Childhood Trauma

A group of Kitsuna children were making plans under the shade of a tree, one day, while on break from harvesting magic beans…

"Tonight, we'll go," a young Ceres had announced. "It's decided."

Her parents were both Yako-nin, descended from a long ancestral line of powerful Yang vessels, which gave her inside knowledge into the organization of the night sentries. Thus, she'd been able to determine when would be the safest night for the group to do the unthinkable:

To venture out into the forest, after dark.

Mina was fidgeting nervously. "I don't know if this is a good idea…"

"Don't be such a chicken!" another of their friends said. "After all, the Yako-nin will protect us if something goes wrong, won't they?"

Another of the Kitsuna kids nodded. "That's right. It's their sworn duty."