To Know a Ghost (Part 1/3)

My name is Casper Coldrake, and I have a sort of a weird obsession, I guess you can call it.

That is, for as long as I can remember, I've wondered what it's like to have "relations" with a ghost. Although, I'm not talking about just ANY ghost…

I'm talking about a really, really sexy ghost.

Just think about it: the perverse excitement of making love with the incorporeal form of someone who has come and gone before you; whispering sweet nothings into your ear that ghosts like to say, like, "leave this place," or "go away;" making every hair on the back of your neck stand up with her soft, icy cool touch that feels like when you first dip your toes into a swimming pool. Her long, dark "ring girl" hair parting to reveal a beautiful face, grinning with otherworldly lust.

And also, she has huge breasts. 

Or...erm, small ones, if that's more your type. So like, a loli ghost…? I won't judge.