Chapter 27: Seeing Rachel

I was woken up in the Poseidon cabin with a kiss on the lips and pain throughout my body. I opened my eyes to see Sammy with a big grin, we stayed there for the whole weekend so we could get rid of the anger associated with the memories that we had. We knew that something big was coming and everyone didn't want the people that they think are going to be the heroes this time to be swarmed with PTSD attacks. I looked into her eyes and smiled

"I'm guessing Percy let you in to wake me up this time," I said as she giggled

"Yeah but then he left the cabin to take care of something," she said as I pushed myself up on the bunk

I slept in the Athena the night before and I almost went crazy with all of the questions about what happened. At that point, I didn't want to talk about it so I just did what Annabeth had suggested and put the pillow over my head. They seemed to have gotten the message and left me be but when I woke up, I was soaked in water. Apparently, when I am asleep, I am not water-proof as I am when I'm awake

"Well then," I began as I sat up in the bunk, "I'll take that over waking up completely soaked in the Athena cabin. I think some of them still hate the relationship between Percy and Annabeth."

Sammy chuckled, "Can I sit next to you on here," she asked, "I kind of missed cuddling up to you at night."

I patted on a spot next to me, "Do you even need to ask," I said as she chuckled before throwing herself onto the bed next to me. "One thing's for sure this is ending better than the last time you woke me up like that," I said as she rested her head on my shoulder

"Yeah," she began, "why do I have a feeling that's not going to be the worst thing that happens before all of this legacy stuff?"

"You and me both," I said before looking at her, "you want to go see my child before things get rough?"

Sammy chuckled, "You bet I do," she said, ���before we leave can I have another one of those?"

"I mean I do owe you one," I said before kissing her

Suddenly the door opened and I heard a groan, "Could you two warn me if you're going to do that," Percy asked and I blushed

"I mean at least we weren't making love to each other," Sammy said as I started laughing

"She's not wrong Dad," I said as he blushed

"I came to tell you that it's almost time to eat and train for the last part of today before you go back to the theater," he said as we nodded just as the conch sounded. "There's breakfast," he said as we both chuckled, "I'll see you two at the mess hall and Sammy can't sit at the Poseidon table today. Chiron says that you two should sit by your parents who are still here," he said as we both nodded

"Thanks, Dad," I began, "we'll be there soon," I finished before he walked out of the door

"I wonder what the old centaur has planned," Sammy said as I shrugged

"That makes three of us," I said pointing my head, "after Percy said that Annabeth started muttering possibilities of what Chiron will do. We both know that it's not to introduce us to the whole camp considering we have been here for two days."

Sammy chuckled and stood up pulling my hand with her, "We'll find out once we get to breakfast," she said as she pulled me up. "Aren't you starving," she asked just as my stomach grumbled to life

"Yes, I am," I said with a smile, "let's get going before Leo burns anything down because he's waiting for you."

Sammy chuckled, "Before we leave," she said before rising on her tiptoes to kiss me. I savored it as I held her waist, "I think after the events of that past two days we are entitled to make love with each other," she said. "That is if you're ready for it," she added as I grinned

"I'll get back to you on that," I said with the grin as she copied it right before I smirked

"What are you doing," Sammy asked her grin fading as I felt the familiar pull in my gut as the water rose from the fountain

"You love me, Sams," I said just as I let the water hover over her, "see you later," I added just as the water landed on her and I rushed out the door.

"Zoë," Sammy yelled by the time I made it to the Athena cabin

"What did you do," Malcolm said looking at me

"I may or may have not pulled a Percy on my girlfriend during a romantic moment," I answered as he snickered

"I'm not helping you with that," he said, "just be sure Annabeth doesn't control you for whatever punishment that Sammy has for you."

Just then I felt like I was pushed into the back of my head, "Thanks for the suggestion Malcolm," she said as I groaned

Why can't I just mess with my girlfriend mom, I asked as I tried to get control back to run from my girlfriend who had already dried herself

Because you need to deal with the consequences of your actions and from what I know of experience is that people who get wet unexpectedly tend to hold onto their revenge until the right moment, she answered as I sighed

Malcolm smiled, "Good luck with that Jackson," he began as his gaze darted toward Sammy. "And please make sure she doesn't burn anything down," he added walking away

"You know I wouldn't let her do that," Annabeth said to her retreating half-brother. "Hello Samantha," my mother said with a smile, "what will Zoë's punishment be?"

"Hey there Annabeth," Sammy began, "the punishment will come in the time we need to get to breakfast before someone comes searching for us."

Annabeth nodded my head, "That is true, I hope your punishment is good for her," she said before I was pushed to the forefront of my mind

"Let's go," Sammy growled, taking my hand and dragging me to the dining pavilion, "you'll get your punishment later but for now no kisses until then."

I sighed dejectedly as she let me go, "At least a hug," I asked with a pout as she sighed

"Fine, a hug and only that," she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist

I hugged her back but when I went to walk away, she took my arm and the next thing I knew I was on my back learning how to breathe again. "Well," I began, "there's part of it," I finished as she knelt on my chest

"No," she began with a smirk as her face neared mine, "I took a page out of your mother's book. I can't go without kisses," she said before she kissed me in front of the whole pavilion

Once we parted the members of the Aphrodite cabin cooed just as a flash came from a nearby table. "I guess that picture is going to go in my necklace," I said with a smirk. "By the way, Annabeth says good choice," I added as Sammy blushed before smiling

She then got off of my chest and helped me up, "You're not forgiven that easily though," she said with a smirk. "I'll find a way to get you with my powers," she added as the color drained from my face. "Go get some food Jackson, I'll see you later," she finished as she pecked me on the cheek

"See you later," I said as I leaned into the kiss before walking up to the table where my father sat. "Good morning Dad," I said as he shoveled in a fork full of blue eggs into his mouth

"Morning Zoë," he said with a mouthful of them as I sat down and thought about blueberry waffles. "So, I take it you splashed some water from the fountain on Sammy," he asked once he swallowed

I nodded as I took a bite from my waffles, "Yeah and I ruined a romantic moment while I was at it," I said with a smirk

"You are most definitely my daughter," he said with a chuckle, "I wonder where she got the idea of judo flipping you."

I shrugged before swallowing, "She probably got it from Cal," I suggested as he nodded

"You're probably right," he began as he took a drink of whatever was in his cup just as two other people sat on either side of me. "Oh, by the way, I picked up your sisters before you woke up," he added as I was attacked by two side hugs

"Truth be told it is still weird that we're blood relatives but I'll take it," Cass said as Maria hugged my waist

"Me too," I added as I returned the hug to two of them

Suddenly Chiron got our attention by stomping one of his hooves, "Demigods," he began then looked at the three of us then at Sammy. "And our first legacies in centuries," he paused as the pavilion cheered. "As you may already know we have some of our fellow campers missing but the consciousness of one has been found with her body. We do not know what to do to bring them back to the present but we will do whatever research is necessary to bring back our friends. For now, I would like it if those of you who go outside of the border keep an eye out of these missing people along with their children," he said as I looked at Percy

"Where did you find mom's body," I asked him as he glanced at me

"Near her house why," he asked as I raised a hand

"Yes legacy," he said, "before you say anything would you state your name and your parents?"

I nodded, "Good morning everybody," I began, "I am Zoë Jackson the eldest child of Percy and Annabeth. I have an idea about where these missing people might be considering where my father found my mother's body," I said as everyone stared at me

"What is your idea Ms. Jackson," Chiron asked looking at me

I sighed, "We could try looking near their parent's homes," I began, "Percy just informed me that Annabeth was found by her father's house."

"But what about the people who have been resurrected," Nico's voice asked, "or people who are a child of a Titan? We're going to need a quest to look for Calypso in that case," he added and I nodded

"For people who may not have homes anymore I suggest looking at key locations for them," I answered. "For example, someone could go to Alaska to look for Hazel which I understand is a dangerous adventure in of itself so I'd suggest taking more than three people to check there unless it's children of the Big Three," I said as Chiron nodded

"You certainly have your mother's brains," he said with a chuckle, "who will take up the adventure to Alaska?"

"I'll go," Percy said just as Frank, Jason, and Nico bounced up

"We'll go," the three said in unison as both Annabeth and I chuckled

"Where would we be looking," Nico asked, "Hazel has lived in two places in her past so she could be anywhere."

I thought for a minute, "The four of you could go to Alaska," I began, "while two others could go to New Orleans,��� I finished. "Or three if Chiron isn't sure with there being only two demigods on that trip," I suggested as the centaur smiled

"I will approve of this," he began, "who will go on the trip to New Orleans while Percy, Nico, Jason, and Frank go to Alaska?"

"I shall offer my services," Leo said standing up just as Thalia stood

"I will go as well," she began, "I know the area pretty well and the huntresses need their rest."

"I'll go," Cass said standing up next to me as I arched an eyebrow, "being one of the children who has already been found I would like to take part in this search."

I smiled and nodded, "Stay safe," I said as I looked up to the old centaur, "I have completed my suggestions."

"What about Cal," Leo said looking around then at Sammy, "where would she be?"

"If my suggestion is right, she would be at Mount Oryths," I began, "we'd need a question to go there but I don��t think Chiron would mind if there wasn't a prophecy by the summer that your daughter, me, and my sisters will go and look for her."

"I do not object to that," Chiron said as Sammy looked at me and smiled before her eyes turned brown and she nodded. I then looked at my sisters who also nodded

How in the world did you get those ideas, Annabeth asked as I sat down and Chiron concluded the announcement with something else

"Before the legacies leave in their respective ways, I would like to invite all of you to watch a duel that Percy and Leo scheduled between two legacies," he began as I directed my gaze to my father who started stuffing his face with more eggs. "The two eldest legacies shall face each other an hour after breakfast in the arena," he added. "That concludes my announcements please finish eating," he finally finished before climbing off the stage

"So," I began, "are Sammy and I only using weapons, or are we using our powers?"

"You are not to hold back on each other," Percy began as he chuckled, "if Annabeth and I were fighting each other Chiron would forbid any easy-going since she doesn't have any powers. I expect the same," he finished as Sammy came up to me

"Did you know about this," she asked me and I shook my head, "I don't want to hurt you," she added as I smiled

"Don't worry," I began, "I'll heal," I added as she glared at me, "do not be afraid to hurt me. For Hades' sake woman please don't hold back with your attacks for all you know you might need to fight me at one point or another."

"Just to let you know I will not be betting on Zoë to win considering you do have payback to do," Maria said as I glanced at her

"I'm not betting at all," Cass said, "I just want to see who kicks each other's ass," she added as Percy shot a glare at her. "Sorry," she said as she shrunk in her seat

"Just because you've graduated from high school does not give you a pass from the no cussing rule here," he said just as Cass shoveled some cereal into her mouth. "Annabeth and I would not hold back on each other Samantha," he began as Sammy turned her head to face him. "I don't expect you to do any less than my wife," he finished as he stood with his plate half-full. "I hope your three didn't forget your offerings," he added as Cass started drinking from the bowl

I looked at my waffles that were half-eaten, "I'll be up there in a second," I said since I didn't have an appetite anymore. "You heard my father, and Cal is probably saying the same thing," I began to Sammy. "Don't hold back on me Valdez, just because we're in a relationship doesn't mean life won't throw curveballs at us."

She nodded, "You're right," she began, "I'll see you in the arena then Jackson," she said with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"You got that right, Valdez," I said before giving her a peck on the cheek and heading to the front of the pavilion. After scraping the rest of my waffles off my plate and praying to Athena and Poseidon I put my plate and cup in with the other dishes and ran up to Percy and punched him in the arm. "That's for planning this without telling us or letting us mentally prepare," I said as he rubbed his arm in mock pain

"I mean you do have to prepare yourself for sudden battles," he said as I glared at him. "All right it was Leo's idea not mine," he said raising his hands, "you most definitely have a combination of your mother's glare and mine it's like looking into a mirror sometimes," he said as I chuckled

"That's good to keep in mind," I began, "you're not shoving me away what do you want?"

Percy chuckled, "Are you like reading my mind or something," he asked as I arched an eyebrow. "All right come with me," he said as we walked to the cabin, "I got some armor for your duel against Sammy. It's more along the lines of ancient Greek armor but still sticks with today's modern times. It can be hidden either as a pendant or underneath your clothes," he said as we walked into the cabin and handed me a package

I took it in my hands and opened it, the armor had a blue-green tint to it when the sunlight showed on it but without the light, it looked storm grey like Annabeth's eyes. I strapped the chest plate on and rapped on it with my knuckles, "Thanks dad," I said as I started putting on the gauntlets that were more like wrist warmers than medieval armor. Soon enough all that I had left to put on was the helmet which had an owl holding a trident. "Does Athena know about this," I asked and he nodded

"She approved of the image before the marriage," he answered, "it's frightening how friendly her and my father are now."

I chuckled as Percy shivered, "Well you are one of the people to fix the bond between the two," I said with a smile as I tied my hair into a bun.

"Not wrong there," he said as I smirked, "do you see your bracelets and everything?"

He was referring to the windows on the wrists of my armguards, I could hold my hand up to block a weapon and check to see if my daggers had returned to me. "Yes," I answered as I grabbed my pens; sadly, there wasn't an armored pocket for them so I had to uncap them and put them in their sheaths before I went out onto the battlefield. "This is a good idea with keeping the pens in sword formation," I said as Percy arched an eyebrow. "That way whenever I fight a new enemy, they only think I have two weapons and not five or ten," I explained as he nodded

"You're not wrong there," he said as I sheathed the weapons, he then let out a low whistle. "It's already been forty-five minutes," he said as I slid the helmet on

"You're kidding," I said once the helmet clicked into place

Percy chuckled then shook his head, ��Sadly no but after this, you'll just need to press the owl and trident symbol to shrink it and a pendant should appear you bring it up again."

I nodded, "Thanks, Dad," I said before turning to face the door, "let's go," I said with a smirk. "I got a Valdez to soak," I added as Percy chuckled opening the door for me

Being in the armor was almost as terrible as combining the ninety-degree heat of Toledo with the sauna-like room temperatures of dorms that I visited. If I hadn't been wearing my clothes underneath, I would've felt the metal and leather sticking to my thighs with each step. I still felt it somewhat since I was still wearing shorts that the Aphrodite cabin supplied me with. I would like to have a talk with those kids after this because I'm pretty sure the guys wouldn't be too fond of being given short shorts when something happens to their clothes. With Annabeth's directions, I made it to the arena and scanned the area. Campers were lined all around the field in elevated seats some of them standing to watch. I saw Cass and Maria standing off to the side closest to me but I had a feeling that Sammy was there without me even seeing her. I looked around and saw Leo with his second in command, Nyssa; the father of my girlfriend was grinning mischievously as I heard the loud twang of a bow-string being released. Quickly I reached into the armor and pulled the button on the watch that Poseidon gave me before rolling out of the way of the arrow that would've killed me. Just as soon as the shield was forming, I stood up and scanned the area along the walls. I heard another sound and spun around to see an arrow coming towards me. I raised the shield to block it and summoned a wave of water to hit both walls right in the middle. It was enough water to cover even the edges and have some campers cursing because of their wet socks.

With that wave, I saw Sammy leaping down from her perch and spluttering water out of her mouth. "Fine then," she said, "sword and dagger fight," she ordered taking off her helmet. I did the same after pushing a button on my shield so it disappeared, I then flicked my wrist and unsheathed one of my swords.

"You got it, Valdez," I said before we dashed up meeting each other in the middle of the arena with our weapons. We traded blow after blow before my sword was forced out of my hand. I ducked Sammy's sword and rolled away from her dagger before I tried to knock her off of her feet. Unlike Percy and Annabeth, she dodged it before chuckling.

"Some tactics get old after a while," she said as I smirked, rolling out of the way of her sword that would've been fatal to me.

"Maybe that tactic was used to be expected," I said with the smirk as a jet of water hit her in the chest making her stumble

"Zoë," Chiron's voice began

"Yeah," I called back as I resumed trading blows with my girlfriend

"Please be sure that you don't have your flame immunity during this since it only seems fair without it," he said as I mentally groaned

"You got it," I said as I willed myself to be burned with any of her fireballs

"And don't suppress any of my flames," she added as an orange glow came to her sword

I covered my dagger with ice before I unsheathed my second sword doing the same, "A fair battle with fire and water," I began. "You have my word," I said as I sensed her flames running through the blade as if it were my own

I dodged a ball of flame while bringing up a wall of water to disintegrate it, I shot another jet of water right in the middle of her chest plate that was stronger than the last. She was knocked down to one of her knees but as I was running to make the threatening move a jet of fire met me in the chest melting my chest plate. I hissed in pain as I took off the piece of armor before it burned me anymore, covering myself with water I dashed to her once more as she traded blow after blow. When she disarmed me again, she grabbed one of my wrists and held onto it as I felt her flames heating the metal of the guard. I hissed in pain once more. I twisted my arm from her grip, the layer of water had evaporated with her touch so it was almost useless whenever her flames came into contact with me.

"How is it handling that fire Jackson," Leo said from behind as I scoffed

"Why are you the only one talking smack Valdez," I said with a growl as I took off the burnt arm guard. "Just because I'm not taking the fire too well doesn't mean I have a plan," I began as I took off the other guard before dashing to my helmet and tapping the symbol. Instantly the helmet disappeared and I felt the armor underneath my clothes already repaired. "After all," I began bringing up a dagger, "I am Annabeth's daughter."

I had no idea whether or not Sammy's armor was the same as mine but I figured that she wouldn't know that I still had it on underneath my clothes with it already repaired. A fireball appeared in her hand as she scrunched her nose in confusion

"Why did you get rid of the rest of your armor," she asked as Annabeth chuckled

"You were probably focusing on burning it all," I began as I took a fighting stance

You're taking the powerless route that I use sometimes, Annabeth thought to me as I smirked when Sammy threw the fireball

Sometimes power isn't what wins, I answered as I dodged the fireball and imagined the Yankees hat. It appeared on my head as I rolled out of the way. Please do remember how I was able to get Percy wet, I thought back to her as Sammy had a worried expression on her face after the fireball disintegrated

"Zoë," she called as I circled her careful of each step I made, "where are you," she asked as the water healed my ankle just as I approached her from behind.

"Somewhere," I said before I heated the dagger and put it against her back as she fell face-first to the ground.

"How does that hurt," she asked dumbfounded as she scrambled from where she thought I was

"Maybe because you haven't learned that you can remove the immunity of an element when you master it," I answered as I stood over her head with an arrow knocked in my bow. "Do you yield, Valdez," I asked her as I willed the hat to be taken off by water

Sammy smirked then heated herself up before twisting her dagger and aiming a stab at my gut. I felt the metal guard melt with the heat at the same time I heard the clang of the dagger hitting my breastplate. I concentrated on aiming the bow at her as she squeaked in pain and my pain died down. "Fine I yield," she said as I smirked and helped her up after dispelling the bow, "Leo told you no fire immunity," she said glaring at me

I smirked, "I didn't have fire immunity," I said as I pressed the owl around my neck and the armor appeared with the burnt metal from the recent incident. "The armor repaired itself once it disappeared," I explained once I showed her my legs. I then tapped the owl twice making the armor disappear completely, suddenly I felt a sharp pain at my shoulder blades. "Who the Hades did that," I asked in shock as Sammy chuckled

I turned to see nothing that would have shot the arrow that lodged its tip in my back. "I found out that with fire that I also have some control with the air," Sammy began as I felt the pain of it being removed. "It's not as strong as your water or my fire powers but it's strong enough to redirect a shot arrow and keep it there until you dispel your armor."

I smirked, "That's smart," I said as she raised her eyebrows, "what," I asked her

"How did you disappear like that," she asked, "I don't remember seeing you have the hat."

"Remember the mist-forms of our mothers," I asked her and she nodded, "I found out that if I solidified the mist-form along with picturing where it is it will appear wherever I want it to."

"Now that is smart," she said with a chuckle before wincing, "let's get healed before going back to the theater."

I nodded as I rolled my shoulders, "I'll take you to the river," I said as someone cleared their throat

"No, you won't," the Apollo counselor growled, "you already used enough of your power so you need to rest."

I sighed then turned to him but then paled when I saw Percy standing next to the temporary counselor. "Water can't help you with everything," Percy began, "it is only a temporary solution to an energy drain. The next show doesn't start until 7, they can go without an ensemble for one show," he said as my shoulders sagged sending some pain from my back

"Fine," I said as Annabeth started telling me that he was right, "lead the way I believe the arrow in the back is some sort of payback for the back pain from yesterday," I said with a smirk as Sammy glared at me, "What?"

"I told you that you don't need payback for something that was an accident," she said with a growl. "So, stop thinking that anything that I'm doing is payback for it," she said as I sighed, "now let's go to the infirmary to rest and heal. Nobody in the cast wants you to pass out during one of your scenes as an ensemble member."

"Fine," I said to her as I let her drag me into the infirmary as exhaustion started to ebb at my consciousness. "Lead the way Valdez," I said as she dragged me to the building with my injuries yelling at me

Percy's P.O.V

"You think they're ready Perce," Leo asked as he came up to me

I sighed, ever since Annabeth disappeared with the kids my mind has been working on overdrive and for somebody who's nicknamed Seaweed Brain it's surprising even to myself. "I think Zoë is somewhat ready," I began as I saw the couple retreating to get healed. "But I don't know about your daughter," I added, "yeah she's been through her troubles but I'm pretty sure everything's going to hit her the hardest."

"Hit who the hardest," a voice said from behind and I mentally curse as I turned to face Bianca and Thalia

"You should tell them," Leo said, "you and I both know that they'll be a part of this," he added before walking to the woods. "Good luck Jackson," he said holding up the peace sign before I turned to the two oldest sisters

"That was Leo wasn't it," Thalia asked and I nodded while I groaned

"Yes, it was," I answered then sighed, "you two come with me I need to tell you things that I'm probably going to tell Zoë later."

"Lead the way then," Bianca said with a nod, "depending on what it is we may or may not tell her since we've been friends with her longer than we've been sisters."

I nodded, "So I've heard," I said as I made my way to my cabin, on the way there I started thinking how to explain everything to them. Bianca was going to go off to New Orleans to look for Hazel but I didn't want it to eat both of them up so much

"What is the great Percy Jackson thinking about," Bianca asked as she leaned up against the fountain. "From what I remember in the books you don't usually have to look of worry on your face for nothing."

I chuckled, "I need to meet that author,��� I began as Thalia sat in a bunk across from me starting to glare. "All right," I said just as Bianca started to glare, "all three of you like getting to the point," I muttered before sighing. "You two know that our dreams won't be pleasant no matter what happens right," I asked as Bianca paled

"You're kidding," she said as I looked at her

"You've seen these dreams too," I asked as she nodded, "what have you been seeing?"

"War," she began, "about three or four things of it with countless deaths," she sighed looking up at Thalia. "All of them ending in our deaths," she said as I nodded

"Those are exactly what I've been seeing," I said as Bianca's gaze darted back to me. "A part of me thinks that those two will need to fight against each as will you two," I said nodding to them. "That's why Leo and I organized the fight between those two," I paused. "I figured that Sammy would be hesitant at first but when Zoë started talking about possible curveballs that this life has every dream started making sense."

"What were some of your dreams," Thalia asked as I looked up at her

"One of them had you," I began pointing towards her, "with a scythe and golden eyes that I hadn't seen since my first war but I don't know how that would happen. You were fighting her while Zoë had purple eyes and was fighting Sammy," I sighed as I remembered another dream. "Another had all you fighting on the same side," I began once more. "Zoë had an inflated stomach as if she was pregnant. Sammy fell just as the opponents disappeared, she had an arrow in between her eyes. Each of you fell along with the other legacies until Bianca and Zoë were left fighting one last Titan," I paused. "This Titan killed Bianca just as Zoë was giving birth to a child, in a fit of pain and anger Zoë sent out a burst of energy with the last push before she died. I don't remember anything else but those are the key points."

I looked up at the two when I finished, Bianca was pale while Thalia looked just as confused as I felt. "Your dreams were a little more detailed than mine but I had similar eye colors for those two," Bianca finally said. "When was the last time you saw the golden eyes and who was the one controlling."

"It was my first war alongside your mother and this camp," I began as I remembered all that was lost in that war. "We were fighting the titan of time," I paused, "his name is Kronos and he was in control of a good friend of Annabeth and a teacher to me. But at the end he was the real hero of that war, he took Annabeth's dagger and killed himself by stabbing his Achilles Curse," I finished as Bianca's face held a look as if she just remembered everything that I was just saying.

Bianca then nodded, "I remember reading about it," she said, "so you think he may come back but you don't know how?"

I nodded, "He isn't supposed to come back in our lifetime because he wasn't assembled as a Titan," I began. "We came close plenty of times but he was never formed," I finished looking up at them.

"We'll do what we can to prepare ourselves and those two," Bianca said with a smirk

I grinned, "Thanks," I said just as the conch sounded, "go get some lunch and don't forget your offerings."

Bianca smirked as she and Thalia left, "Will you be joining us," Bianca asked when she stopped in front of the door

I shook my head, "I need to clear my head of something," I began, "I'll get something to eat later."

Bianca nodded before exiting the cabin, I took the phone out of my pocket that Leo put together for all campers. "Hello," Lin's voice said on the other end

"Hey Lin," I began as I looked at the fountain that Bianca was just leaning on, "I'd like to ask you a favor along with the demigods of the cast," I said as I started talking to him about my plan.

Zoë's/Rose's P.O.V

I had fallen asleep with the taste of my mother's alfredo on my tongue while my back and arms healed. I had woken up to a kiss on my lips and the amber eyes of my girlfriend staring back at me

"Good morning," I said with a smile as Sammy giggled, "Is that going to be your way of waking me up from now on?"

She smirked as her eyes sparkled with happiness, "Maybe," she began, "maybe not depends on the day," she finished as I pushed myself from the bed

"What time is it," I asked her as she checked her phone

"Two-thirty," she answered, "you have time before the show to relax before we leave for the theater."

I smiled as I threw my legs over the edge of the bed, "I'm pretty sure no one would be mad at us for cuddling here," I said as I readjusted the pillows so I could lean on them with Sammy

She shrugged, "You're not wrong there," she said as I leaned back and she climbed into the bed laying her head on my stomach. "I'm afraid," she said after a minute while I went through the dreams that I remembered

"Why," I said as I pictured an arrow going through her amber eyes

"Dreams," she began, "the dreams that I've had in the past pictures a lot of death for both the camp and us."

I nodded, "I've seen that too," I said as I ran my hand through her blonde hair, "From what I remember two wars and about three or four deaths."

"So much death and pain," Sammy said as she buried her face into my stomach

"But we'll get through this," I said as I looked down at her, "I promise," I added just as someone walked in

"What are you two doing," he asked as the both of us chuckled

"We're still resting," I said with a smile as the Apollo kid sighed and walked away

"How did we know that was going happen," Sammy asked in my stomach as I chuckled

"Even I don't know the answer to that one," I said as Sammy chuckled

"The eldest daughter of Annabeth Chase doesn't have any idea how we both expected this to happen," she said with the chuckle as I glared at her. "You love me," she added

"That I do Valdez," I said as Annabeth laughed in my head

"It's good to hear laughter coming from you two," a voice said from the doorway

Sammy and I looked up to see a pale boy wearing all black standing at the doorway, "Who are you," Sammy asked as I chuckled

"I'm guessing Calypso hadn't told you that yet," Nico said with a smile as he nodded toward me. "It's good to see you again Zoë," he said as I nodded

"It's good to see you too Nico," I said with a chuckle, "Sammy, this is Nico Di Angelo son of Hades he is the younger brother of Bianca's namesake."

"It is a pleasure to meet you miss Valdez," he said with a mock bow, "Percy has given me permission to shadow travel you two to the theater instead of going by car. We'd be landing in my sister's dressing room," he said and I nodded, "Thalia, your sister, should be joining us shortly while Percy and Bianca are getting ready for their quests," he added

"What about you and your quest with Percy," I asked as the son of Hades looked up at me

"I'm already packed as I have already looked everywhere that I could go alone to look for Will," he answered as I nodded. "We're either going by sea or air or even seeing if Mrs. O'Leary could give us a ride," he added as I chuckled

"I need to meet that dog," I said, "I'm pretty sure she's going to give me a big kiss," I added as Nico chuckled just as Maria walked in

"It's good to see you laughing Nico," she said as she made it to mine and Sammy's bed. She looked saddened about something but she put on a smile, "You two lovebirds ready to go," she asked as I looked down at Sammy

"I don't know are we," I asked her as she chuckled hitting me in the chest

"Yes, I am," she said, "we have to visit your daughter too," she added as I nodded

"We are ready," I said to Nico who chuckled once more

"Well then get up and let's form a circle," he said as everyone in the room chuckled and Sammy and I stood up

"Don't need to tell us twice," I said as I stood up right next to Sammy, "Let's get going," I added as I linked hands with her and Maria

"This is going to be a bumpy ride for you three so hold on tight," Nico said before we all saw black. It was like all electricity went out of the world and the darkness enveloped us. I felt my hair flying as both Sammy and Maria clenched their hands on mine and we spun in a circle. If you were one of those people who hadn't ridden on one of the adult merry-go-rounds that tipped you over this way of travel wouldn't be for you. We soon landed in front of Pippa as Nico collapsed and Sammy went to the bathroom to throw up.

"Welcome back," Renée said after she glanced at Sammy whose vomiting could be heard from the middle of the room. "Other than one of you puking how are you two doing," she asked me as I smiled

"After she had a PTSD episode of her own," I began as she arched an eyebrow, "and we had a fight that Leo and Percy planned for us as part of our training. We're good," I said as Pippa took care of Nico, laying him on the couch

"You two fought against each other," Jazzy said as I heard the door close

"Yeah, it was an awesome fight to watch," Maria said with a smile on her face, "neither of them held back."

"Who won," Renée asked as Pippa shot a glare, "what I want to see if the girl I adopted won against her girlfriend is that wrong?"

I laughed, "No it's not wrong," I said as Sammy staggered out of the bathroom. "To answer your question Renée," I began with a smirk, "I won that duel," I finished, "but not without some injuries of my own."

"What kind," Pippa asked me as I shrugged

"Some burns and an arrow right in between the shoulder blades," I answered as a mask of worry appeared on her face. "I'm recovered and so is Sammy but it appears even though I won that match I took more damage."

Sammy shook her head while chuckling, "I found many scratches and bruises once I took my armor off," she began. "You may have had the most significant damage but if it wasn't your plan of making the fire burn me, I don't think you'd win."

"You what," Renée and Pippa exclaimed as Jazzy laughed with Maria

I smirked, "When you have powers over a certain element and your opponent has that same power you can over-power their immunity to it. If someone puts too much power into something that immunity would go away temporarily."

"So, what you're saying is that you risked burning yourself to win because you overpowered her immunity to fire," Jazzy asked and I nodded. "Could you do that with Percy," she asked as I chuckled

"I have already done it with Percy, that's how I learned it in the first place," I answered as the three women widened their eyes. "Maria and Cass could do it along with Ric if he was still alive."

"Could I do that," Sammy asked and I looked at her

"You could probably do that but let's not try it here," I said as she nodded, "I do have to get ready for a performance later today."

"You're able to perform after the attacks," Renée asked as I nodded, "what's this I hear about Sammy having one?"

I smiled, "While I was finishing a duel with Percy, she was having an attack that was caused by that pain from mine. I ducked under a fireball that she threw at Percy and me and rolled off him while she targeted him. I distracted her from them by putting her focus on me since I was the person who hurt her. Percy had given me Annabeth's hat so I used that to my advantage after I got rid of the dagger. Once she threw a fireball at me, I ducked it while putting the hat on. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her before she came back, she lit herself on fire and stabbed my wrist."

"You don't even look like someone who had just walked through fire," Pippa began. "Are you sure you aren't just imagining this," she asked as I chuckled showing her my wrist

"This scar says otherwise while the reason I'm not burned it because her grandfather blessed me with fire immunity," I explained to Pippa who nodded

"Can I see it," she asked as I chuckled

"Okay fine," I said as Sammy looked at me expectantly, "we can show her while you try to remove my immunity."

"Yes," Sammy exclaimed, pumping a fist into the air before lighting her hand on fire and placing it on my waist where I lifted the shirt. "I'm not trying to remove her immunity now," Sammy said as I felt the heat lick at my skin. "Now I'm trying," she said

"What if she gets injured," Jazzy asked as Renée left the room saying

"Make sure you get the smell of burnt flesh out of the room before I get back."

I chuckled before I answered Jazzy, "I can take a shower and heal myself before the show."

At that moment my whole side lit up in pain as I jumped from the pain of the flames, "Well it seems that she's gotten the hang of it," Pippa said with a giggled as I willed her flames to stop spreading

"That she did," I said looking up at her as she had backed up a couple of feet in shock

"I wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly," she said with a shy smile, "sorry."

I chuckled as I pulled my shirt over the burn, "It's fine," I said, "I'm just counting myself lucky that your grandfather also blessed me with control not just over fire but also over your fire powers."

Pippa arched an eyebrow as Jazzy's eyes lit up in a similar excitement that she has whenever she plays Peggy. I brought up a ball of fire in my hand and rolled it over my fingers

"That grandfather is very generous for you," Pippa said as she dabbed at Nico's face

"I'm fine, sis," he said trying to push the cloth from his face

"Just because Will isn't here doesn't mean that you don't have someone trying to take care of you," Pippa said. "I'll tape this cloth to your forehead if I have to," she added as Sammy and I snorted

"That's saying a lot coming from the sister who doesn't use her powers," Nico muttered and a dart hit him in his temple. "Who the Hades," he exclaimed, bolting up and rubbing his temple. "You're adults and you have Nerf guns," he asked as Jazzy giggled at Renée who was laughing while keeping a hold of the gun as she stood at the door

"You can never be too old for Nerf," I began, "remember Nico it is Nerf or nothing."

Sammy punched me in the shoulder, "Let's get you healed, I'm pretty sure some Apollo kids would have our hide if they saw us laughing like this."

I sighed, "All right," I began as we started walking by Renée, "am I wrong about the age limit for Nerf?"

"Is there even an age limit for those guns," Sammy asked as Renée and I shook our heads. We continued to walk away from the dressing room when Sammy stopped me by pulling on my arm

"What's wrong," I asked as she dove into my side

"We're going to die at some point," she said crying, "I'm not ready to die," she added as I felt my shirt dry up

"Hey," I said to find her chin and lifting it so her tearful amber eyes met mine, "we're not going to die anytime soon. All we can do right now is enjoy the present," I finished just as a dart hit my forehead

"Get some rest," Renée said from the dressing room

"And be shot by the mother who adopted you as she holds a Nerf gun," I added with a grumble as Sammy giggled. "Come on, let's go rest before one of use gets shot again."

"I'll second that," she said and we started walking to the end of the hall, "we still need to ask Lin if we could see Rachel."

I nodded as we made it to our room, "Thanks for the reminder," I began but stopped as I heard someone moving in the room. "Hello," I called out as I opened the door wider

Lin jumped and hit his head on the desk, "Ow," he exclaimed as I stifled some laughter

"Lin," I started moving but Sammy beat me to it while shooting me a glare, "what were you doing under the desk?"

Lin stood up and rubbed his head, "I was trying to clean up the mess from yesterday," he began. "As you can see, we got most of it but there was something I was trying to get that was underneath there."

I looked around and noticed that there wasn't a single bloodstain on the carpet or the bed or even the table where Sammy's hand was pierced. "What's underneath there," I asked as I went through my memories of that day, "I don't remember throwing anything there when I came back."

I started to kneel to look but Sammy beat me to it after shooting a glare at me, "Why does she keep glaring at you whenever you try to look," Lin asked as she knelt underneath the desk

I chuckled, "Well we tested something in the sister's dressing room because Jazzy didn't believe that there was such a thing as fire immunity after I told them about Sammy's PTSD attack. Earlier we talked about how I overpowered her immunity to win a duel and I suggest that she shows the immunity to Jazzy and then try to overpower it. She ended up burning my side," I explained as Sammy came up

"And I'm trying to make sure you don't hurt yourself anymore before we see Rachel," she said with a glare as she handed something to me. "What's this," she asked me as I grabbed it, "I didn't know you had a second laptop."

My eyebrows knit in confusion, "This is Annabeth's laptop," I began, "she originally lost in Tartarus but it appeared on her bunk when I first arrived at camp."

"That's odd," Lin said, "by the way V and I were planning on you two coming over to see the little one after the show if you're up for it."

I chuckled as a throb of pain came from my side, "You read our minds, Lin," I said with the chuckle. "After I take a rinse off to heal, I'll try and see why this appeared here because I'm sure as Hades that I didn't bring it with me."

Lin nodded, "Well take care of yourself and don't miss places," he said as we nodded before he left closing the door behind him

"I think I need to understand more about that thing before you open it up," Sammy began, "I have a bad feeling about it."

I nodded, "Well," I began as I put it on the desk, "if you don't mind watching me shower, I'll explain the laptop to you."

Sammy smirked, "I think we're both comfortable with that kind of thing after yesterday," she said as I blushed before nodding and taking off my shirt

"Well then," I said as I tried to take off my bra then blushed after a wave of pain hit once more. "A little help here," I asked as I put my arms down

"This is the only payback that you're getting," Sammy said with a chuckle as she went behind. Soon enough my bra was pushed off my shoulders and fell to the floor

"Thanks," I said as I looked at the burn, "did it have to be a handprint?"

Sammy chuckled, "Yep," she said with a smirk, "now what about this laptop?"

As she was asking this I was walking to the bathroom while getting the shorts off. "It came out of Percy and Annabeth's fourth quest," I began as I finally got the shorts off. "It's called the Battle of the Labyrinth, if you recall your Greek history a man by the name of Daedalus created the Labyrinth. It's a maze with paths that change no matter where you go with any kind of monster you can think of. Originally it held the minotaur in the center of the maze because the minotaur was the son of King Minos. King Minos hid the minotaur in there sending men and women for the beast to eat. Eventually Theseus, the son of King Aegeus of Athens which was the town that was being punished for King Minos sacrificing the wrong bull; entered the Labyrinth and killed the minotaur."

Sammy was following me as I stepped into the tub, "Yeah but why did they need the Labyrinth again," she asked as I started the shower

"Because Luke Castellan, the last host of Kronos, had a base there and there was a direct entrance to the Labyrinth at camp. Luke would send monsters into the woods to find and kill younger demigods or take them to the center. The center is where the camp was along with Daedalus," I sighed before hissing as the burn healed. "Once Percy and Annabeth got there with Grover and Rachel Dare, Daedalus gave the laptop to Annabeth before they left. That laptop can change to any size and produce a credit card but it was said to be lost and destroyed along with all of the plans that Annabeth had on it when she and Percy fell into Tartarus. When I first went to Camp Half-Blood," I paused as I started lathering soap into my hair. "I had to convince people that I was a Jackson after that Malcolm came up to me and showed me that the laptop appeared on Annabeth's bunk. It was all in one piece and there wasn't a scratch on it, it still had her plans up on the desktop when it was unlocked."

"That's weird," Sammy said from behind me and I spun around in the shower almost falling on my butt. "What," she began, "you're not the only one who needs to shower? And it's also better to hear you," she added with a shrug as I chuckled, "why would it start appearing now?"

Before I answered her question, I lifted a finger, "Warn me next time," I said then sighed. "Annabeth and I don't know," I began as I grabbed the body wash behind her. "Either someone is trying to warn us or see what we're up to," I continued thinking. "Annabeth has told me that the laptop isn't usually known to go to different people so even she thinks it's odd."

I started thinking as I rinsed off, suddenly arms wrapped around my waist as I felt her head rest on my back. "I am not looking forward to what's coming up in this life," she muttered as I laced my fingers through hers

Steam rose around us as the dreams flashed to the forefront of my mind, "Neither am I," I said as I brought her in front of me while stepping back so she wouldn't hit the faucet. "But we'll stick together through this," I continued as she giggled at the water pounding on her head. "I swear on the River Styx," I finished as I heard thunder rumble in the distance before I kissed her. The kiss lasted a minute before I started feeling her heat up, "Are you okay," I asked her as we parted

"Are you sure you're not ready for that," she asked me with a smirk as her eyes darted down and I blushed

"Making out yes," I began, "something inside of me, no, let's work towards that," I finished as Sammy giggled

After that we stepped out of the shower, "It is a little easier since we don't need towels anymore," Sammy said as I looked around the bathroom

"You're not wrong there," I said as I reapplied my water-proofing, "How the Hades did we forget clothes?"

Sammy chuckled kicking at her pile of dirty clothes and eyeing the shorts that I just took off, "Can I burn those," she asked with a smirk as I finger my necklaces, Percy said that I'd get a camp necklace soon and I was looking forward to it

I chuckled, "Definitely," I answered as she stepped toward them lighting one of her hands on fire. With the hand that wasn't ignited she tossed the shorts up into the air and caught them with a flaming hand. I smiled as the shorts burned to ashes that started falling to the floor. I felt the pull in my gut as I cooled down the embers that fell out of her hand with the steam that was still in the bathroom. Soon the shorts were no more while Sammy stood there with a smile on her face. "Had fun," I asked as she nodded, "let's get some clothes on and see why that laptop keeps showing up."

Soon I found her head laying on my stomach as I unlocked the laptop, "What the hell," she said as the screen lit up with the last document

Above were the notes that Annabeth had typed the last time I was on this laptop along with the list of suspected people but there was a warning typed in all caps.

If you stop looking for the answer things won't be any harder Jackson

Your time will come soon enough

I looked at Sammy then back at the screen, "We need to get this to Lin," I said as she lifted her head just as a knock sounded at the door

"Are you two lovebirds decent," the voice of Maria asked through the door

"Yes," I began as I stood up and the door open, "but we need to get this to Lin and the other demigod cast members."

"Why not dad," Maria asked, "and the only cast member that is here are the demigods," she added as I nodded

"Dad's getting ready for the search, remember," I asked as she nodded, "could you get those cast members here for me?"

She nodded, "Can I ask why so they understand," she said as I nodded

"I left this laptop at camp after Annabeth typed out what we already knew and what was happening the first time I was there," I began. "No one aside from me, her and possibly Percy and Daedalus himself would know the password to it."

While explaining I turned the laptop screen to her as she paled and ran through the hall. Soon enough everyone was crowded into the room looking at the laptop

"I already contacted Thalia Grace who said that she and Cass will stop by with Leo before they go to New Orleans to look for Hazel," Lin said and just as he finished three sets of footsteps came down the hall

"I can read that from here," Leo's voice exclaimed as Thalia and Cass appeared

"Is that what was up when you opened it," Thalia asked and I nodded, "I suggest that someone houses these two until the end of the summer."

"I can house both of them," Renée began, "I adopted one of them and I'm pretty sure the room for Sammy isn't ready yet. Alexis is a demigod as well but he's not from camp so he wouldn't know the ins and outs of it in case things go south."

Lin and Thalia nodded as Leo approached the laptop, "This is Daedalus' laptop," he said in awe. "Would Annabeth mind if I took it with me to look over," he asked

I'd rather you go through everything first to see if it was tampered with system-wise, Annabeth said as I shook my head

"Annabeth and I would like to go through some diagnostics to see if it was tampered with," I began. "There are some things that have passwords that she wouldn't like you to get to," I finished as my mother started chuckling

Leo nodded, "Understandable," he began, "she wouldn't let me ten feet within that laptop," he finished as I smirked

"Call us if you find anything," Thalia said, "we have to get to New Orleans as soon as possible. With this kind of information, I will need to IM Chiron and Renya and ask for them to put extra security for both camps."

I nodded, "Go ahead," I said, "the bathrooms behind me," I added as she nodded walking into the bathroom

"You two pack your bags," Renée began, "I don't think Lin would mind you taking the duration of the show to see if that laptop's booby-trapped."

"I need her for this one," Lin began, "I can take them to your place after they visit Rachel too."

"Did someone get hurt," Pippa asked as Lin nodded, "I hope they're okay," she added

"She's fine," Lin answered, "it was a small accident and she's recovering," he added. "Take the laptop with you, I was one of the people who watched Annabeth figure it out along with deciphering some of the things that were in there. Three minds may be better than one," he said with a wink and I nodded

"Thank you, Lin," I said as I shut the laptop, "Sammy and I will pack before the show, and then I'll come down to get ready. If you want Sammy, you can stay here and keep an eye on the laptop and the room seeing as you can control the flames, I'd like you to make sure nothing catches fire if it starts to explode. I'm pretty sure Maria wouldn't mind staying with you either," I said as everyone nodded

"You are so much like your mother," Lin said before turning to Maria, "do you have a place to stay? I don't want anyone staying the night here alone," he said as she nodded

"I do and I will message Rose to let her know that I got home safely," she said as I looked at the time

"Five o'clock," I read off, "dinner, packing and prepping," I sang as everyone's eyes widened and my stomach grumbled in tune with Sammy's

"We may have slept through lunch," Sammy said with a blush

By the time I was full and, on the stage, everything was packed while Sammy and Maria got to know each other. Before I knew it, I was bowing with the rest of the cast and walking off with them

I changed into the sweatpants and shirt that I had on before I walked up to the room. "Ready to go," I asked the two as they sat talking on my bed

Sammy's head snapped up in my direction and she smiled before darting to me with a hug, "You are an amazing human being," she exclaimed as she planted her face into my stomach.

"What makes me so amazing this time," I asked arching an eyebrow

"Helping Freshman even when you weren't one yourself," Maria answered as I chuckled

"I think I would have been a tutor if I went to that school," I said with a smirk as I hugged Sammy. "You ready," I asked again, "okay let's go Lin's waiting for us."

"You two stay safe," Maria said, "I'll text you when I get home you text me when you two get to Renée's."

I nodded, "Will do," I said giving her a side hug before she left the room since Sammy was stuck to my side. "When are you going to let my side breathe," I asked her as she chuckled

"Once I get a kiss," she muttered as I sighed

"Okay," I said before kissing her for a solid minute, "Let's go, for all we know Lin could've finished with stage dooring by now."

Once we made it to the door Lin was standing there waiting for us, "About time you two made it here," he began. "I'm going to be signing some playbills and taking some picture you two just wait outside for me," he finished as we nodded

We stepped out behind Lin amongst the cheering fans who tried to get his attention. I was understudying for Eliza for about a week and a part of the ensemble for about two months and have been known to be Renée's daughter for three months. Sammy has been officially Lin's adopted daughter for not even a month but someone was cheering our names. She had brunette hair hanging over the railing as she held out two bags grinning from ear to ear

"Good evening," I said as I walked over to her after pointing her out to Sammy. "How can we help you," I asked her

"Hello," she began, "my name is Avery Johnson, these gifts are for you from your fans who couldn't make it. Could you two please sign my playbill," she asked as we smiled

"Why yes we can," I said as I looked toward the door, "would you like it if Lin signs it too," I asked as I saw the son of Athena looking all over for us

Sammy was signing the playbill first as Avery's face lit up, "Yes please," she said with excitement. I waved Lin over after yelling his name before Sammy gave me the playbill to sign

"Why hello there," Lin said as he approached us as I signed, "what's your name?"

Avery went over her introduction once more this time asking Lin to sign her playbill. "Thank you for these gifts," Sammy said as she took the bags one of them being orange while the other was sea green

"Thank you for signing my playbill," she said as I smiled

"You're welcome," I said as Lin handed the playbill back to her with a grin

"Have a wonderful night," he said before she walked away

"You too," she said as she jumped up and down

Lin then turned to me, "Told you that you need to stage door more," he said as I stuck a tongue out. "Come on," he began with a laugh, "you two can open those in the car."

We both nodded before heading to a car parked behind a local pizza place, once in the car Sammy and I started opening our gifts. Inside mine was a stuffed teddy bear with some chocolate and makeup. Sammy's also had chocolates and makeup but had a stuffed turtle with it

"I'm guessing that these people think you're Laurens and you like turtles," I said as I dug a KitKat out of the bag

She looked at me with mock shock and hugged the turtle, "You do know me yet," she began. "I may like them I may not," she finished as I laughed

"I stand corrected," I said as I at the chocolate

"What else is in there," Lin began from the driver's seat, "there are usually letters in gifts like those."

I dug around in the bag some more before my finger caught on two envelopes that blended in with the bottom of the bag. "Sammy, there may be some notes in your bag, check the bottom," I said as I grabbed them and opened the first one.

Dear Rose

I understand that you may be reading this in the car right now but it was wonderful meeting you. I want to let you know that you are a wonderful person and that people love you here. Don't let anyone bring you down no matter what

Love to be your friend

Avery Johnson

Below her signature there was a phone number before I opened the second letter, I put the number in my phone. After I put the phone back into my sweatpants pocket, I read the next letter

Dear Rose

We hope that this letter finds you in good health

Don't worry about putting any wealth in our pockets (you need it more than us)

We wrote this letter to let you know a few things

The first being that you're an amazing person and that we wish there were more people like you aside from the sorrow.

The second is to be careful of the one closest to you, you will never know who's going to turn on you.

Don't let that second thing drive you to commit suicide, we trust your judgment just please be careful. We'd love to keep one of our cinnamon rolls on this Earth for as long as possible.

Your Obedient Servants

Goldsberry fans 103

I scrunch my nose as the warning as I folded up the letter, "I didn't know that I already had fans," I began. "There's number 103 is on here I wonder what it means," I finished as I grabbed another piece of chocolate and ate it

"That might be the number of fans that you have," Lin said as I saw a tear roll down Sammy's cheek

"Everything okay Sams," I asked as I rubbed her knee

"These letters," she began as I looked at her, "they're threatening me," she looked up at me. "One of them says that I should stay away from you and that I'd be a bad example for you and your future family. Another is probably from the gang that my family was trying to get away from saying that they'll find me and kill me."

"We'll prove them wrong," I began, "and we'll work to keep you safe from them and any monsters after us."

As I was saying this, I was looking into her amber eyes that were full of tears, "Thank you, Rose," she said before attacking with another hug

Soon after that, we pulled into the driveway of Lin's place which had a garage to it. "You two leave your things in the car," Lin began, "Sammy can I have that letter so I can show it to Vanessa?"

Sammy handed him the letter as I stepped out of the car, "You don't have to take care of this Lin," she said as he chuckled

"A gang's threatening you," he began, "and I'm your father through adoption so please tell me everything when you can."

Sammy's eyes darted to me then to Lin and back at me, "What was that number on your letter," she asked me as I closed the door

"103," I answered, "why?"

"That's their number," she began, "the gang used to sign each letter with that number but I don't know why that one in particular same with why they kept it."

"How do you know this," Lin asked as she looked at him

"I was pretty much their scribe but nobody couldn't kill me because I was the boss's girlfriend," Sammy explained. "They could hurt me however they liked but they couldn't kill me or else that would be a death sentence from them. My smart cocky mouth had me in a lot of close calls but I didn't experience anything close to death until my boyfriend was killed," she finished. "I'm pretty sure they're still looking for me now," she added

Lin straightened himself, "Let's bring those bags in and start unwrapping the candy," he began. "I'm sorry you two but we may need to dissect your stuffed animals," he finished looking at the turtle that Sammy still hugged out of nervousness

"I can be the temporary replacement for the turtle if you need someone to hug," I said as I opened the car door to grab my bag with the teddy bear. "I'd rather be safe than sorry," I added as she nodded before giving the stuffed animal to Lin who already had her bag. Before I made it to their side of the car, she tackled my side, "I think after this, cuddles are overdue."

"You bet," she said her voice muffled by my stomach

"Let's get inside," I began, "I'm pretty sure there are two people who are waiting to see us."

Sammy chuckled as she then jumped on my back, "Yep," she said as she rested her head on my shoulder while crossing her legs around my waist.

I took a few steps toward the door before it opened and I was tackled by someone else

"Mommy," the little voice cheered as I staggered with the force of the four-year-old attacking me.

"Hey there little one," I said ruffling her hair

"About time you three made it here," Vanessa's voice sounded from the door, "hey Rose look up."

I did as I was told and noticed that she was holding a camera, "Rachel look at the camera," I said to the toddler who was still hugging my leg

Soon a flash came from the phone and Vanessa was looking at it while tapping some things. "Come on, I have some snacks for you guys so you won't starve while you're hanging out and figuring that out," she said nodding towards the bag. "Don't worry Sammy," she began, "That turtle will be re-stuffed after our dissection I'll be sure of it," she finished as I felt a thumbs-up from under my chin

"Come on mommy," Rachel's voice said as she started tugging my free hand, "I want to show you my room."

I chuckled as I let her pull me along into the house, "Lead on," I said with a smile

Soon we found each other sitting on a floor in a bedroom that had toys littering the floor along with pictures along the walls. "You want to make this official," Sammy asked me as she sat on her knees

I looked at her as I smiled, "You bet I do," I said as I dug my phone out, "Hey Rachel," I said. "You want to take a picture with your two mothers," I asked as both hers and Sammy's face lit up in happiness

"Yeah," she said as she made her way to us and Sammy rested her head on my shoulder once more

Once Rachel was in my lap, I stuck out my hand and took the picture, before posting it on social media I tagged Sammy in it and put the caption

Life is getting better, have an amazing girlfriend and an equally amazing daughter that I am glad to be reunited with.

Sammy looked into my eyes after I posted it to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, "What," I asked

"I freaking love you," she said with a smirk

"I love you too," I said before kissing her