The Killing Field

Hotaru's POV:

"Owch! Iyt hwurts zall owver."

I am in pain: a bruised, battered and bloody mess, propped up on a stool in the kitchen back at Mina's house as she's treating my wounds...using her tongue.

This is just too weird.

Lulu is here, as well, looking on with concern as the "procedure" continues.

"Does that feel better, Hotaru-kun?"

I give a meek nod in reply: wherever Mina's tongue touches, it takes away the pain and leaves a nice tingling sensation. I can only imagine how such an ability works on deep bruises and broken bones, but I find I'm able to move my arm with less pain than before, as well.

"This is what you get for trying to act tough," Mina scolded.

Of course, she's right. I was far too bold.