To Know a Ghost (Part 2/3)

What lies beyond death?

It is a question that has plagued all of mankind, ever since the dawn of sentience, which countless have attempted to answer.

Casper didn't really care about the answer, though.

As he followed his dps through the dark and ancient forest, he wasn't at all—like many of his peers within the paranormal investigation business were—seeking out answers to this age-old question. Rather, he didn't care so much about what awaited him on the other side; only whether it was possible to be copulated with.

Where did this strange fascination arise from? It was one thing to disavow all women, but to turn immediately to ghosts for comfort…

It began, as most fetishes seem to, with his early childhood cartoon viewing. A certain cartoon movie starring a talking dog and his stoner friend who go out solving paranormal mysteries together...arriving at an all-girls school of old horror movie monsters, including—

A ghost.