Chapter 18: Christmas

A soft light welcomed my eyes before the dull pain in my stomach woke me even more as the pain of my phantom limbs brought me back into reality. Instinctively, I went to brush my hair out of my face with my left hand but then I remembered that I didn't have it anymore. After I resorted to using my right hand to brush the hair out of my face I looked around. Where my right leg once was, was a package that was wrapped in a shining red and a light green ribbon. Groaning, I leaned over to open it but that was when Renée came in to help

"Let me help you with that," she said as I looked at her with surprise, "didn't expect me to be, here did you?"

"No," I croaked, "you're not usually here," I added as she smiled, I cleared my throat. "What's the occasion," I asked nodding my head to the package

Renée only smiled, "You'll find out," she said as I sat up a bit more, "come on, let's open it," she added before starting with the ribbon with one hand as I used my right hand to pull it. Soon enough the ribbon and wrapping paper were off to reveal a white box. Renée held the box as I opened it to reveal two prosthetics that seemed like they were my limbs. "Merry Christmas sweetheart," Renée began looking at me with a smile. "This is from the cast, crew, some of your friends and their family," she finished as the tears of happiness streamed down face

"Thank you," I cried but then realization struck me, "is it Christmas?"

Renée shook her head with a smile, "No, that's tomorrow but we'd like to have our girl able to move and get to her surprise. Is it bad that we wanted you to live your life dancing and singing the way that we want you too," she asked as I smiled

"No," I said with a smile as the tears continued to come, "let's get these on," I began. "The sooner I get them on the faster I will get used to them," I said as Renée chuckled while waving a doctor in

With help from the doctor and Renée, I already had the limbs on and was moving them. "It seems like it helps to put prosthetics on right after you wake up from amputation," the doctor said as I moved my arm up and down. "Could you please try standing up," he asked and I nodded, sliding myself off the bed. I shivered once my left foot touched the cold floor but I continued putting weight on both of my legs and soon I was standing on them. "Could you try walking to Mrs. Goldsberry," the doctor asked me as I shifted my stance and walked towards her as I normally would. "You walked perfectly," he breathed as I looked at him with a smile, "here catch this with your left hand."

With that, he threw a pen in my direction and I easily caught it as if I wasn't using a prosthetic. "I'm amazing myself with this," I said as Renée chuckled, "I didn't think I'd pick something like this up so easily," I added as the doctor smiled

"Have you ever favored your right leg before," he asked and I nodded, "when?"

"Doctor," I began, "I believe I can tell you that I've had to favor every limb before considering the homes I've been through," I answered as his lips thinned and he nodded

"Understandable," he said then turned to Renée, "seeing as she already knows how to move in them you just need to sign the papers and she'll be clear to leave. But remember to be careful of the stomach wound, just as you were with Samantha," he said and she nodded as he turned to me once more. "Some clothes will be brought in for you to change into in the meantime," he said as I nodded

"Thank you, doctor," I said with a grin as he returned the smile before leaving with Renée

Now that I was alone in my room, I looked closer at them realizing that they looked like they were a part of my body. Each joint had a gap to move but it was too big to have someone notice that it was fake. Where the prosthetics connected to my shoulder and hip it blended in almost perfectly. I moved my arm up and down once more and flexed my fingers before I balanced on my left foot and flexed my toes. With a wide grin, I jumped into the air with a cheer

A chuckle came from the doorway as I landed feeling the throb of pain in my stomach increase. "It seems that you got used to those pretty quickly," the voice of a nurse said from behind me. "Just be careful jumping around or you may tear the stitches in your stomach," she added as I smiled sheepishly while turning around

"I'd rather not do that," I said with a small chuckle, "thank you for taking care of me, I should thank the whole hospital now that I think about it," I said thinking aloud. "I've been here at the least two times in the past month, I'd probably die if it weren't for people as awesome as you," I added as the nurse with clothes smiled a real smile

"Well then," she began as she set the clothes on my bed, "I guess that I'll have to pass that around to other nurses. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays," she said before she left

I smiled and wished her well before I started changing, I wanted to get out of this hospital gown as soon as possible. Soon I found myself wearing jeans, a fleece, a t-shirt, and tennis shoes. By the time I was done getting dressed Renée walked in

"I would've helped you if you waited for five minutes," she said with a glare as I smiled

"I didn't need any," I said nonchalantly

"But Samantha did," she started with a questioning eyebrow

I shrugged, "We are two different people," I said and she rose her eyebrows in thought before nodding in agreement. "Let's go," I began, "I want to get out of this place."

Renée nodded as she led me out of the hospital and into the car, "Music choice," she asked me and I smiled

"Renée," I began, "do you even have to ask, 'tis the season for Christmas music," I finished as she started laughing

"Christmas music it is," she said while starting the music, "but you are beginning with one of your traditional songs," I chuckled before I started to sing Carol of the Bells and many well known Christmas songs. Soon we were back at Richard Roger's, before we entered Renée gave me a warning. "Some of your friends stayed here to see you return so you may be attacked by some people," she began. "Sammy has been staying there since she left the hospital since her parents didn't want to take any risks," she finished and I nodded

"So, I may be attacked by three friends and most likely a whole cast," I said as she grinned while I moved to get out of the car

"Big-time," she said as I stepped out, she stayed in the car a little longer then stepped out after me. After we talked to the guard, he let us in through the side door, Renée walked in first and I walked in after her. Soon after I walked in and Renée was out of the way I was tackled by someone a lot taller than any of my friends.

"Rose Abigail Stevens-Goldsberry," the voice said before he tackled me, "stop scaring us like that."

I chuckled into John's chest, "Sorry, Groffsauce," I said, "could you please let me go, I'd rather be more than a few steps in before more people come tackling me."

With a chuckle, he stepped away, "It's okay," he began with a wide grin, "come on, there are some people who are dying to see you."

"Can we not joke about dying," I asked with a pout, "I almost died in the span of one month," I added as he started running to the stage. "And slow down, I can't run right now, Sammy isn't the only one who got shot in the stomach," I added once more as I rushed to follow him

As soon as I made it onto the stage, I didn't have time to look for him as two people charged me. One of them had ginger hair while the other had electric blue hair and a small bump on her stomach. Once I noticed what the small bump was my heart melted to know that she survived.

"Cass," Maria began yelling across the stage, "Rose is back," she finished and soon a third person joined in the makeshift group hug but she had something to say.

"If you keep this up one of us may have a heart attack," she said as she wrapped her arms around the three of us.

"Yeah," a voice began from behind us, "like me," it added with a pause. I pushed away from the three people hugging me to see Renée with tears running down her cheeks. "Every single day I was wondering if I was going to get a call saying you ripped your stitches or they found some internal bleeding. I was wondering if I was going to get that call saying you died or something happened to the hospital and you weren't a survivor of whatever happened," she slid down a pillar as her emotions took over. All of us were speechless as she continued, "I prayed every night and day for the call saying you could come home. I wanted to spend more than one month," she paused. "So much happened that this doesn't feel like a month but it has been a month and I'd want you to survive and have the happy life that Ben and Bri have," she finished in a crying heap.

I looked over to my three friends, two of which only nodded while the other one had tears threatening to roll down her cheek. "Renée," I began rushing to her side and sitting down across from her. "I'm sorry that this has been happening ever since you adopted me. Just know that I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon," I paused as she looked up to me, "Renée," I paused, "Mom," I corrected as the happiness in her eyes reappeared. "Cass and Maria can vouch for me when I say that no one can replace my biological mother but you come a close second. You have shown me the care and love that I haven't seen in years," I breathed as my emotions threatened to show, these would be more happiness than sadness but it wasn't my time to cry. "Mom," I began once more, "you will be able to spend the rest of your life with me even if it has its twists and turns. No matter what happens I will not give up on you, I promise that," I finished while hugging her. She nodded into my shoulder as it got wet from her tears

A sniff came from behind us as Sammy said something, "This may be a little too early," she began. "But that was the most heart-warming thing I've heard in a long time."

Mom and I chuckled, "That was perfect timing, Samantha," Mom said as I stood up and walked over to the blue-haired girl that I haven't seen since the shooting.

"Yes, it was," I began as I looked at her from head to toe, "thank you for staying alive," I added as the tears of happiness came and I hugged her.

"It's good to be alive," she began returning the hug, "no matter what happens remember that. I will be a friend of yours through anything and everything," she finished as she returned the hug. "And I should thank you for staying alive since you went through more than I did," she added as I chuckled once more

"I lost too many people around me in this life I'd rather not lose anymore," I began. "That's why I thanked you, but why are you thanking me?"

Sammy smiled, "Because you have a promise to keep for me," she said with the grin

I thought for a minute, "That's right Sams," I began as her smile disappeared to be replaced with a glare. "I have to give you happy memories, I haven't been doing too well with that," I added with a nervous chuckle

"No, you haven't Rosy," she said as I glared back at her, "you have some making up to do," she added with a grin

"She came up with a nickname for you too," Cass said in shock, "She's been calling me Cassie since I met her."

"You must have messed up on something," I said to her with a chuckle

"No, I haven't," Sammy said and I arched an eyebrow, "I like to give everyone their nickname. It's how I remember them better," she explained then thought for a minute. "I don't know what to do with Maria though," she said in thought

"How about Miss Reynolds," I asked as she beamed and Maria glared at me

"Yes," she said the same time Maria voiced her opinion


Renée sniffed then chuckled, "You two are cute," she said with a smile, "let's go show everyone that you're back."

With a nod, I walked with her and Sammy as Cassie and Miss Reynolds kept behind us grumbling with the new nicknames. As soon as I found Lin, he darted onto the stage with a megaphone of all things

"What is he doing and why does he have a megaphone," I asked him as Mom chuckled

"I asked Lac that same question and he only shrugged," she said with a smile as I returned it before walking onto the stage

I wasn't expecting to see the whole cast and crew waiting for me after Lin's call but they were there looking at me with smiles. I stood there, in shock, before Lin leaned over to remind me, they had a show that day.

I nodded then began talking, "I want to begin with a huge thank you to all of you," I started with a smile. "Because of y'all I'm able to stand here and I'm still able to do what I love. Because of all of you, I remember what kind of love I was missing in my life; I have been missing the love of a caring family and friends ever since I was orphaned at eleven. I have been abused and forgotten ever since I moved here but you have shown me that I wasn't forgotten in the world and that there are people out there who'd care for me. I only carried on because of that dream, but as that dream was fading, I met Renée, that strengthened it. When her, Lin, and Daveed came to save me from my foster brothers I didn't realize that you would be the ones that would make my dream come true," once more tears of happiness rolled down my cheek. "I am only standing here, looking and feeling like a female Full Metal Alchemist, because of you two. Not a single one of you caused whatever happened to me, no one here could've imagined the things that occurred during this month, but here I am," I paused. "Still standing thanks to you for being the amazing family that you are and stay awesome," I finished as tears continued coming. Soon that dull pain increased and I doubled over, "I need to sit down somewhere," I said with a groan

"I'll help you," Sammy said, "I need to do that a few times too, it gets better after a week or two."

Soon I found myself sitting at the edge of the stage with her help, "Thanks," I said trying to breathe through the pain

"If you need any help with that just tell me and I'll help," she said as I sighed

"I'm sorry," I said and she looked at me

"What for," she asked arching a blonde eyebrow

���For putting you through that," I explained noticing how silent the cast and crew were

"There's no need for you to be sorry," she began, "like you said none of us could've imagined that to happen. It's not like you planned this to happen," she paused then chuckled. "If you planned it, you wouldn't have acted the way you did," she finished as I smiled looking out into the house

"She's right," a voice said from behind me and I craned my neck to see Cass standing at the edge of the stage. She then dropped down and sat at the edge of the stage with us as Maria followed close behind. "You kept telling me those same things after the crash," she began. "It was hard but after a while, I started to believe it, and ever since you disappeared from Toledo and all of your social media, I kept telling Maria that same thing. Neither of us can know what's going to happen in our life but we just have to roll with the punches life gives us."

Maria nodded, "When life gives you lemons," she said leaving the phrase hanging in the air as I looked over to realize she was trying to make the Vine reference without the cereal box

"I think you're missing something, Miss Reynolds," I said with a chuckle as she glared and someone else sat next to us with a sigh

"Sometimes I forget how comfortable it is to sit at the edge of a stage," Lin said thoughtfully as we laughed, he jumped. "Right," he began after cursing, "Rose, we are glad to call you our child. We will do everything to help, protect, and take care of you and the ones you love. That is up to and including taking in another child if something comes up," he said with a smile, "Now go get some rest Mija, these three will walk with you to your room."

I chuckled once more as the cast and crew all agreed, "Okay," I said raising my hands, "I'll go get some rest," I looked around me as everyone looked at the three of us

"But first," Sammy said, "photo op?"

Mom chuckled, "You read my mind, Samantha," she said as I just noticed her behind me. "This one's going to include the whole cast," she added as I smiled, "and it's going in that locket that you got."

I smiled as I remembered the locket that I left here that day because it didn't go with the dress, "I guess I have a lot of pictures to take to fill it up," I said as I noticed someone in the fifth row holding a camera

"We'll help you with that," Sammy said as I chuckled just as the crew member stopped moving

"Say cheese," she said as we all smiled

"Hamilton," Lin said as the camera flashed then we all broke into laughter, "what, it was to ease the tension."

"That was a good way to ease the tension Lin," Renée said, "let's get ready for the show and let these girls get some rest. Sammy and Rose need it more than the other two," she added as they all nodded

Soon I found myself upstairs in my room with the help of Cass while Sammy had some help from Maria. "Who's been staying in my room," I asked looking around it to see things scattered around

"That would be me," Sammy answered, "sorry, I haven't had the opportunity to clean up since everyone is on my back to make sure I don't hurt myself."

I chuckled as I sat on my bed, "It's okay," I began, "as long as you own up to anything you break," I finished as both Cass and Maria laughed nervously. "Those two know what happens from experience," I added as she sat next to me

"You don't want to know what happens when she's angry," Cass said, "I've seen that many times."

Sammy rested her head on my shoulder, "I will keep that in mind," she said dreamily then yawned. "Suddenly I'm really tired," she said as I smiled pushing a strand of hair out of her face

"Me too," I said as I realized exhaustion ebbed at the edges of my consciousness, "what time is it?"

Cass checked her phone, "Miraculously it's already eight-thirty," she said, "but your exhaustion might be because you haven't done a lot the past few days."

I nodded thinking that Sammy was also secluded to sitting in a hospital bed as I was, "I think sleep is in order since I believe a lot is going to happen tomorrow since it is Christmas," I said as both of them nodded. "Go home," I said to them, "you both probably haven't been home in weeks and are missing a comfortable bed," I added as they both nodded

"But what about you two," Maria asked

"We can take care of ourselves," I said as I felt Sammy's head sliding on my shoulder. I shrugged waking her up, "if we need any help, we can easily call someone from the cast to help one of us. You both need your rest too," I added as Sammy nodded groggily before falling into the bed behind me

The two in front of me chuckled, "All right, if you say so,�� Cass said with a grin, "see you guys tomorrow."

With a wave and a hug from both of them they were gone, I sighed and looked behind me to see Sammy looking up at the ceiling in thought. "What are you thinking about," I asked her as she moved her head to look at me

"I'm just wondering why someone as awesome as you could go through this much shit," she muttered as I shrugged my jacket off and layed next to her

"I wonder that myself but you are more awesome than I am," I said as she shot a glare at me

"How so?"

"Oh, come on," I began as a grin formed on my face, "you got shot and yet you were still able to call the police. Also, you stayed with me while I was in the hospital when Ric died," I paused. "You are right next to Cass in the list of awesome friends that I have," I finished as she chuckled

"Well you're at the top of mine," she said and I arched an eyebrow, "you've survived two car crashes, a shooting, and survived being tossed between abusive foster homes. What can be any more awesome than that," she asked as I sighed

"I never thought that was awesome," I said imagining everyone that I've lost in that first car crash

"Rose," Sammy breathed, "If I hurt you with that, I'm sorry, what I was meaning is that you're practically immortal and have more strength than I would ever have."

Once she said that memories of the past suicide attempts crossed my mind, I definitely wouldn't have been able to do this when I was eleven. "Thanks, Sams," I said with a smirk

"Anytime, Rosy," she said glaring at me, I shot a glare back, "you'll get used to it," she said with a laugh as I smiled

"I'll hold you to that," I said as she grinned, "was it your parents that helped with these prosthetics?"

"Yeah," she said, "they paid for a good part of them as a thank you for saving my life."

I sighed, "I supposed I should thank them too," I said as she smiled

"I mean you don't have to thank them face to face if you don't want to," she said looking up at the ceiling once more. "I could always tell them that you said thanks," she added as I smiled

"Thank you for that," I said as my mind started to wander, soon enough I fell asleep in the comforts of my bed

Before I knew it, I woke up on my right side to my phone going off with a text. Renée was texting me to wake up and get downstairs as soon as I was dressed and ready to go. Groggily I took a shower after noticing that Sammy wasn't in the room anymore. I got dressed in a light blue t-shirt, torn jeans that had grey leggings underneath, and a jean jacket with converse. Once I scaled the steps as fast as I could while keeping my stomach wound in mind, I got another text.

Mom: Go onto the stage and stand center stage to begin the first part of your surprise

After reading and replying to it, I pocketed my phone and followed the directions. Once I was centerstage I saw Cass standing there grinning from ear to ear

"Good morning Cass," I began, "you're up early even for Christmas," I finished with a chuckle while hugging her

"Well this is for the surprise," she said with an even bigger smile, "follow me."

I chuckled, "Well then," I said as she started walking without me, "I guess I'll follow you but remember I can't walk that fast yet."

As she laughed, we wound our way throughout the theater with me hearing footsteps from behind, but whenever I looked, I didn't see anything. After some twists and turns and some stairs in which Cass needed to help me, we were on the roof.

"Now," Cass began as I saw a blur of blue hair run outside with us, "we wait."

I shivered, "What are all three of us waiting for? Without any warmth or food, Mom should've told me to bring my coat."

Cass smiled, "First of all," she began tossing me a coat, "I didn't bring you up here to have you freeze to death. You should know that I don't like freezing myself," she paused as she shrugged on a coat of her own. "Secondly, I'm waiting on a text from your mother to say when they're ready and as for food," she paused motioning to a nearby table that was set up with food. "I also have that covered," she finished as I smiled shuffling to the warm food

Sammy finally showed herself, "She doesn't want to kill us, Rosy," she said with a grin

I glared at her, "What did I say about the death jokes yesterday?"

They replied at the same time, "Not to say them."

"It's fine," I said before sitting at the table, "I haven't had this kind of French toast in a long time."

They both chuckled, "I do remember some of your favorite things," she said as I grinned with a mouthful of French toast. They chuckled once more before joining me at the table and eating. Soon we found ourselves looking up at the sky and waiting when Cass asked me something I didn't expect, "Are you nervous?"

"What about," I asked back as Sammy lifted her head to listen in

Cass shrugged, "Going back to school, getting back to life itself," she replied

I shrugged back, "I never really thought about it but yeah, I am," I replied

"How come," Sammy asked

"I mean those were my old foster brothers," I began, "and they shot up the school looking for me. What if they hate me for being the cause of students' lives being threatened?"

"You saved the whole school," Sammy said

"You saved her," Cass added as Sammy sat up and nodded

"Rose," she began, "did Renée ever tell you how many people died?"

"No," I replied sitting up, "how many?"

Sammy sighed, "Only five people died and most of them were teachers," she began. "Most of the people that were shot, including you and me, survived their wounds and are living to tell the tale. Those foster brothers had the aim of a StormTrooper from Star Wars," she explained and I chuckled just as Cass's phone went off.

"That's your mother Rose," she said, "it's time to go see your surprise. Be sure to wait by the stage entrance until my text."

As she was saying this, we were standing up, taking our coats off, and heading for the door. "Aye, aye Captain," I said as Sammy chuckled

After we wove ourselves back to the stage I stopped where Cass told me to and waited. Soon enough, I got a text and then walked to the stage once more, once I got there I stood in the spotlight."

"Good," the voice of Lac said from under my feet, "now sing any song you want."

I sang a song that was from one of Renée's biggest shows, there was some Christmas in it but it wasn't dedicated as a Christmas song. Once I finished singing Out Tonight cheers sounded all around me as the lights started coming up

"They should cast you as the next Mimi," Pippa said as Mom laughed

"That was beautiful my dear," she said as the lights finished turning on showing the whole cast surrounding me with Cass, Maria, and Sammy. "Merry Christmas Rose," they said in unison as they held gifts wrapped in different colors than my adoption celebration

"Thank you," I cried as I looked at the people surrounding me and radiating the love of a family that I missed so much.