIKE gasps. 


You played a good game boy, but the game is you die!


Wanna bet?!

The TALL MAN looks as JAYSON throws his MACHETE at the TALL MAN, the TALL MAN catching it but as the SENTINEL retracts from JODY'S hand to go towards JAYSON, JODY keeps a hold of it, THE TALL MAN watching as JODY screams and slams the SENTINEL into the TALL MAN'S head, THE TALL MAN a bit thrown off as the SENTINEL impales itself into THE TALL MAN'S FOREHEAD, the TALL MAN screaming as he grabs it and crushes it in his hand, MIKE looking at the MACHETE that JAYSON threw as JODY reaches for the PICK HATCHET. 

JAYSON helps LIZBETH as she comes around, MIKE turning the throttle on with the MACHETE as he stabs it through THE TALL MAN'S CHEST, the TALL MAN screaming as JODY runs over and slams the HATCHET into the TALL MAN'S THROAT, severing his throat tendons which turned the TALL MAN'S SCREAMS into a high pitched monstrous wail. 

MIKE watches as JODY hacks away at the TALL MAN'S THROAT, until there was nothing but a body squirting out yellow blood and a severed head. 

JODY steps back gasping as MIKE comes over and checks on LIZBETH, JODY turning his back as he comes over towards JAYSON, patting him as JAYSON smiles before looking behind JODY, his eyes quickly turning to terror. 

JAYSON spins JODY around, as MIKE and LIZBETH look over at the same time, JODY watching as THE TALL MAN'S BODY began to stand, reaching down as it grabbed the head and began to put it back on. 



MIKE smirks and grabbing his FLAMETHROWER he steps up and lights the nozzle. 



MIKE torches the TALL MAN, the TALL MAN SCREAMING as it flails about wildly, MIKE and the others stepping back as MIKE clings LIZBETH to him. 


REGGIE lays the DYNAMITE down near the TWIN RODS as he lays on the PRIMER CORD and runs it all the way out of the ROOM, REGGIE pulling his GLOCK 19 out as he fires at a few DWARFS that came around the corner towards him, REGGIE quickening his pace as he begins down the hallway towards the front door. 




Everyone, it's time to go, like now!

MIKE takes LIZBETH and begins out as JODY wraps his hand and follows JAYSON as they run towards the FRONT, REGGIE tying the primer cord to the detonator as the others run up behind him. 


Good timing. 


Blow it!

REGGIE smirks and presses down on the detonator. 

THE DYNAMITE explodes and as it does the explosion is sucked into the TWIN RODS. 

THE TWIN RODS suddenly begin shaking and trembling before the humming intensifies and suddenly, there is a loud BOOM. 

The GROUP fall over from the sonic boom's intensity, a powerful whirlwind and suction begins to start tearing the MORTUARY apart, REGGIE turning to JODY. 


We have to get out of here!

JODY nods and going to the door he un hooks the crowbar, the doors swinging open as the wind was blowing so hard outside it was nearly impossible to navigate through it all. 

THE GROUP hurry out as the MORTUARY was begin sucked into itself, REGGIE helping MIKE with LIZBETH who stops as they JODY took off running to get the CUDA. 


LIZBETH, we have to go come on!


I can't, MIKE...



LIZBETH begins screaming as REGGIE watches on unsure, JAYSON stepping back as MIKE can hear the IN HUMAN voice coming from her body as she drops to her knees, her back suddenly beginning to move and shift as MIKE steps up to her to watch her spine suddenly burst out of her back, MIKE stepping back as the SPINE suddenly began to mutate into a face, the face of the TALL MAN. 


Hello again, BOY!




Dear god...


You may of bested me, but this shape before you, is merely a illusion I left for you. Your precious woman is far from here, and you will never see her again...unless you dare come north...






That's not, LIZBETH! TORCH IT!

MIKE screams as he aims up and presses the trigger down, The SCREAMS of the TALL MAN and the ILLUSION of LIZBETH filling his ears through the searing wind as JODY pulls up in the CUDA, JODY looking on confused and horrified as REGGIE forces MIKE into the CAR, JAYSON jumping in as JODY looks on confused as REGGIE yells for JODY to go, JODY gunning the CUDA out of MOURNINGSIDE as the MORTUARY suddenly prolapses into itself and then disappears in a blinding flash of RED.