Chapter 6: Preparation for a Group Interview

Before I went into Renée's dressing room, I heard someone running up to us calling my name

I turned to see that it was Lin with a handsome blonde-haired boy that was at my height, following him. "Rose," he began panting, "you look magnificent," he said once he caught up to me

"Thank you, Lin," I said as the boy stopped next to Lin, "who might this handsome man be?"

For a minute it seemed as if Lin forgot about the boy standing next to him, "Oh," he began with a faint blush. "Rose, meet Richard he usually goes by Ric," he took one final breath before finishing. "Ric, meet Rose, you are going to take her to have a good time after the interview; make sure she doesn't worry about anything and get to know each other. This girl looks like she hasn't had any fun around New York before," he explained as he smiled and nodded

"It's a pleasure to meet you Rose," he began, "I plan to give you the greatest time that you've had in a while," he finished while bowing, this one wasn't a mocking bow.

I forced a smile on my face and curtsied, "The pleasure is mine, Ric," I began. "I will see you after the interview," I finished as I turned to leave

"I shall wait for you right here, Rose," he said as I entered the dressing room in a fit of anger. How could he arrange a hangout right after I got here and just as soon as I am somewhat comfortable with them?

Renée seemed to get what I was feeling as I closed the door to the dressing room. "It'll be fine, please just give them a chance," she began from her vanity since the sisters weren't in the room yet. "Lin just thought that you needed someone around your age to hang out with so please just bear with him."

I sighed as I threw myself into the couch that was next to her, "I will but this seems more than just a hangout," I grumbled as Renée sighed while brushing out her hair

"I know it may seem that way," she began as she finished brushing her hair, "but this is a hangout," she put the hairbrush down and patted my knee. "Trust us," she finished with a smile, "if you don't like him you won't ever see him again."


Renée smiled as I looked up at her with that question, "I promise," she replied as she patted my knee once more. "Let me finish my makeup and we'll see where Pippa and Jazzy are, okay?"

I smiled as I nodded, "Okay," I said and soon enough we were walking around the stage seeing all the girls aside from Jazzy and Pippa. "I wonder where they are," I said as Renée shrugged

"Let's go back to my dressing room," she began, "we probably missed them while showing everyone else how amazing you look."

I nodded once she suggested going back but then I blushed once she finished with the compliment. "Thanks," I said with the blush as I smiled as we walked back to her dressing room

Renée gently knocked on the door, "Hey Pippa, Jazzy, are you guys in there? I have Rose with me if you want to see her in her dress," she said through the door

"Yes, let her in I can't wait to see how beautiful she looks," Pippa exclaimed through the door followed by Jazzy's squeals of excitement. Once the door was open, I saw the two girls' faces lit up with excitement it looked like they were about to burst.

"Oh my god," Jazzy began almost dropping the hairbrush in her hand, "she almost looks like a combination of you and Pippa if you guys were in costume Renée," she said so quickly that I barely understood it. "Which makes you very beautiful if you didn't know," she added with a shrug and a small blush as I laughed

"Thanks, Jazz," I said as I grinned

"You're gorgeous, Rose," Pippa began looking me up and down, "you should go outside like that; you would get so many, boys."

I blushed a little, "Thanks Pippa," I said laughing nervously as Jazzy bolted up from her seat

"The other girls should see you," she said before rushing to the door

"Um," I began as I sat on the couch next to Pippa, "I thought I already saw all of the girls when Renée and I were looking for you two," I finished not wanting to be ogled at by any more girls

But it was little too late, Jazzy was already at the door with a grin on her face. "What," she began, "they'll get a better look at you, besides there are more guys than girls in the whole cast," she said before opening the door and yelling out towards the stage. "Who wants to see Rose," she yelled as many people ran up to the door. "Girls go first then guys," she said blocking the door

"Oh, come one Jazz, why is it always girls first then boys," Daveed complained

"That's because guys practically melt at the sight of a beautiful girl," Jazzy explained

"You and I both know that more girls than guys," Daveed said putting up a good argument

"He's not wrong," I chimed in remembering the times that I came into school back at home with a dress on, and every girl practically swarmed me asking loads of questions about it.

Jazzy only sighed and rolled her eyes, "Fine, one girl first then boy, keep it rotating," she began. "Is that fair for the both of you," she asked looking at the both of us

I nodded with a smile as Daveed only smiled

"That's perfect," he said before stepping aside to let the first girl through; as I had figured she had already seen me but still melted over me as if this was her first time. Then Daveed came in holding a box, "Wow, you look adorable," he said giving me a package

"Thanks," I said as I took the package, "what's this, I haven't been given anything in a long time," I asked as I looked it over

"It's something from all the guys in the cast," he began in answer, "Lin said that there are two things in it with one of them being from him solely and the other one was from the rest of the cast," he finished scratching the back of his head. In excitement, I tore open the paper and the first thing that I saw was the phone box

I smiled, Lin got me the newest Samsung that I was in the market, I set that aside and opened the smaller, unmarked box. Inside was a set of jewelry with pendants having the colors of the musical. On the back of the necklace pendant and the cuff of the bracelet, was an inscription

'We'll be with you wherever you go -from the cast of Hamilton'

"Oh my god," I breathed, "Daveed this is beautiful thank you," I said giving him a huge hug

With every guy that came in, I thanked them and gave them a huge hug up until Lin came in

"Hey there kid," he said walking in with a smile as I attacked him with a hug. "Woah, is this for the phone," he asked as I nodded into his side

"Thank you, you did not have to get the newest phone on the market for me," I said as he chuckled

Lin, being the last person to see me, helped me set the phone up putting in the phone numbers of the cast and crew along with setting up my emergency contacts. "There," he said, "it should be done updating and charging by the time the interviews are over."

At that point Leslie came knocking on the door, "Guys, it's time for the interview the press is here," he said as Lin and I both nodded

When Leslie left Lin turned to me, "Are you sure you want to do this Rose? You only came here yesterday and these press people are ruthless. They will bombard you with question after question some of them may be uncomfortable for you," he said and I smiled

"I'll be fine, Lin," I began, "I talked to Renée about this and she said that I can pass on any question that I don't want to answer. Besides, the people need to know that not all foster homes are sunshine and rainbows," I finished and Lin chuckled

"That's true," he said, "let's go, you'll be sitting in between Renée and Pippa," he added standing up while offering his elbow. "Care for an escort my lady," he added in a formal voice as I set the trash aside on the couch and stood up

I smiled and nodded, "I would love that, I'm afraid I would get lost here," I said as Lin grinned

"You'll get used to it," he said before we walked out of the room closing the door since the sisters had already left

As we wove our way through the halls my mind wandered as I started to think about what would happen. A key thought jumped out at me once we went onto the stage.

What are these interviewers going to ask me?