Chapter 7: The Interview to Answer Many Questions for the World

Muttering came from the house as Lin led me to my seat, they were probably asking each other who was going to bombard me with questions first. I sat in my seat as Renée patted my shoulder, I looked in her direction and she smiled as I smiled back. Once Lin sat the first question was asked and as you could guess that the first question was directed to me.

It came from a lady dress in an ugly shade of pink that could've been mistaken for beige, "Good evening, my name is Elka Bisema from News Weekly," she began. "What's your name miss," she asked me, "I'm pretty sure this is a question that everyone would like to know."

I smiled, "I mean we do have to begin with formalities first," I began as she smiled, "my name is Rose Stevens."

"How old are you," Elka asked as I started thinking that she held the similarities of a teacher

"I'm sixteen years old," I replied almost instantly as if I was given some sort of truth serum

"At what age were you put into foster care," she asked after which Lin jumped in

"Let someone else have a turn, don't bombard the poor girl with them," he said. "Besides, the whole cast is here for you to ask questions," he added."

"Can she answer the question first," Elka asked him

"If she wants to then yes," he replied as she smiled then turned to me expectantly

"It's fine, I'll answer it," I said politely, "I was put into my first foster home when I was eleven years old in Toledo Ohio."

Once I finished with the reply Elka nodded her thanks and stepped aside to let a man in a blue suit ask a question. "Good evening, my name is Osborn Sauchuk from New York Times," he began as he turned to Lin. "What are your thoughts on Mrs. Goldsberry adopting Ms. Stevens?"

Lin sighed, "I like this," he began as Renée and I looked at him, "I think this symbolizes what Eliza envisioned when she opened the first orphanage. A part of me thinks that she was sent here so one of us could adopt her."

Osborn nodded as another man in a red dress shirt came up to me, "Good evening Ms. Stevens," he began gently. "My name is Hersh Brouillard from Bloomberg World News; what are your thoughts on this adoption and could you tell us about the foster homes that you've been in?"

I began with the question that he finished with as I felt the cast look at me, "Some of the families were kind while the last few weren't," I paused. "As for the adoption, I am really excited and looking forward to being a part of the amazing family this cast it," I finished as Hersh nodded and backed away as a woman in a blue dress took his place

"Good evening, my name is Helena Connors from USA Today," she began just as carefully and politely as Hersh did. "How many families were you in and how bad were these last few," she asked as I groaned internally

"I have been in five home total, the second one making me move here from my hometown of Toledo. I would rather not go into detail about the last few as talking about them hit too close to home for me," I answered as she stepped back

"Thank you," she said as she stepped back while a man took a place in front of Lin

The man started asking questions about the musical as did many of the others so I tuned myself out and started thinking about the possible things that Ric and I may do with this hangout. My mind came up blank by the time Renée had brought me back to the present with a gentle nudge as she told me that I had a question.

"I am so sorry," I began, "what was your question, sir," I asked as a man in a traditional black suit and graying black hair was looking at me expectantly.

"The name's Cello Kowalski from The Wall Street Journal," he began as he stood stiff. "I have two questions actually, the first is have you ever listened to Hamilton and the second is, do you like the people around you as of now?"

I smiled as I looked at the cast, "Yes I did, one of the families introduced it to me a few years ago if I was to pick a favorite character I would go with Eliza. As for your question about liking the people around me," I paused to look at the cast once more as Pippa held a look of surprise, and Renée had her hand to her chest in mock pain. "Is a definite yes," I finished with a smile

"That hurt right here but was mended once you finished your answer," Renée said as everyone smiled and chuckled

"I would have pegged you for a fan of Angelica," Pippa said as Lin and Jazzy nodded in agreement

"Well you don't know everything about me," I began, "for all you know I could've been a fan of Maria Reynolds," I finished beaming. This probably broke the record of how much of smiled since I was orphaned

"I mean," Jazzy began with a blush, "I do favor playing Maria over Peggy," she confessed as everyone started laughing. This was the most that I've laughed in years, during our fit of laughter I realized that we weren't asked any more questions and it seems that Lin noticed it too.

"I guess we're done," he said pointing out the retreating reporters and the people packing up

Relief flooded me as the cast members got up from their seats, each of them saying that I did a wonderful job. Renée was the only one remaining as I stood up from my seat so the stage manager could collect it for the show that day, "You did very well, my dear," she began. "You did better than I did my first time," she added as I chuckled

"That is an interesting thing to know," I said, "I think I might need to look into it," I added and laughed once more as Renée blushed. We had started walking back to the dressing rooms where Ric was still waiting looking a little more handsome than when I last saw him

"I'm going to get ready for the show," she began, "have fun with Ric," she added as I nodded

"Will do," I said as she turned to Ric

"She'd better not return here crying or hurt or else I'm going to make sure you don't see her ever again," she said with a mother's glare.

"I have no intention of hurting someone as beautiful as her, Mrs. Goldsberry," he began. "Rest assured she is in safe hands," he added as Renée nodded in approval

"Good," she began, "my first duties of being a protective mother of a teenage girl are done," she paused as I made my way next to Ric. "Have fun you two," she added with a smile before walking to her dressing room

"Yikes," I began as he turned to me, "that glare reminded me of my biological mother's," I finished as he chuckled

"You're telling me," he began, "I wanted to run out of here, curl up in a ball and cry," he finished as I chuckled

"Same here but I only caught the tail end of that glare," I replied then stuck my hand out. "It's nice to meet you without the looming presence of adults introducing us," I said as he chuckled and shook my hand

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, I don't like how people introduce me to someone else," he began. "Are you ready to go," he asked as I shook my head

"Let me get a few things first and fix my makeup, all that laughter might've ruined it," I explained as he nodded in understanding

"I'll be waiting by the stage door when you're ready," he said as I nodded and left, remembering that my phone was in Renée's room. Before I knocked Pippa's, hand jutted out from the door with the phone and boxes in hand

"Can someone take this to Rose, we forgot that she left it in here to charge and update," she yelled through the door

"I got it, Pippa, thank you," I said with some laughter

"You're welcome Rose, have fun," she said before closing the door

I made my way to my room and put the jewelry set away before going to fix my makeup. As I was fixing my makeup, I couldn't help but think that this night is going to be a night filled with the most fun that I've had in a while.