What friends do

A/N If you have any nickname ideas for the name Yuutarou (Kindaichi's first name) write them in the comments this nickname is a quick idea for it so~

Also I'm so proud of myself I wrote two chapters today~

Kunimi had lost focus, he wasn't really concentrating anymore.

Oreo felt that something was off and nudged his hand with his nose.

Kunimi looked at him and came to a halt.

Oreo walked towards a empty space under a tree, Kunimi followed him and sat down l.

He brought his knees to his chest and laid his head on them.

Oreo kept on pawing his head, making sure he was still okay.

He just stayed with him, giving him signals that he was still there.

Kunimi cursed himself for forgetting to put the pills in the small bag that Oreo's vest had.

He didn't know how long it had been but after a long time he heard a familiar voice calling out to him.

He snapped out of his train of thoughts when he felt that someone pushing a pill between his lips and giving him a water bottle.

He immediately swallowed the pill without looking who gave it to him, first of all he knew that voice, secondly he knew those hands, thirdly Oreo didn't do anything against it.

"Is everything okay Kunimi?"

He nodded finally looking at the person, black curly hair, tall, thick eyebrows, concern showing in his eyes.

"Let's go home", he held out his hand to help him up.

The walk was silent at first, Kunimi finally talked.

"Thanks…Also how did you know where I was…?"

"I saw that you forgot the pills when I took a shower and decided to go and look for you. You didn't answer your phone, so I thought that something like this happened which meant that you would probably be somewhere in the park, I saw Oreo and yea"


"Also don't feel bad okay? It's new for you"


"Aww come on don't be like that"

They finally made it to the house where Kunimi left for Kindaichi's room, Mattsun decided to let him be alone a bit and check up on him a bit later.

Kunimi laid down on Kindaichi's bed, he curled up and just listened to the music he had turned on.

He relaxed and fell asleep with Oreo watching him to make sure he was okay. When he checked that Kunimi was really just sleeping he left the room laying on the couch next to Mattsun.

"You did a great job Oreo", Mattsun said petting him

He turned on the TV and watched some comedy show and decided to check up on Kunimi 30 minutes later.

He quietly walked in and saw that he was sleeping, he turned down the music and opened the window to get some fresh air in.

He quietly left again, closing the door and continuing to watch the comedy show.

He checked up on Kunimi every 30 minutes.

His phone got a notification and he turned it on.

•Can you come over I'm bored•

°Can't Kunimi isn't on good terms with not having Yuuta next to him°

•Awww can I come over?•

°Always Babe~°

He got no answer but the door opened not even a minute later.

"How's he doing?"


"That's kinda cute"

"Mh, I know"

Mattsun continued to watch the comedy show, this time with Makki cuddled up with him.

  -Timeskip of god knows how many hours it's 2pm-

The door unlocked and an exhausted Kindaichi stepped in.

"I'm home", he muttered his eyes scanning the living room.

"Hi Makki. Issei where's Kunimi?"

"Your room he's still sleeping"


Kindaichi went upstairs and quietly went in his room changing his clothes and laying down next to Kunimi.

He pulled him closer by his waist and buried his nose in Kunimi's hair, it smelled good like bubble gum.

Kunimi was pulled out of his sleep when he felt arms around his waist, he immediately knew who it was.

He turned around so could burry his face in the other's chest.

"You okay?"

Kunimi nodded wrapping his arms around the other.

"Kay. Lemme have a nap"

Kunimi made a humming noise and also closed his eyes again, he immediately fell asleep.

"Oi. Kunimi Yuuta! Foods here!"

Kunimi immediately sat up when he heard the word food, well he was pulled down again.

"Kindaichi. Food's here"


"Lemme go"



Kindaichi let him go and also sat up rubbing his eyes, he gave Kunimi a small smile.

Kunimi smiled back and got up walking down with Kindaichi.

"Did you have a good sleep?"


They sat down and ate, those lazy guys had ordered pizza instead of making food.

"You are soo fucking lazy", Kindaichi said looking at his brother.

"Oh shut up"

They finished and Kindaichi and Kunimi left with Oreo for another walk.

"Soooo,,,ya know I have been thinking about the thing Makki asked"

"Which one? He asked many things"

"Why we aren't on first name basis. Would it be okay for you?"



"I got a nickname for you~"

"That would be?"




"Well I thought of one too. Aki~"


They continued their round and went back when the sun had set.

They locked the door and went up both definitely not tired, they slept before dinner and Kunimi slept like much more hours.

"I'm not tired"

"Me neither"

They were laying on their backs staring at the wall.



They stood up and grabbed hoodies, Kunimi definitely didn't steal one of Kindaichi.

They quietly went out in the yard and laid down in the grass looking at the stars.

Kunimi grabbed Kindaichi's hand holding it in his.

They turned their heads to look at each other, both suddenly felt confident that the other felt the same.

They both sat up and Kunimi sat down on Kindaichi's lap, both were rethinking their decision, was this right? Was this okay? Would the other really be okay with this? Is the other acting so you don't feel sad? Does the other really want this?

Kindaichi's hands found their way to Kunimi's hips.

Kunimi's hand found it's way to his hair and the other rested on his neck.

They leaned forward feeling the others breath on their lips.

Was this a thing friends do?