Team galactic?

One hour later.

It has been one hour since I beat brawly, I had just given riolu to nurse joy for a check up when I felt an presence make an appearance on my radar. I had Pikachu on my shoulder and I moved my shoulder a teeny unnoticeable bit. This was a sign of an observer with unknown motivations.

The presence was weird as in I could sense them normally but I could see that they were hiding something. It was like a hidden intention. I behaved completely normal, got riolu back and walked out of the center to the edge of the town just before the forest. I had come here spefically to tempt the attacker to release their intentions. It was completely normal but for one moment I felt their intentions leak. It was bloodlust.

I turned on the dime and pikachu electrocuted the person following me. I followed up by releasing garchomp and charizard, and running over to the mysterious attacker. It was stunningly beautiful woman in a normal clothes, there were no signs of any team from the games but she had a badge with an emblem. It looked oddly like a flame. Team magma.

I hunched over and saw that she had no weapons or pokemon at all! She must be a spy or in the espionage business. Either that or seduction. Most likely both. The only thing connecting her to team magma was this badge but I noticed something about the badge

No it wasn't faulty but it was good. Too good. I had seen the badges of team rocket and team aqua(spy from Devon), they were no where near this quality and I had fought high rankers. Team magma and aqua are practically the same with different legendaries so their badges A must be of same or at the very least similar materials but this was much more than that.

It was forged too well. Neither teams had such high quality materials for so many people. This meant that some other evil team or organization hired an expert espionage agent to masquerade as a team magma spy masquerading as a civilian. I need to interrogate her. Aura doesn't give me mind delving capabilities but I can read surface thoughts. Though I can only use this for a few minutes.

I also noticed that she lacked any suicide pill, so an outside observer or freelancer. This also tells me that she values her life over her money. Good that will make for an easier interrogation.

After making sure she was not awake, I brought out the rest of my pokemon and explained the situation to them before waking her up." Gyarados water gun, gently"

She awoke in frenzy before seeing me. I used all of my aura, pressure and every inch of anger and bloodlust I possibly could and shoved it straight onto her with all of my pokemon multiplying it and amplifying it to absurd degree.

Compared to what I did to the kid who insulted mom that may as well have been heaven. Even without my aura, a 12-13 year old with blood red eyes standing on a 10.5 meter tall blood red gyarados, with a charizard with fire on its claws, a garchomp with a visible aura, a nearly 2.3 meter pidgeot with steeled wings and a Pikachu surrounded in thunder grouped around was enough o make most veterans pee.

And that was without the aura. Just the pressure of leviathan was enough to make people faint, imagine the collective pressure of 6 beasts multiplied by my own aura. Yeah she nearly peed her pants and was barely able to talk.


"T.eee a ammm magma"' team galactic.' I could see into her mind. This is why I preferred aura over psychic, at a certain level everything psychics can do become parlor tricks. Aura is woven into the fabric of the very universe and was created by aura. Psychic is just an evolutionary mutation allowing for basic things. Sure at the max level of psychic you can do some crazy shit but aur at the same level is even crazier.

"So what does team galactic want from me, and why frame magma?" I could see the surprise etched on her face.

'Can he read my mind?'

"I can't read your mind but I can see your face, you don't know the depths of the waters you are swimming in. The power wielded by the underground kings can destroy entire regions with a single command. To them all of your little teams are kids playing with marbles. Do you know the worst part. I am one!"

Before she could reply I punched her in the face. All Bullshit. There are no underground kings, hell I most likely read that in some crappy novel with power escalation problems. Still the shock on her face was enough to conclude that she believed it. I mean I read her mind enough to confer what I need.

"Hello 911, yeah it's me again, yes I know your policy on vigilantism. No i didn't provoke them beyond insulting their family lineage. Oh it's team magma. Yeah they send some high roller spy at me, pretty good but int he end not good enough,. Yes, again. No, I am not,lying, I know that this is the 3rd instance just do your goddamn job already. Thank you for responding to 911. What happened to the spy? Find out next time on pokeball z"

Man sinnoh why can't you do this while I am in kalos. I promised Serena I would visit next year in the letters. I guess the universe wants me to go to sinnoh. By this point arceus will be like' here meet spicy Thai... I mean here meet Cynthia.' And slap her on to my face the day I reach unova. Why can't I just have a proper break while I am on an adventure,

Oh shit, mom. I guess I will have to bring up Serena cause I haven't called her since before they spy incident in Devon. In only a few weeks, I Have Attracted negative attention form 2 different evil teams. In just 2 weeks!!! Team aqua and magma and I also have rocket on my tail. It is like a holy trifecta of evil teams.