Chapter 28: School on A Saturday

The week flew by in a blur after Lin dropped me off at Renée's house after I posted that picture of the three of us Lin and I went to work on the laptop. We couldn't find anything wrong with it but something didn't feel right about a laptop appearing almost everywhere I went so Lin suggested that I take a look at it. Once Sammy and I put our things away Renée suggested that I take a look at the entrance to the Labyrinth and show it to Sammy. After about twenty minutes of us looking around the cavern in awe, we sat on bean bags that sat closer to the ladder with the laptop sitting on my lap as I grumbled. Eventually, I created a mist-form of Annabeth to help figure out the bad feeling in my gut.

"I don't have a clue who else would know how to hide something in this laptop," she said as I scrolled through the list of files. "What's that," she asked, pointing to a file of numbers. "Every file I put on here has a name either in Greek, Latin, Norse, or English, and if there's a number in the title I always spelled it out."

"When did you have the time to learn Norse," Sammy asked her as Annabeth smirked

"My cousin follows Norse traditions," Annabeth began, "he taught me the language after I threatened his falafel."

Sammy let out a low whistle, "I'm ready," she began, "click open the file," she added

As soon as I clicked the numbered file open, I dropped the laptop to cover my ears. I then felt the pull in my gut disappear as I was forced to the back of my head

Taking control to turn it off but after that, you two have to get out of here with that, Annabeth said as I felt my body move to the laptop

Thanks, mom, I said as I watched her press some keys turning the sound off

As soon as I was back in control a growl sounded from all sides of the room, "Schist," Sammy said, "we're surrounded we won't be able to open the hatch in enough time."

I cursed looking up at the closed hatch hoping that Renée heard the sound so she could help us. I slid the laptop into the bag that I brought down with us, "I guess we have to fight," I said as I rotated my wrist while flinging the bag behind my back

"Or we could throw a fireball down each tunnel before anything can get to us," Sammy said as she hurled a fireball at the tunnel in front of her

"We wouldn't have the time to get every tunnel in here," I said, "those growls were too close for us to get every tunnel in time. I'm praying that Alexis and Renée heard that and they're going to help us soon," I said as I put my dagger back and spun my ring bringing up my bow. "Archery practice," I ordered, "preferably arrows with fire," I added as I slid my arm in the other loop of my bag before tapping the owl pendant. I felt the armor appear underneath my clothing as I shot a flaming arrow into the first tunnel. I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach as I saw all the monsters shown by the flames

"This isn't going to work," Sammy said, "any other great ideas," she asked just as someone dropped down between us. The figure then dashed down the northern tunnel as two more people appeared between us.

"Are you two okay," Renée asked as we nodded, "Maria was sleeping in the living room when she heard the sound. She woke Alexis and me up asking about any underground entrances here," she explained. "After this, you're going to need to explain what happened," she added and I nodded

"You got it," I said with a smirk as I felt the flames spread down the tunnels that were on fire. "Sammy," I began, "calm your flames down or else they're going to burn the house down," I said as I worked on calming my flames down. "Could you help me with mine too, it grew faster than I can control."

Soon both tunnels were extinguished and we were fighting with swords and daggers as I heard Renée speaking while Alexis was fending off monsters with a spatha. I could barely see Maria in the darkness of fighting but I had a feeling that she was fighting the same pattern that I had begun. Stab, slash, dodge, stab, slash, dodge; and before we knew we were all standing in a circle of monster dust. I looked at Sammy who was panting as much as I was

"Is everyone okay," she asked as I capped my sword

"I'm fine," I said as I looked at everyone else

"Rose you're covered in scratches are you sure you're okay," Renée asked as I chuckled looking at her and Alexis

"I'm not in danger of dying," I said, "and I still have two limbs missing no more than that."

Alexis chuckled, "That's good to note," he said as he rubbed his arm which was riddled with cuts. "What was the cause of this," he asked as I looked around finally seeing Maria coming up

"You can show them," Annabeth's voice said as I felt a pull in my gut and saw Alexis step back in surprise. "There are enough of them to fight off anything if it happens again," she added as I slid my bag off of my bag

"It was a file," I began as I slid the bag off and pulled out the laptop, "the only one with numbers because Annabeth prefers everything to be spelled out along within a different language so certain people can't access anything. Once I opened the file that noise came up, none of us saw what the file held because Annabeth took control to silence it and close the laptop. I was putting it in the bag as I heard the monsters."

Once the screen lit up with the document it showed an audio file with the title Monster Summoner. The audio file was above a video that showed a man with golden eyes smiling evilly.

"No," Annabeth began, "He shouldn't be back now," she finished

"Who is he," Sammy asked behind my shoulder as we stared at the frozen image of the man looking at us. He had golden eyes and blonde hair, there was a scar that went from his eyebrow to his jawline.

"Luke Castellan," I began before Annabeth could answer, "that was his name before the Titan of time took control over him."

"Kronos shouldn't be alive," Annabeth said, "play the video," she order and I tapped on the mousepad to play it

The image moved as the being smirked, "Good morning or evening Jackson," he began. "This is a message from me, Lord Kronos Titan of time, I know who's grasp this laptop is in because I had some help enchanting it to appear to whoever has dear Annabeth's consciousness. Sadly, it has to come to this but I shall give you the time to think over this upcoming offer. Live your life peacefully while ignoring the ever-nagging voice of your mother and she will disappear for good. If you don't, I will guarantee a terrible end for this world and the Olympians that still sit on those thrones. Farewell Jackson, I hope you make the right decision."

Suddenly the screen went black as a timer appeared counting down from ten, "Throw it and get ready to suppress an explosion," Annabeth ordered just as I jumped up.

"A little help Sams," I said just as I threw the laptop down the first tunnel, I could find

"You got it," she said just as the laptop exploded in the middle of the tunnel

I felt a pull in my gut as the flames licked the wall that I had formed at the entrance. "You three get out of here," I began, "you're not fireproof so I'd rather you not get burned."

Maria nodded as Alexis and Renée walked to the ladder, "Zoë," Sammy began as I glanced over at her. "We're going to need to have this flame expand to stop it," she said. "Give Renée your bag and form a shield by the hatch," she added as I nodded sliding the bag off my back

"You got it," I said as I gave the bag to her, "Have everyone leave the room just in case I can't encase the hatch completely."

Renée nodded as Maria raised her hand, "No," Renée began, "you're not fireproof so I don't want to take the chance."

Maria sighed, "Fine, you two better not die," she said as I chuckled

"No promises Thaly," Sammy said through gritted teeth, "now get up that ladder."

Dejectedly, Maria climbed up the ladder after Renée and Alexis after sticking her tongue out at us. Once the hatch closed the only light that was in the cavern was of the fire that was causing pain in my gut.

"On three," I said as I felt Sammy's fingers link through mine

"One," she began

"Two," I continued

"Three," we yelled in unison as we relinquished our hold on the flames, heat soon enveloped my body as I felt Sammy cling to me and I kept a wall around our only exit. I felt my clothes burn off along with Sammy's as I gritted my teeth trying to maintain the wall around our only way out. By the time the fire had died down Sammy and I were huddled against each other, panting, naked, and sweaty.

"At least we're used to seeing each other this way," Sammy said as I looked at the unscathed exit

"Yeah," I said with a sigh, "I am not looking forward to climbing that ladder," I said

"But sadly, we have to," Sammy said standing up, "come on, we have to get some rest after that."

"But I'm fine," I said with a lopsided grin then her amber eyes dug into mine, "all right but no clothes because I'm afraid that my skins to hot that they'll burn off."

Sammy chuckled, "I'll second that," she began as I climbed the ladder, "you do have quite the ass," she added, "cuddles or make out?"

I chuckled as I looked down at her, even though she was dirty with soot and sweat she still looked beautiful. "How about a make out," I said as she chuckled once more before I cracked open the hatch. Maria stood there surrounded by a wall of water, "I'd suggest you get out of the room," I began, "that is unless you want to see us completely naked."

"Why are you two naked," Maria asked as I chuckled

"We may be fireproof but our clothes weren't," I answered as I saw her nod

"There are some rags and water here for you to at least clean yourself up," she began after she collected herself. "Everyone agrees that you two rest before we talk about the video," she finished

"Be sure to call one of us to wake us up," I said before hearing the door close, I then looked down to the blushing yet smiling face of Sammy. "Why are you blushing I don't want to be faced with embarrassment tomorrow morning," I asked her as I opened the hatch even more so we could get out

"I'm just blushing at how I have such an amazing girlfriend," she said as I blushed. "She's just as amazing as she is hot," she added as I blushed harder

"Well you're the hottest one here," I said as she climbed up, "and I'm one-hundred percent sure of it."

After I added that I kissed her with a deep passion that I didn't think I still had. We settled with cuddles that night because our powers exhausted us to do much of anything else. When the morning came the whole family concluded that after a concert that Sammy and I had already volunteered for, we were going to head to camp to tell everyone about the video.

If only we got to the end of the concert

In the tangles of worry about my new life, everyone had forgotten the problems of my old life.

Almost everyone that is since the prosthetics reminded me of the shooting every day along with the scar on Sammy's stomach. Sadly, that family didn't stop bothering me after their two sons went to jail after that shooting. That Saturday was the day that the parents joined their sons in jail

Sammy woke me up with a shake of urgency instead of a kiss, "Sammy," I began with a groan. "For Hades' sake please sleep in, it's Saturday," I mumbled as I rolled into the pillow with a groan

"We have that concert silly," Sammy said as I stayed face-down in the bed, "remember today's supposed to be the day we perform together."

"Oh right," I began into the pillow, "that's after making pancakes for all those random strangers," I said rolling onto my side to face her. "All right I'm up," I said once she set her hand on fire, "you do remember that I am fireproof right?"

"Not when you're asleep," she said as I sat up rubbing my eyes, "hurry up we have ten minutes before Renée wants to leave," she added before I pushed myself off the bed. I looked at her head to toe

"A word of advice for someone who's done this before," I began taking in her beautiful outfit that consisted of jeans, an amazing top, and heels. "Wear tennis shoes instead so you don't get blisters, change to heels when it's time to perform," I finished as she nodded, going to find the right shoes. I went to get changed in a similar outfit but with a different top, "Hey where did you put your skirt and shoes," I asked her as I spun on my heel looking for a bag

"They're in a bag on the chair by the computer desk," she answered from across the hall. "Could you put a charger in there in case one of our phones die," she asked as I put my things in the bag along with a charger

"Already on it," I said as I moved the bag to the bed just as she came in

"I love you," she said as she gave me a peck on the cheek before heading to the desk

"Hey I haven't had one of those yet," I said hooking her around the waist

"Then let me give you one," she said before kissing me, as I kissed her back there was a knock on the doorframe as someone cleared their throat

"Okay, you two lovebirds," Renée's voice said, "I hope you're to go because it's almost time to leave."

"We'll be down there soon," I said as I hugged Sammy looking at the two adults

"Okay, see you soon," Renée said before taking a blushing Alexis with her

"Why do I have a bad feeling about today," Sammy said as she borrowed her face into my teal shirt

"Maybe because it's my first concert," I offered as she looked up at me in confusion, "we missed the Christmas concert because of the shooting and I didn't come to the school until it was closer to Christmas."

She nodded, "Maybe it's that but it's more than nerves for you, I feel like something's going to happen to you," she added as I smirked

"If it's anything life-threatening I'll make sure not to do anything stupid or give up on you," I said kissing her on the forehead. "Come on, we gotta leave, or else Renée's going to have our hide."

I chuckled as I followed her down the stairs with the bag in hand, "Okay, I'm coming," I said with a smile

Once we got downstairs Renée was waiting there with Pippa, "About time you got here," Pippa said as Renée huffed turning on her heel. "There's a surprise today for the whole school," she added with a grin

"I can't wait to see it," Sammy said with a grin as she clung to my arm and I smiled. Ever since she was formally adopted the school has gotten a lot of surprises. Once we started heading to the car with Renée telling me that Pippa was taking us to the school the nerves started attacking me. "What's wrong Rosy," Sammy asked

"Nothing," I began, "just nerves," I added as I Pippa glanced at me

"What are you nervous about," she asked as we got into the car

"This is my first time performing at the school with the choir," I said remembering the surprise when I first got there. "I missed the first two concerts because I got there too late for the first one and the shooting caused me to miss the Christmas concert."

Pippa turned to look at me within a heartbeat, "You'll be fine," she began, "that'll be the same as being my understudy for Eliza. It wouldn't matter if you were only ahead performing on the stage, you'd still be amazing."

I chuckled as Sammy grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "I'll be there as well as the cast," she said. "I'm pretty sure I won't be the closest person supporting you either," she added with a wink

I smiled, "Thanks guys," I said as Sammy rested her head on my shoulder, "let's get going."

As we were on our way to the school I started thinking more about the video from last night. A Titan who isn't supposed to be alive in the lifetime of my parents somehow created a video in the depths of Tartarus that exploded the laptop that fell with my mother.

Please don't overthink this, Annabeth began, just have fun with this concert. I have the same feelings as Sammy about something happening but I can't be sure of it.

Thanks for the reassurance mom, I thought to her as we pulled out to the school

You're welcome Zoë, she said as I stepped out of the car

Sammy looked at the car as Pippa and Renée drove off, "Let's go inside," I said, "it's still a little cold."

"I could warm you up," Sammy said with a smirk as I shot a glare at her

"I do not have fireproof clothing Samantha," I said in more of an angry whisper than a yell as she chuckled

"Don't you think I know that Rose," she said as I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the school. Once we stepped inside, we made it to the choir room to find out that it was locked, "Did we make it here before the teachers," Sammy asked and I shrugged

"It appears so," I said as I looked into the darkroom, "you wanna walk around and see if there's anyone else here?"

Sammy smiled then nodded, "Yeah," she said lacing her fingers through mine, "let's go see if the gate's open too."

I chuckled as she pulled me down the hall, after Valentine's day we made ourselves official to the school almost instantly. The school considered us star-crossed lovers and the choir loved our relationship even more once we told them that we met each other before I even transferred. They considered us soulmates after that story and the one where she sat with me in the hospital.

Eventually, we got back to the choir room to see that one of our teachers came, "Good morning you two," Mrs. Diamond said. "You're here early," she added as we walked into the choir room

I shrugged, "The cast has something planned for the school so they thought it was better we were dropped off here so the surprise isn't ruined for us."

The teacher nodded, "I know that you two didn't sign up for set up but since you're here unlike the people who did, could you help me?"

Sammy and I nodded and before we knew it, we were in the cafeteria with our things in the choir room. Soon after Mrs. Faye appeared next to us, "Rose, could you get a basket from the last cabinet of the robe room? It has plastic utensils in it," she asked as I nodded before leaving the cafeteria. I found it relatively and as I was leaving, I saw Sammy grabbing boxes of pancake griddles before following me out to the cafeteria.

"Okay Rose," Mrs. Faye began as she stood at the door, "sort the utensils so there are only forks and knives. Sammy, please go over to where Mrs. Diamond is," she finished as I nodded

"Don't drop those Sammy, they're precious," I said with a giggle as I made it to where Mrs. Faye pointed

"Oh, shut it, Goldsberry," she said with a smirk as she passed me to the end of the table

"You love me, Miranda," I said with a grin as I started sorting the utensils

"That I do," she said with a wink as she turned to talk to Mrs. Diamond

I swear to gods if you hurt her, I'm going to find a way to drown you, Annabeth threatened in my head. You two deserve each other so much Aphrodite must be sitting on the edge of her throne watching you two closely.

I mean a Jackson dating a Valdez is something in of itself mom, I began as I set a spoon on the table. I rather die than hurt her, I finished as I put the forks in the basket with the knives

I am glad you see it my way, Annabeth said as I asked Mrs. Faye what she wanted me to do with the spoons

"Just throw them away," she said waving me away

I nodded then went to see what Sammy was doing, "Hey there stranger," I began, "what are you doing?"

"Plugging in the griddles so they'll heat up in enough time," she said as she stood up from under the table. "Could you help me with this," she asked and I nodded kneeling to see what she needed help with. A few minutes had passed and before I knew it there were other people from the choir with us and we were finishing the preparations for people to come in. "You ready to serve the strangers," Sammy asked with a tired grin

"About as ready as a waitress can be with their shift," I answered before kissing her forehead, "talk to you before our solo, don't burn yourself."

Sammy chuckled, "It would be for good reason if I burned myself," she said as I glared at her. "Fine I won't," she said just as the doors opened

I saw Ric's mother who looked healthier than ever, she had his brothers with them and smiled once Sammy rubbed my shoulder reassuringly and someone pointed out that we were together

"I'm happy that you moved on," she said before leaving with her two kids

"I for one am not," a voice said in the line and I groaned, "let me tell you, Stevens. You deserve to suffer, you're not worth anything even a candy bar, soda or even a cup of water," he finished coming up to my station

"I think you should catch up on last names Mr. William," our friend Ted said. "And also, she's worth all of that a movie and more," he added as he flipped a pancake

"So, it's suggested that you eat your food and leave," Sammy began next to me, "and never mess with her again," she said, dropping some pancakes in the slow-cooker to keep them warm. As a girl that Annabeth and I concluded being a daughter of Aphrodite, giggle Mr. William grumbled walking away and sitting at a table to watch me and eat

"I have no clue why he's here," I began as I served someone a piece of sausage. "He's not my foster family anymore so he should stop trying to make my life a living hell."

"Goldsberry, Miranda, your solos are coming up, you should get ready soon," Mrs. Diamond called from the door as someone took my station while I worked on untying the apron for them. Once I got it off, I followed Sammy to the choir room

"A hundred percent agreed," Sammy began as we made it to the choir room to drink some water and fix our hair. "So, don't worry about it and focus on the solo, I'll be here if anything happens."

"Thank you for being here," I said giving her a peck on the cheek

"Anytime," she said as she leaned into it, after that we began warming up and before I knew it, we were in the hall waiting to sing our solo. "You okay," she said me as we waited by the door

"Yeah," I began as I thought over my part for our song which was For Good from Wicked. "Just nervous," I added as I heard the talking die down

"There's no need to worry," Sammy began as she slipped her hand into mine, "I'll be here to help and so will everyone else," she finished as she squeezed my hand

After Mrs. Faye introduced us, we stepped out and behind our respective microphones. In front of me sat Percy as he smiled and winked, Leo sat in front of Sammy as did another man that looks like my girlfriend's father. I then noticed that Bianca and Thalia sat next to Percy as I saw Pippa and Renée sitting behind them. Before Sammy and I started singing Annabeth said two things

Those two being here is surprising and break a leg

Thanks, mom, I thought before I began the song

Singing with Sammy was wonderful, it's twice as better when both your adoptive family and your real family are present. But it's not so good when a pancake is thrown at your face at the end of it

"You've never been good at singing, I'm surprised you even got that solo with someone like her you punk," Mr. William growled as the crowd muttered in confusion and I wiped the syrup from my eyes. I saw him being led out of the building as Leo held back Sammy and Percy held back my sisters. I sighed before walking into a nearby bathroom. As I washed the syrup from my face and clothes before the choir performances I looked into the mirror. I got one good luck of the person before a sharp pain in my head caused me to see black.

Sammy's P.O.V

"Don't you think she's been through enough already," Bianca's voice screamed at Mr. William as Leo and his doppelganger held me back. Just as Leo let go of my Michael and Ted ran up to us

"What happened," Ted asked once he saw me, "where's Rose?"

For a minute I forgot that we weren't at camp and I almost called her by her real name. "She's in the bathroom right now, that jerk from earlier threw a pancake in her face," I said as I looked to see Bianca and Thalia along with the demigod cast with Percy. "I'll be back I'm gonna go check on her," I said before walking into the bathroom that she was in. Just as I was entering someone rushed past me, I stopped dead in my tracks once I entered. Zoë was on the other side of the bathroom in an unconscious lump bleeding and bruised, "I'll be back Rose," I said before turning on my heel and stomping out of the bathroom to find the woman who just left. Lucky for me there were still officers from the pancake incident so I didn't have to call anyone I just had to make a scene. My anger was fit for that, "Are you finally done torturing her you," I was interrupted by Ted who reminded me where I was. "Jerk for now but you're much more than that considering you beat her to a pulp in the bathroom and left just as I walked in. You can't hide the blood still on your clothes," the tears streamed down my face as Calypso tried to calm me down and keep me from using my powers on the mortal. "What is with your family, she deals with a shooting thanks to your sons on her first week here. She loses two of her limbs in that shooting, afterward I lost most of my family but then I found more. Finally, at a time and place where she's supposed to be happy you beat her up after one of the best solos she's had. Stand up for yourself you coward, say something I know it was you, you were the only one in there with her. How the Hades did you cover her screams," I finished with a sob as I realized Leo, Ted, and the man were holding me back

Finally, the woman turned around, "She deserved it," she began, "after leaving us she doesn't deserve a happy life with anyone but us. She partied all the time, got drunk and hurt the whole family but we still loved her," she finished as I scoffed

"More like you beat the living- "

"Sammy," Leo reminded me

"Out of her, she was tortured by your drunk- "

"Samantha," Percy said glancing at me

"Sons that she vowed that she's never drinking a drop of alcohol and that she's waiting to have sex. "That's a combination of you and all the foster parents that she's had in her life. Not a single soul on this Earth deserves the beating you gave her you, - "

"Samantha," everyone in the area yelled reminding me one last time

I relaxed in the hold as I saw the officers approaching her, "I hope you enjoy your time in jail you freak," I said turning to head back to the bathroom. Before I did so I looked at everyone and smiled as the tears threatened to take over. "Thank you," I said right before running into the bathroom

Rose's P.O.V

Pain, that's all I felt

Pain all over my body including my phantom limbs, Annabeth was trying to keep me awake as the darkness ebbed at my vision. I knew that this was coming eventually

That doesn't mean that you deserve it, she said as I smiled

If I die, tell Sammy I'm sorry, I thought back to her before I welcomed the darkness that I was, unfortunately, missing in the cruel life
