If You Can't Take the Female Heat...

Akira Maximilian was on a mission. Or rather, more of a sidequest of sorts. The objective: to find a certain special type of somebody, for a certain special job she had in mind. As a gift, for Ai.

Classes had ended for the evening, so she knew just which spots to look at. Starting at the stove room...

"Can you train my friend in her cooking skill?"

She asked every [Dragon Monk Pizza Chef] that was there the same exact question, receiving mostly grunts and angry glares in response. Not an encouraging start.

'Well, I guess it makes sense. They're employees, so they can't just be pulled away at random."

Finding no success there, albeit a few tasty pilfered pepperonis nonetheless, Akira moved on to the primary dojo where she had even less luck, since Kanna and Vash were there.