Stay out of the Kitchen!

The day had come when Kiki finally reached Level 10, the mandatory minimum level requirement for acolytes. Meaning, she now had the option of leaving whenever she so chose; although, she could just as well remain as a full-time employee or field laborer.

So, with this decision weighing heavily on Kiki's mind, she and a mostly despondent Akira were sitting on the bordering wall of the monastery, discussing plans for her future. All the while, gazing out across the windswept fields at the empty horizon, cast in a pastel pink early morning glow with thin purple streaks of cloud.

"I'll go wherever you go!" Kiki declared, excitedly pumping her fists. "Yeah! I'm with you for the long haul!"

Akira sighed, leaning back with her hands planted on the roof tiles. "Where have I heard that before?" she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Kanna and Vash are leaving the party. Ai has been sleeping with that master chef, and acts like we barely know each other."