A Fine Harmonious Pairing

The village where Mina and Ceres lived was only one of many Kitsuna settlements to be found on Saints' Vigil Island. A humble little hamlet called Stone's Throw, where every day passed by looking much the same as the one before it…

That was, until the outworlders appeared.

Noriko had made quite an impact during the brief time she was staying here. 

No one knew who she was or where she'd come from, but she proved to be a capable worker and fit right into Kitsuna society, making many friends before embarking on her mysterious quest.

Hotaru, on the other hand…

"Get off your lazy butt and start pulling some beans!"

Lulu was standing over him, stomping with her hands on her hips as he continued to sit peacefully, beneath the shade of a tree, his eyes closed with a serene expression.

"No...you're all doing just fine without me," he mumbled in reply.