


"We are leaving soon"


"That means if you wanna go into the water again you can now, it's almost empty"


The steps left them and he stretched, he looked next to himself where Kunimi was laying head on his shoulder.


The other moved eyes slowly opening.


"We're leaving soon, so we should go to the pool now it's almost empty"

"Kay", Kunimi sat up stretching and yawning.

Kindaichi also sat up and stretched, he opened the tent and went out waiting for Kunimi.

Kunimi went out walking towards the pool with the other next to him.

They quickly went in going to the others, as soon as they stood with the others Kunimi jumped onto Kindaichi's back almost making him fall over.



"You know what forget it"

The others just laughed at them, Makki decided to ask the question they all had been wondering.

"How come you two aren't on first name basis?"

Kindaichi looked behind him at Kunimi, Kunimi just shrugged.

"Dunno, never thought about it?"


They spent some time in the water and soon decided to leave.

They went out of the water, Kunimi still piggyback on Kindaichi who didn't complain.

He put Kunimi down and they all dried off and put on their clothes.

They dropped off Iwaizumi and Oikawa on their way, they parted ways from Makki and Mattsun who went to Makki's house to do some nasty stuff~

They unlocked the door and Oreo immediately ran to them with his tail wagging.

"Aww we missed you too", Kunimi said dropping to his knees and cuddling him.

Kindaichi just watched with that soft smile he always had on when he watched Kunimi.

He made his way to the living room dropping the bag and walking into the kitchen looking for something to eat.

"Kunimi! What do you wanna eat?"

"Huh? Uhhh,,,Dunno"

"Kay,,,, let's uhh,,,just make spaghetti"


Kindaichi got out everything they'd need and began to boil the water.

Kunimi shoved him away and decided to make it himself, he didn't trust Kindaichi with boiling water after he burned himself once.

Kindaichi only chuckled and wrapped his arms around Kunimi's waist and rested his head on his shoulder.

Kunimi continued to cook but rested against Kindaichi.

Since Makki's house was really close they usually heard the music well not this time, their peace was interrupted by a pleased moan. Both looked at each other somehow happy no one besides them lived near, Kindaichi decided to text Mattsun to be more quiet or turn on the music.

There was a quick text back, an apology and the music turned on.

"Disgusting", was all Kunimi said.

"Oh stop being so salty", Kindaichi said poking Kunimi's sides.

"Lemme be salty"

"Sorry sorry"

"I hope you are"

Kindaichi had also turned on some music and they both sang along with it, they knew they weren't good at it but did they care? Nope.

Well Kunimi was good he could hit the high notes and hold them but Kindaichi kinda ruined it not that they minded, they did it for fun nothing else.

"Oh, my favorite one"

"You mean our favorite"


They just continued on till the food was ready, Kunimi kicked Kindaichi out of the kitchen to set the table.

"You're so mean", Kindaichi said with a pout.

"Oh, trust me I could be much worse"

"Your right about that"

They ate in a comfortable silence and then did their homework this time not falling asleep at the table.

"Kunimi? What's wrong?", Kindaichi asked concerned since the other wasn't really concentrated.

"'am tired…", the other mumbled laying his head on his arms, he closed his eyes before Kindaichi could say anything he was asleep.

"Damn it"

He packed away their stuff and got Oreo to his bed, he than picked Kunimi up and laid him on the bed.

He laid down next to him, holding him close and fell asleep too.

He woke up when he heard the door open, he saw Mattsun waving him and then closing the door again.

Kindaichi let himself being pulled into dreamland again.

He woke up by being crushed under something.

"What the hell?!", he opened his eyes to see his brother crushing him.

"Oh, you're awake"

"Issei what the fuck?"

"Kunimi couldn't wake you up. So I did"

"Oh come on. Lemme sleep"

"Nope, today is your first day at your part time job"

"Oh, right. I also have to work on weekends"

"Mh. Kunimi remembered it, I forgot it too"



"Now get up from me. You're too heavy for me"

"You are so mean"

"Maybe I am maybe I'm not"

The older got up and helped his brother up.

"Man you slept in normal clothes again", he said and hit his brother's back of the head.


They went down where Kunimi was already playing with Oreo, he saw them coming down and stood up.

They sat down at the table and ate together in a comfortable silence.

When they were finished Kindaichi finally gave Kunimi a morning hug and went to take a quick shower.

He came back down after 15 minutes, fresh clothes and with his hair down.

Kunimi also took a quick shower also taking 15 minutes.

He put the new vest on Oreo, who was wagging his tail knowing that they'd go outside.

They said their byes and went out with their boards.

"You coming with me?"

"Mh, taking the big round"


They skated down the hill with Oreo running between them.

They were at the store way faster than Kunimi wanted to.

"Have fun. See you at 2"


Kindaichi ruffled his hair and went in, Kunimi went to continue the round with Oreo.

He definitely wasn't used to this, not having Kindaichi with him but it wasn't that bad since he had Oreo with him.

He passed the cafe again but came to a halt deciding that he wants a bubble tea again.

He picked up his board and opened the door with Oreo next to him.

"Morning. Kunimi-kun right?"

He nodded they have been here manyyy times so almost all employees knew them.

"The usual?"

"Only one this time"

"Mh. You get it right away"


Kunimi took his bubble tea and paid leaving again.

He started to feel alone, he really wasn't used to this.

He graved body warmth his favorite was Kindaichi's, Kindaichi, Kindaichi, Kindaichi…Kindaichi…

His head was full of Kindaichi, his body warmth, his voice, his smile, his eyes, his everything.