I heard a few sirens in the distance and it took less than a minute for a police chief and a officer Jenny to arrive on the scene.
I could see Jenny's jaw drop open at the pile of near 20 galactic grunts piled on top of each other. These grunts had been collected by charizard and garchomp in an impromptu competition, who can catch all the humans. Basically reverse Pokémon. The police chief on the other hand didn't show a single twitch instead, he walked towards me with a sigh and an almost nostalgic smile.
"Hello Ash, how many is it this time? There were 4 in total and this is the 5th one right?"
"Yep. Though personally for you it is the 3rd time, since you weren't there for the first few clean ups with team rocket." I mean this is my 6th time but I hadn't told anyone about the weird girl who was pretending to be from team magma. Needless to say that this isn't my first rodeo.
"What. But this is vigilantism!! And he is underage, how can he get off without even a slap on a hand."
Jenny was practically bursting with the amount of energy she was radiating.
"Calm down Officer, it is self defense also I would recommend less coffee, it makes you hyperactive."
"Look Jenny, the kid is right. He has recordings of his encounters, while it may seem unprofessional, Mr. Ketchum here is a magnet for trouble but he can handle it. He has captured many members from 4 different evil teams and provided large amount of important information. If anyhting we are indebted to him.
Plus Champion Steven, Champion Lance, Champion Cynthia, Ex-Champion Professor Oak and a lot of large names are backing him up. Even if we captured him, he would get off without any penalties, so we tend to skip formalities. Isn't that right Ash?"
"Sure is. Now onto business. Here is my recording of the events. I took some Liberties and rounded up the back up she called, there should still be a few in the woods or some may have run away a bit. I would recommend a perimeter sweep. Well see ya guys later. I have a badge to collect."
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that the league champion ship is in a week. You sure you can beat a gym and get to the league in else than a week?"
"Ha. I can beat 3 gyms in a week if I was rushed. I once took on 2 gyms within a span of a week in kanto and even then I stopped everyday for training, relaxing and playing."
"Well then I should get going before any of the grunts escape. You may leave."
"Well bye."
Was the last hing I said as I walked away from the site and back into the town for the night. I would set out tomorrow after training for the rest of the day. I went into a different clearing to train my hoenn team since my kanto team was busy with Hakai'ing galactic from Hoenn.
"Combusken, Ava, Metang and Gaia. Gaia and Ava will be fighting against a few trainers because you both have reached the peak of your species and it is time for you guys to evolve into a Abomasnow and Armaldo respectively. Combusken and Metang are getting closer and closer to their evolutionary limits but they might not evolve before the league. Most likely during the league battles itself."
(Note since most people are confused with the nicknames. Here is a run down.Of both teams.
Pikachu. Ash's friend from before his journey. Male.
Charizard. Damiens abandoned charmander. Male.
Garchomp. Oaks Charizard's and unknown Garchomp's child. Male
Ari. Large size pidgey (now pidgeot)caught by Ash. Female.
Gyarados. Shiny Magikarp given to ash by gyarados in oaks ranch. Shiny Male.
Lucario. Aura egg located by Ash when he was meditating and collected during his journey. Male
Meowth: Caught by ash from team rocket and given to Professor oak because it could speak human language. Male
Metang: Caught by Ash after his mother was killed by a tyranatrum. Crushes on Ava. Male.
Avalanche, Ava for short. Caught by Ash from a group of migrating Abomasnow. Shiny Female.
Combusken. Bred by Wallace but given to Ash as a present for all his hard work. Crushes heavily on charizard. Female.
Gaia. Anorith given to Ash by Professor Brich fro helping him out. Crushes heavily on Metang. Female.)
"Combusken will be working on blaze and blaze kick and possible elemental punches. Metang will be focusing more on its psychic abilities and physical attacks."
I was bored and I had time on my hands so I wrote an extra chapter. Love ya guys. Bye